The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the unique needs of special housing for senior citizens in a manner compatible with existing and future developments in surrounding areas and in compliance with the General Plan.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
A S-C-H Overlay Zone can only be created in the R-2 and R-3 Zones, and any commercial zone within an area designated by the General Plan as "mixed use."
A S-C-H Overlay Zone can only be created in the same manner as property is reclassified from one zone to another within the City, as set forth in Chapter 21.38 Amendments.
When a S-C-H Overlay Zone is created it shall be designated upon the zoning map of the City as an overlay zone by adding the parenthetically enclosed letters "S-C-H" after the zoning symbol indicating the zone.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
No person may construct or maintain any building or structure or use on any lot included within an established S-C-H Overlay Zone unless:
Such building, structure, or use is permitted pursuant to the regulations applicable to such lots by reason of an underlying zone classification or such lot is within a mixed use area as designated by the General Plan or the project is constructed or used as senior housing development.
All senior housing developments must be approved with a conditional use permit pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 21.32.
Dwelling units cannot have more than two bedrooms.
The maximum occupancy in senior housing development dwelling unit is three persons, one of which must be a senior citizen and the other occupants may be a senior citizen, qualified permanent resident or permitted healthcare resident.
Senior housing developed for rental or ownership must comply with the applicable multiple family residential standards set forth in Chapter 21.08 of this title. Senior housing developed in a commercial zone designated as mixed use in the General Plan must comply with the development standards set forth in Chapter 21.10.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
As a condition of approval for any senior housing development pursuant to this chapter, the property owner or owners must enter into a covenant, running with the land that the development is for senior citizen housing use only for a minimum period of 55 years. The covenant must set forth the limitations on occupancy, residency, or use on the basis of age. The covenant must specify the periodic period that the property owner or homeowners association, as applicable, submit a semi-annual report to the City confirming requirements of this section. Falsification of any reports is subject to penalties as prescribed by law. The covenant must be submitted to the City for review and approval by the City Attorney and be recorded in the office of the County Recorder before the City issues building permits for the development.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
All senior housing developments within an S-C-H Overlay Zone must contain a minimum of 35 senior citizen dwelling units and comply with the following standards as set out in Table 21.16(A) below.
Table 21.16(A
Development Standards in Senior Citizen Housing Overlay Zone
40 ft or three stories
See underlying zones
Distance between buildings
See underlying zones
50 units/acre (551 sq. ft./unit)
See Chapter 21.22, Off-Street Parking
Open space
200 sq. ft./unit
Common open space
Private open space
100 sq. ft./unit
Minimum dimension
7 ft.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
Trash area requirements must be the same as in Chapter 21.08. For upper levels of multi-story senior housing developments, a trash chute(s) must be conveniently provided to serve all occupants on the upper levels.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, and for purposes of this chapter only, "open space" means an area not more than 10% in grade which is on the building site of a lot and/or within the rear yard, interior side yard or the building, and is maintained for landscaping, community gardens, swimming pools, recreation rooms, and other inside and outside living or recreational uses, excepting wherefrom areas used for off-street parking and driveways. Inside areas dedicated for open space shall not exceed one-third of the total required area. Common open space shall have a minimum dimension of 15 feet when the abutting rear yard or interior side yard is included. No encroachments shall be permitted below a height of eight feet.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
The minimum floor area per unit is equal to that required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The maximum floor area for a senior housing development unit is 900 square feet.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
All outdoor lighting must be located and shielded to prevent the direct spillage of light or glare onto adjacent lots and streets. Areas of open parking and all exterior pathways must be illuminated to provide an average lighting level of not less than two foot-candles. All parking garage structures, gate entry points for vehicles and pedestrians, and building entrances must be illuminated to provide an average lighting level of not less than five foot-candles, and a minimum level of not less than two foot-candles per light fixture.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
Security related systems, including, without limitation, individual unit alarms, security type mailboxes, and surveillance cameras in common areas such as entrance lobbies, parking areas, and at security gates must be installed in accordance with Police Department direction.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)