This chapter provides procedures for the amendment of the General Plan, the Zoning Map, and this Zoning Ordinance, whenever required by public necessity and general welfare. A General Plan Amendment may include revisions to actions, goals, land use designations, policies, or text. Zoning Map amendments have the effect of rezoning property from one zoning district to another. Amendments to this Zoning Ordinance may modify any procedures, provisions, requirements, or standards, applicable to the development, or use of property within the city.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
Initiation of Hearings. An amendment may be initiated as follows:
Council. A resolution of intention by the Council;
Commission. A resolution of intention by the Commission; or
Property Owner. An application from a property owner.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
Upon receipt of a complete application to amend the General Plan, the Zoning Map, or this Zoning Ordinance, or on initiation by Commission or Council, and following department review, public hearings shall be set before the Commission and Council. Notice of the hearings shall be given in compliance with Chapter 19.74 (Public Hearings and Notice).
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
The Commission shall make a written recommendation to the Council whether to approve, approve in modified form, or deny the proposed amendment, based on the findings contained in Section 19.78.060 (Findings). The recommendation shall be by resolution carried by the affirmative vote of the majority of the Commission. The resolution shall be transmitted to the Council within 40 days after its date of adoption.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
Upon receipt of the Commission's recommendation, the Council shall approve, approve in modified form, or deny the proposed amendment based on the findings contained in Section 19.78.060 (Findings).
If the Council proposes to adopt a substantial modification to the amendment not previously considered by the Commission during its hearings, the proposed modification shall be first referred back to the Commission for its recommendation, in compliance with state law (Government Code Sections 65356 [General Plan Amendments] and 65857 [Zoning Map/Ordinance Amendments]). Failure of the Commission to report back to the Council within 45 days for General Plan amendments or 40 days for Zoning Map/Ordinance amendments after the referral, or within a longer time set by the Council, shall be deemed a recommendation for approval of the modification.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
An amendment to the General Plan, the Zoning Map, or this Zoning Ordinance may be approved only if the review authority first finds that the proposed amendment is consistent with the General Plan.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)