A vesting tentative map may be filed for either a residential or nonresidential development project. Whenever a provision of this title or the Act requires the filing of a tentative map or parcel map, a vesting tentative map may be filed in accordance with the provisions of this title.
(Ord. 2189 § 1, 2020)
A vesting tentative map is filed using the same form, accompanying reports, and data as a tentative map, with all of the following additional requirements, as applicable:
Identification. At the time a vesting tentative map is filed, it must have printed conspicuously on its face the words "Vesting Tentative Map."
Right-of-Way. The map must show proposed street widenings and extensions; existing and proposed sidewalks and curb cuts; existing and proposed fire hydrants within three hundred feet of the project perimeter; and existing utility poles.
Site and Buildings. Information must be provided regarding the type and use of all buildings, both existing and proposed; location of buildings to be removed; square footage of each floor, building, lot, and total project; all facilities and accessory structures related to underground utilities and street lighting; all mechanical equipment on the buildings or on the site; appropriate screening methods and materials; and the location and screening of outdoor trash and storage areas.
Parking and Circulation. Information must be provided regarding the parking spaces to be provided, with total number of spaces given; wheel stops or curb substitute; parking space striping; handicap parking; ingress and egress to include all private drives; and pedestrian walkways.
Landscaping. Diagrams must be provided showing and identifying all existing trees; existing and proposed landscaped areas in terms of proposed plants by type, size, spacing, and number; screening of adjacent properties, if required; and square footage of common usable and private open space (patio) areas, where such is required by this code.
Floor Plans. Dimensioned preliminary floor plans must be provided for each proposed use.
Building Elevations, with Grading. Diagrams must be provided to show two cross-section lines that clearly portray buildings and grading concepts; natural grade (dotted lines) and finished grade (solid lines); preliminary renderings of front, right side, left side, and rear elevations of all buildings; building height in feet and stories; proposed construction materials; and the proposed colors of all buildings.
Through the application review process, the director may require that additional information be included with the vesting tentative map to provide important or necessary disclosures or other information.
All development permit fees required subsequent to the approval of the vesting tentative map must be paid.
(Ord. 2189 § 1, 2020)
Except as they specifically differ in this title, procedures for processing a vesting tentative map are the same as for processing a tentative map including, without limitation, filing, review, notification, planning commission approval, final decisions, changes after approval, expiration, and renewal.
(Ord. 2189 § 1, 2020)
The approval of a vesting tentative map confers a vested right to proceed with development on recorded lots in substantial compliance with the ordinances, policies, and standards in effect on the date that the map is approved.
The city may condition or deny a permit, approval, extension, or entitlement pursuant to the approved vesting map if the city council determines any of the following:
Failure to take such action would place the residents of the subdivision or the immediate community, or both, in a condition dangerous to their health and safety, or both.
The condition or denial is required to comply with state or federal law.
(Ord. 2189 § 1, 2020)
The rights conferred upon a vesting tentative map are vested for an initial time period of twenty-four months from the date a final map is recorded. Where several final maps are recorded on various phases of a project, approved by a single vesting tentative map, the time period for each phase will begin when the final map for that phase is recorded.
In the event that the city takes longer than thirty days to process a completed and filed application for a grading permit, design review or architectural review, the initial time period will automatically be extended. The length of the extension will be calculated by the number of days required for the city to complete processing the application, in excess of thirty days.
The conditions under which an extension of time or stay is granted for a vesting tentative map must be consistent with that established for tentative maps.
(Ord. 2189 § 1, 2020)
If a developer submits a complete application for a construction permit during the initial time period, or any granted extension, the rights conferred by the vesting map continue until the expiration of that construction permit or any extension to that construction permit that the city may issue.
(Ord. 2189 § 1, 2020)