The following definitions will govern the construction of the words and phrases used in this chapter:
"Driveway parking permit district"
means a parking permit district designated to allow residents to park in front of their own private driveway when the property is developed with only one house per lot as allowed by California Vehicle Code Section 22507.2.
"Overnight parking permit district"
means a parking permit district designated to restrict on-street parking to residents of the neighborhood between the hours of two a.m. and six a.m. as allowed by California Vehicle Code Section 22507.5.
"Parking permit district"
means any of three types of parking areas as requested by the affected resident which requires a permit for on-street parking.
"Preferential parking permit district"
means a parking permit district designated to give on-street parking preferences to residents and merchants of an area over commuters from outside the area during designated hours as allowed by California Vehicle Code Section 22507.
(Ord. 1037-10 § 1)
The director of public works or designee shall provide application and petition forms to establish one or more parking permit districts.
Submission of Application and Petition.
Proceedings for designating a parking permit district may be initiated by petition containing the signatures of at least two-thirds of the households proposed to be included in a parking permit district in support of the district. Such petition, on the form approved by the director of public works, shall also require the sponsor of the petition to list the address and to contact every household in the subject area. If a resident is against the parking permit district, the word "OPPOSED" must be noted on the petition signature space. If the sponsor is unable to contact a resident, "NO CONTACT" will be noted on the petition signature space with the days and times that contact was attempted. The petition's sponsor must make at least two attempts on separate days to contact a household.
Submission of a petition and application must be accompanied by a fee as established by resolution of the city council. The fee may include the costs of review of the application, CEQA analysis, mailing notices and other costs anticipated in connection with an application.
The application must include a complete description of the parking permit district boundaries, which shall be a minimum of three thousand six hundred linear feet and must be contiguous. Parking permit districts must include both sides of a designated street and all portions of a block from intersection to intersection (no half blocks would be permitted).
The application must also designate what type of district is being applied for: driveway parking permit district, overnight parking permit district, or preferential parking permit district. If an applicant is submitting a request for a preferential parking permit district, the application must include a description of the demonstrated parking problem (for example, local high school or business park, etc.) and the application must designate the requested hours for the district. If an applicant is submitting a request for a driveway parking permit district, then the entire area included in the district must be zoned as either R-1 (single-family residential) or R-2 (two-family residential) and only developed with one house per lot. Also, driveway parking permit districts are limited to streets with a minimum width of thirty-six feet.
The application must also include a certified list of all names and addresses of the owners of real property within the proposed district as shown on the county's current equalized assessment roll, and a certified list of all addresses, including each address within a duplex, condominium or apartment complex, located within the proposed district and within five hundred feet from the exterior boundaries of the proposed parking permit district.
Following inspection and verification of the completeness and sufficiency of the application and petition, the director of public works or designee shall certify the petition as complete. After certification of the petition as complete, the director of public works or designee shall present an evaluation of the petition to the city council which shall addresses, but is not limited to, the feasibility of the proposed district, the likelihood that the parking district will fulfill the intent of the parking district ordinance, and the likelihood that the parking district will improve parking conditions for the district's residents.
Upon the director's certification that an application is complete and sufficient, staff will undertake the required environmental review of the district pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"). Prior to initiating an environmental review, staff will request an appropriation of funds from the city council to cover the anticipated costs of the review. Once a petition is certified and the environmental analysis has been prepared, the application and consideration of the CEQA analysis will be forwarded to the city council for consideration at a public hearing. The city clerk shall mail notice of such hearing at least ten calendar days prior to the hearing to all property owners, residents, and commercial occupants within the proposed district and within five hundred feet from the outer edges of the rights-of-way constituting the outer district boundaries.
At the public hearing, which may be continued from time to time if necessary, the city council will receive a report from the public works department regarding the feasibility of the district and, if necessary, consider any documents required under CEQA. At the conclusion of the public hearing, if the required CEQA approvals have been given, the city council shall approve or revise the application if the city council finds that there is good cause, in the discretion of the city council, to create or revise and create the requested parking permit district.
Modification or Termination of Parking Permit District.
The city council may modify or terminate any parking permit district upon receipt of a petition, on a form provided for the same by the director of public works or designee, calling for such modification or termination which has been received by the director of public works or designee, which contains the signatures and the corresponding printed name and address representing a majority (fifty percent plus one) of the dwelling units in the district in support of the petition's purpose. Any petition for modification or termination of a parking permit district must be accompanied by a certified list of all names and addresses of owners of real property as shown on the county's current equalized assessment roll, and a certified list of all addresses, including each address within a condominium or apartment complex, located within the existing parking permit district. Upon receipt of a request for modification or termination of an existing parking permit district, city staff shall undertake the necessary environmental review to determine the impacts, if any, of the modification or termination of a parking permit district. Upon receipt of a complete and sufficient application for modification or termination and the associated environmental review, the city council shall conduct a public hearing to consider the possible modification or termination of the parking permit district. The city clerk shall mail notice of such hearing at least ten calendar days prior to the hearing to all property owners, residents, and commercial occupants within the proposed district and within five hundred feet from the outer edges of the rights-of-way constituting the outer district boundaries.
Alternatively, the city council may initiate the modification or termination of a parking permit district by initiating the required environmental review. Depending on the findings of the environmental review, the council may then set a time and place for a public hearing to consider any council-initiated request to modify or terminate a parking permit district. The city clerk shall mail notice of such hearing at least ten calendar days prior to the hearing to all property owners, residents, and commercial occupants within the proposed district and within five hundred feet from the outer edges of the rights-of-way constituting the outer district boundaries.
At the public hearing to consider the possible modification or termination of an existing parking permit district, the city council shall determine if there is good cause, in the discretion of the city council, to modify or eliminate the parking permit district.
(Ord. 1037-10 § 1)
The finance department shall issue parking permits. Parking permits within any approved district shall be of two types depending on the type of district approved.
For preferential parking permit districts and overnight parking permit districts, up to two permits may be issued per household. For each permit, proof of residency shall be demonstrated in a manner determined by the director of finance or designee.
For driveway parking permit districts, one permit may be issued per property. In addition, driveway parking permits can only be issued to properties developed with one house per lot, even if the property is zoned as R-2 (two-family residential). Should a property owner develop a second unit on an R-2 (two-family residential) zoned property, the resident must forfeit his or her driveway parking permit. For each permit, proof of residency shall be demonstrated in a manner determined by the director of finance or designee.
Permit applications may be obtained through the finance department. Each application shall contain such information as the director of finance or designee deems necessary for the proper processing of the application. The application shall also contain a statement by the applicant agreeing that the permit may not be sold or transferred in any manner, except that a permit may be used by various visitors and service people to the applicant's address. The application shall also state that the sale or transfer of a permit in violation of this chapter is a misdemeanor and that any misuse of any permit or fraudulent acquisition of a permit issued under this section is grounds for revocation of the permit by the director of finance.
Permit applications may be submitted by either the owner of the property for which a permit is sought or the tenant of such property. All applications must be signed under the penalty of perjury. Applications submitted by tenants shall also require the signature of the owner of the property.
The term of all parking permits shall be one year.
(Ord. 1037-10 § 1)
Parking permits will be issued upon payment of a fee that will be set by resolution of the city council. During the initial year of a new parking district, permit fees will be increased to offset the costs of the required environmental review.
(Ord. 1037-10 § 1)
Prior to the enforcement of this chapter with respect to any district, the director of public works or designee shall acquire, place and maintain or cause to be placed and maintained on each of the streets, or portions of streets, signs notifying the public of the time limits or parking restrictions in the parking permit district.
(Ord. 1037-10 § 1)
No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle upon any properly posted public street in a designated parking permit district without displaying a valid parking permit, with the exception of any public emergency vehicle, public or utility vehicles in the course of providing services, or tow trucks or similar vehicles in the course of providing services. The district parking permits do not exempt vehicles from any other posted parking signs or curb markings, including, but not limited to, those in effect for purposes of street sweeping or prohibiting parking or stopping at any time, or any other appropriate California Vehicle Code sections. In addition, this section does not exempt vehicles from laws prohibiting parking in one location for more than seventy-two consecutive hours.
(Ord. 1037-10 § 1)
Any person who parks or leaves standing a vehicle in a designated parking permit district without properly displaying a valid permit is guilty of a parking violation and will be subject to citation, towing, or both. Any person who violates this section shall be fined such sum as the city council may establish from time to time by resolution.
Every person who displays a fraudulent, forged, altered, or counterfeit district parking permit with the intent to avoid compliance with this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Every person who forges, alters, or counterfeits a district parking permit is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Every person who falsely represents himself or herself as eligible for parking permits or furnishes false information in an application therefor to the director of finance or designee is guilty of an infraction.
Every person who furnishes false information in an application or petition for a parking permit district is guilty of an infraction.
Any person whose parking permit has been revoked and who refuses or fails to surrender the permit to the director of finance or designee when requested by the director or designee, in writing, to do so is guilty of an infraction.
(Ord. 1037-10 § 1)
The prohibitions in this chapter will apply at all times, or at those times specified, except when necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or to comply with the directions of a sheriff's deputy or an official traffic control device.
(Ord. 1037-10 § 1)