No person shall paint, stencil or affix, or cause to be painted, stenciled or affixed, any house or street address number on any curb in any public street without first having obtained a permit to do so from the city engineering division.
No such permit shall be issued until the applicant therefor has complied with the following requirements:
Application shall be made on a form provided by the city and filed with the engineering division. Applicant shall provide all the information requested, including the area of the city in which said numbering work is to be performed.
Each application submitted shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable permit fee according to a schedule established by the city council by resolution.
Applicants intending to paint, stencil or affix house or street numbers upon curbs abutting property other than their own shall file with the engineering division a policy of public liability insurance in which the city has been named as insured or additional insured with the permittee. The policy of insurance shall insure the city and its officers and employees against all claims arising out of or in connection with the issuance of the permit or the operation of the permittee or his agents or contractors pursuant to the permit. The policy of insurance shall provide coverage as follows:
Bodily injury: two hundred fifty thousand dollars per person, five hundred thousand dollars each accident;
Property damage: fifty thousand dollars each accident.
Each person painting house numbers on curbs shall keep a copy of such permit upon his person and available for inspection at all times while performing such work.
Each person painting house numbers on curbs shall not represent in any way to the owner or occupant of the premises in question or to anyone that the painting of such numbers upon the curb or elsewhere, and the payment therefor, is required by any law, rule or regulation whatsoever.
Every permit issued under the provisions of this chapter shall state the date on which it is issued and the date on which it is to expire. All permits issued shall automatically expire twelve months from the date of their issuance, provided no expiration date is shown on the permit.
(Ord. 1868 § 1, 1994)
The engineering division may adopt such reasonable rules and regulations in furtherance of the provisions of this chapter as said division shall determine are necessary including, but not limited to, rules regarding the work to be performed and the method and manner of solicitation of such work and the payment therefor.
(Ord. 1868 § 1, 1994)
The engineering division may revoke or suspend any permit issued under the provisions of this chapter upon the permittee's violation of or failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter or the rules and regulations of the engineering division or any other applicable law of this city or the state.
(Ord. 1868 § 1, 1994)
Neither the city nor any department, officer or employee thereof shall be liable or responsible for any work done by any permittee under the provisions of this chapter, or by any employee, agent or independent contractor of the city who paints over, obliterates or removes any house or street number upon any curb in the course of establishing any official traffic control, curb painting or street signing, or in the process of repair or replacement of curbs.
(Ord. 1868 § 1, 1994)
Dimensions. Numerals shall be four inches in height, two and one-half inches in width with a stroke width of approximately three-fourths inch. The house number shall be centered on a six-inch by sixteen-inch rectangular background.
Colors. The rectangular background shall be white; the numerals shall be black.
Style of Numerals. Numerals shall be of a conventional block design with a vertical axis (not slanted). Threes shall be rounded, not flat, on top. Fours shall be closed at the top. Nines shall be inverted sixes. Ones shall be a vertical line, or a vertical line with a flag not to exceed one-half inch.
Paint. Paint shall be top-quality fast-drying nondrip street pavement marking paint or a paint of equal quality approved by the city engineer. Spherical glass beads shall be forcefully applied while the paint is still tacky.
Placement. The house number shall be placed on the vertical curb face according to the following:
The top of the six-inch by sixteen-inch rectangular background shall be placed not more than one-half inch below the top of the curb.
On interior (noncorner) lots with driveways and corner lots with driveways in the front, the address numbers shall be placed on the same side of the driveway as the house and within one foot of the top of the relevant driveway curb cut, if feasible.
On corner lots with driveways on the side street, and on all lots with no driveway, the address numbers shall be placed on the curb face in front of the primary entrance to the house on the street to which the address is assigned.
(Ord. 1868 § 1, 1994)
No address numbers shall be placed in the following locations or under the following circumstances:
On any curb face where official city curb painted parking control markings exist;
Where there are multiple addresses exceeding two per lot, except that multiple residential properties shall be entitled to two painted curb house numbers. When only two addresses exist on a given lot, both addresses may be placed on the curb in front of the primary residence. When three or more addresses exist on a given lot, the first and last addresses may be placed on the curb in front of the primary building. The residence's or building's addresses should be placed close to the driveway apron, if one exists; and
For commercial or industrial properties.
(Ord. 1868 § 1, 1994)
Before starting work in the area of the city described in the permit, the worker(s) shall give written notice to all residents in the area to be painted of their intent to paint house numbers for all residences in the area. The written notice shall include the following information:
The name, address and telephone number of the organization or person doing the work;
A statement advising the resident that the organization or person is permitted to solicit a donation for the proposed work, but that the owner or occupant is under no obligation to pay for work done;
A statement indicating that the written notice is for information only and that the work is not sponsored, endorsed or guaranteed by the city, but that it is authorized by the city pursuant to a permit issued by the city engineer and the work will be performed to city standards and specifications.
The form of the written notice required by subsection (a) of this section shall, prior to its being given to residents, be submitted to the engineering division for review and approval as to form and content.
(Ord. 1868 § 1, 1994)