For purposes of this chapter, the following term shall have the following meaning:
"Tow truck"
shall mean a motor vehicle which has been altered or designed and equipped to tow another motor vehicle by means of a crane, hoist, tow bar, tow line or dolly.
(Prior code § 6367(a); Ord. 90-269 § 1, 1990)
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to tow trucks or vehicles licensed pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 11500 et seq., and California Business and Professions Code Section 7500 et seq.
(Prior code § 6367(b); Ord. 90-269 § 1, 1990)
In addition to the information prescribed by the Director, an application for a tow truck service operator's license shall include the following information:
A map of the district, area or territory to be served by the tow truck service;
A schedule of rates proposed to be charged in the areas of the city where the applicant proposes to operate the service; and
The description and location of the operational facilities of the applicant.
(Prior code § 6367(c); Ord. 90-269 § 1, 1990; Ord. 08-800 § 2, 2008)
Service Records to be Kept.
Contents. A tow truck service operator shall maintain the following records for each order of service:
Location where tow service requested;
Date and time request made;
Description of vehicle towed;
Location to where vehicle towed;
Identification of dispatcher;
Identification of driver; and
Time of dispatch.
Inspection. Such records shall be available for inspection by the Director and the Sheriff for a period of at least six months.
Drivers – License Preconditions. A tow truck service operator shall not permit any person to operate a tow truck authorized under his or her license unless such driver has, in his or her possession, a valid driver's license issued by the state of California Department of Motor Vehicles.
Insurance Requirements. The Director shall not issue a tow truck service operator's license until the applicant has filed a policy of liability insurance as required by subsection (c) of Section 5.08.120 which covers every tow truck to be operated pursuant to the operator's license.
Indemnification. Every operator licensed pursuant to this chapter shall sign an indemnification agreement as required by subsection (d) of Section 5.08.120.
Tow Truck Facility Security. If the tow truck service provides storage of towed vehicles, the operator shall provide security for such vehicles during all business hours.
Locking of Vehicles. If the tow truck service provides storage of towed vehicles, the operator shall lock each ignition, remove the key, and place the key in a safe place.
Sign Requirements.
The operator shall install and maintain a sign on the business premises, plainly visible from the street, showing the operator's name, the address of the business, the time when the premises are closed and the towing and storage fees, if any.
No signs shall be posted, pursuant to this section, which would be in violation of Chapter 19.76 of the West Hollywood Municipal Code.
Rates Charged. A copy of the rates charged for utilizing a tow truck's services shall be posted in each tow truck.
(Prior code § 6367(d); Ord. 90-269 § 1, 1990; Ord. 08-800 § 2, 2008)