shall mean any individual who is employed, retained or contracts for economic consideration to communicate with any elective official or any officer or employee of the City of West Hollywood for the purpose of influencing a legislative or administrative action.
(Prior code § 21000; Ord. 85-44, 1985)
Prior to conducting any activities for the purpose of influencing any action by the City of West Hollywood, any lobbyist shall register with the City Clerk by filing a written statement containing:
The lobbyist's full name, business address and telephone number;
The name, business address and telephone number of any individual or entity by whom the lobbyist is employed or with whom he or she contracts to perform lobbying services in the city; and
A description of the subject matter of the lobbyist's engagement.
(Prior code § 21001; Ord. 85-44, 1985; Ord. 97-491 § 1, 1997)
A lobbyist is deemed to be registered with the City Clerk if he or she has otherwise provided the City of West Hollywood in writing with the information required by Section 2.72.020 or has appeared at a public meeting of the City of West Hollywood and has stated the required information for the record.
(Prior code § 21002; Ord. 85-44, 1985)
The City Clerk may charge a fee for filing, amending and/or renewal of a registration, the amount of which shall be determined by resolution of the City Council.
(Prior code § 21003; Ord. 97-491 § 2, 1997)
Every lobbyist required to file a registration statement under this chapter shall register with the City Clerk no later than ten days after being engaged as a lobbyist, and shall renew the registration annually as required in Section 2.72.060.
(Prior code § 21004; Ord. 97-491 § 3, 1997)
Registration shall be renewed with the City Clerk on an annual basis between May 21st and June 1st of each year. Registration shall be valid for one year.
(Prior code § 21005; Ord. 97-491 § 3, 1997)
If any change occurs concerning any of the information required by Section 2.72.020, the lobbyist shall file an amendment reflecting the change within ten days of the change.
(Prior code § 21006; Ord. 85-44, 1985; Ord. 97-491 § 2, 1997)
Lobbyists may file a notice of termination with the City Clerk within ten days after ceasing all activity which required registration.
(Prior code § 21007; Ord. 97-491 § 2, 1997)
Members of the City Council, City Manager, and all city employees in the employment category of manager and higher are "designated employees and officials" for purposes of this section.
Designated employees and officials shall not, for a period of four years after leaving that office or employment, act as agent or attorney for, or otherwise represent, for compensation, any other person, by making any formal or informal appearance before, or by making any oral or written communication to, the City Council or any committee, subcommittee, Board, Commission, or present member thereof, or any officer or employee of the city, if the appearance or communication is made for the purpose of influencing administrative or legislative action, or influencing any action or proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property.
Members of a City Commission listed in Article 3 of Title 2 of the West Hollywood Municipal Code shall not, for a period of two years after leaving that position, act as agent or attorney for, or otherwise represent, for compensation, any other person, by making any formal or informal appearance before, or by making any oral or written communication to, the City Council or any committee, subcommittee, Board, Commission, or present member thereof, or any officer or employee of the city, if the appearance or communication is made for the purpose of influencing administrative or legislative action, or influencing any action or proceeding involving the issuance, amendment, awarding, or revocation of a permit, license, grant, or contract, or the sale or purchase of goods or property.
Subsections (b) and (c) shall not apply to any individual who is, at the time of the appearance or communication, a board member, officer, employee, or representative of another local government agency or a public agency and is appearing or communicating on behalf of that agency.
(Ord. 14-941 § 1, 2014; Ord. 21-1165 § 2, 2021)