Within twenty-four months after the date the city council approves a tentative map, or any later date that may be authorized by an extension granted pursuant to this title, the subdivider must cause the subject property to be accurately surveyed and a final map to be prepared in conformance with the tentative map and any and all applicable conditions.
The final map must be submitted to the director for review and action within the time period specified by this title.
(Ord. 2189 § 1, 2020)
An accurate and complete field survey of the land to be subdivided must be made by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor authorized to practice land surveying in the state of California. All monuments, property lines, centerlines of streets, alleys and easements adjoining or within the subdivision must be tied into the survey. The allowable error of closure on any portion of the final map must not exceed 1/10,000 for field closures and 1/20,000 for calculated closures.
At the time of making the survey for the final map, the engineer or surveyor must set sufficient durable monuments to conform with the standards described in Business and Professions Code Section 8771 so that another engineer or surveyor may readily retrace the survey. Monuments must be set as required by the director, and the director must be contacted for monument inspection.
(Ord. 2189 § 1, 2020)
The original final map and one duplicate reproducible copy must be submitted to the director, accompanied by the following:
In the event any dedication is to be made for public use, a certificate of title, a subdivision guarantee, or a dedication letter must be furnished to the city. In the event a dedication is submitted, the letter must: (1) be from a title company authorized by California law to write such letter and be in the name of the owner of the land issued to or for the benefit and protection of the city; and (2) show all parties whose consent is necessary to pass clear title to the land being subdivided, together with the nature of their interests therein. Where the land contained in such subdivision is registered under the Land Registration Act ("Torrens Act"), a certified copy of the certificate of title must be furnished.
A white print of the final map showing the contemplated location of installations of facilities or all public utilities, whether publicly or privately owned, with a statement of the proposed work, with such statement to be filed by the director.
A grading plan as required by the director or building official.
The final map as submitted must be accompanied by:
Traverse sheets and work sheets showing the closure, within the allowable limits of error, of the exterior boundaries and of each block and lot of the subdivision;
Plans and specifications of all proposed improvements, together with the security, in a form approved by the city attorney, to ensure completion of any public improvements;
A copy of any protective covenants to be recorded;
Plan checking fee; and
A soils report prepared by a registered civil engineer pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act. If such report indicates the presence of critically expansive soils or other soil problems which, if not corrected, would lead to structural defects, a soils investigation of each lot in the subdivision is required. The engineer will sign the final map indicating that a soils report has been prepared.
The subdivider may file multiple final maps on the approved tentative map, subject to the director's approval.
The final map must comply with the form, contain the data and meet all other requirements of the Act, parcel map filing requirements, and this section.
The lots must be numbered consecutively, commencing with the number "1," with no omissions or duplications; provided, that where the subdivision is a continuation of or an addition to an existing subdivision, the lot numbers may commence with the number immediately following the last or highest number of each existing subdivision and in all other respects must conform with the preceding requirements.
(Ord. 2189 § 1, 2020)
The city council must act on a final map whenever any of the following circumstances apply:
If a dedication or offer of dedication is required, the director must forward the final map to the city clerk. The clerk must place the item on the next city council agenda for acceptance of dedications.
If improvements required pursuant to this title or other regulations were not completed, the director cannot approve the map unless the subdivider enters into a subdivision improvement agreement, in a form approved by the city attorney, with the city and agrees to post security in the form of faithful performance and labor and materials bonds to guarantee the improvements, and the city council approves of the agreement and the security.
If city council approval is required, the city council must consider the final map for approval at the next available meeting after the director has reviewed and approved the map.
The city council must approve the final map if it has previously approved a tentative map for the proposed subdivision, and if it finds that the final map is in substantial compliance with the previously approved tentative map, and if it conforms to all applicable requirements of this code and the Act.
If the final map is unacceptable, the council must make its recommended corrections, instruct the subdivider to revise the final map and defer approval until the final map is resubmitted.
The city council must deny approval of the final map only for failure to meet or perform requirements or conditions which were applicable to the subdivision at the time of approval of the tentative map. Where the council denies approval of the final map, such disapproval must be accompanied by a finding identifying the requirements or conditions which have not been met or performed. The city council may waive the requirements of this section upon a finding that the failure of the map to meet the conditions set forth in the tentative map is the result of a technical and inadvertent error which does not materially affect the validity of the map.
(Ord. 2189 § 1, 2020)
The director may approve all other final maps not specified in this chapter, pursuant to Section 66458(d) and this section.
The director's action may be appealed to the city council in accordance with this code.
The city council must periodically review the delegation of authority to the director as recommended by the city manager.
(Ord. 2189 § 1, 2020)
Following action by the director, and after the required signatures and seals are affixed, the city clerk must transmit the final map to the county recorder for recordation.
(Ord. 2189 § 1, 2020)
After a final map or parcel map is filed in the office of the county recorder, such map may be amended by a certificate of correction filed pursuant to Chapter 20.12 or an amending map for any of the following purposes:
To correct an error in any course or distance shown thereon.
To correct an error in the description of real property shown on the map.
To indicate monuments set after the death, disability, retirement from practice, or replacement of the engineer or surveyor charged with the responsibilities for setting the monuments.
To show the proper location or character of any monument which has been changed in location or character and originally shown at the wrong location or incorrectly as to its character.
To correct any additional information filed or recorded with the map, as required by the city, if the correction does not impose additional burden on the present fee owner of the property and does not alter the right, title, or interest in the real property reflected on the recorded map.
To correct any other type of map error or omission as approved by the director or county surveyor that does not affect any property right and does not otherwise violate this code. Such errors and omissions may include, but are not limited to, lot numbers, acreage, street names, and identification of adjacent record maps.
As used in this section, "error" does not include changes in courses or distances that cannot be proven from the data shown on the final map.
(Ord. 2189 § 1, 2020)
In addition to the circumstances specified above, changes or modifications may be made to a final map or parcel map if the city council finds that:
There are changes in circumstances which make any or all of the conditions of such a map no longer appropriate or necessary;
The modifications do not impose any additional burden on the present fee owner of the property;
The modifications do not alter any right, title, or interest in the real property reflected on the recorded map; and
The map, as modified, meets the findings for approval.
A request for a change to or modification of a final map pursuant to this section must be made on forms provided by the director. Such change or modification is processed in accordance with the procedures established for a tentative map of this title. The public hearings for such application are confined to the consideration of and action on the proposed change or modification.
(Ord. 2189 § 1, 2020)