The appointed commissions of the city are as set forth in Title 2 (Administration and Personnel), Article 3 (Commissions and Boards) of this code.
(Ord. 03-663 § 37, 2003; Ord. 23-09 § 1, 2023)
The City Council may establish by resolution such advisory boards, committees and other bodies as it deems appropriate in the conduct of the city's business.
(Ord. 03-663 § 37, 2003)
No person shall be a member of more than one commission or board established in or pursuant to this Article 3. In the event that a member of a commission or board is appointed to a second commission or board, then that person's membership on the first body shall be automatically vacated. Nothing in this section shall preclude a member of an appointed body from appointment to and membership on the East Side Project Advisory Committee or on any temporary committee, task force or advisory group.
(Ord. 03-663 § 37, 2003; Ord. 04-682 § 1, 2004)
No commission member shall be eligible to serve on a single commission or board for more than a total of four, two-year terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any person who is appointed to fill a vacant commission or board seat for the balance of a two-year term, but serves less than one year during that term, shall be eligible for appointment to that same commission or board for four additional two-year terms in total. Any person who is appointed to fill a vacant commission or board seat for the balance of a two-year term, but serves more than one year during that term, shall be eligible for appointment to that same commission or board for three additional two-year terms in total. These term limits are effective for any term starting on or after March 1, 2023.
(Ord. 23-09 § 2, 2023)
Appointment to the Business License Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, Planning Commission, and Rent Stabilization Commission requires successful completion of a criminal background check. Prior to appointment, an applicant for commission membership shall cause to be filed with the city a LiveScan background check conducted by the California Department of Justice within the previous six months of seeking appointment. The city shall furnish each applicant with a LiveScan request form for use at any LiveScan vendor location. An applicant shall be ineligible to serve on one of these commissions if they have been convicted in the past ten years of a Part 1 crime, as defined by the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program. Part 1 crimes include murder, manslaughter, sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, and arson.
(Ord. 23-09 § 3, 2023)