Property in zone R-3 may be used for:
Any use permitted in zone R-2;
Any flat building, apartment house, or bungalow court, together with the outbuildings customary to such use, located on the same lot or parcel of land, including:
One or more private garages or carports,
Outbuildings expressly permitted in zone R-2;
Churches and other religious facilities, subject to the issuance of a special use permit under Section 17.28.150;
Child care centers and nursery schools, subject to the provisions of a special use permit;
Convalescent facilities, subject to the provisions of a special use permit under Chapter 17.28 and subject to licensing by the Los Angeles County Health Services Department;
A licensed family care home, foster home, or group home, serving six or fewer mentally disordered or otherwise handicapped persons or dependent and neglected children, that provides twenty-four hour day care as required by Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5116;
A small family day care home which provides family day care for up to eight children;
Supportive and transitional housing;
(Prior code § 3-2-B-7(a); Ord. 753-94 § 1; Ord. 841-98 § 7; Ord. 912-02 § 10; Ord. 945-05 § 9; Ord. 1091-13 § 6; Ord. 1145-18 § 7; Ord. 1177-20 § 10)
Short-term rental is a prohibited use in the R-3 zone.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, it is unlawful for any person to offer or make available for rent or to rent (by way of a rental agreement, lease, license or any other means, whether oral or written), for compensation or consideration, a short-term rental unit.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, it is unlawful for any person to occupy a short-term rental unit pursuant to a rental agreement, lease, license or any other means, whether oral or written, for compensation or consideration.
(Ord. 1139-17 § 10)
The required area for newly created lots or parcels zoned R-3 shall be five thousand square feet. The minimum dimensions of a newly created lot or parcel zoned R-2 shall be fifty feet in width and one hundred feet deep.
A person shall not erect, construct, occupy, use, alter or enlarge any building or structure in R-3 zone, except:
Outbuildings permitted in R-3 zone;
One single-family residential dwelling unit may be constructed on a legally created lot or parcel of land containing less than five thousand square feet;
An accessory dwelling unit and/or junior accessory dwelling unit that complies with the requirements of Sections 17.48.056 and 17.48.057, as applicable, of this code; or
More than one dwelling unit may be constructed on any legally created lot or parcel of land zoned R-3, provided that:
The lot or parcel of land contains at least five thousand square feet of net land area,
The project density shall not exceed one dwelling unit for each one thousand three hundred twenty square feet of net land area, and
The project complies with the development standards as set forth in this title.
(Prior code § 3-2-B-7(b); Ord. 724-93 § 10; Ord. 960-06 § 45; Ord. 1131-17 § 7; Ord. 1145-18 § 8; Ord. 1177-20 § 11)
Maximum Lot Coverage Permitted. Lot coverage shall be limited to seventy percent of the area of the lot. Lot coverage consists of the area(s) of all proposed structures (measured from outside wall to outside wall) on the lot, including accessory structures. Covered porches and patios shall be counted towards lot coverage. Roof eaves and overhangs, chimneys, open (uncovered) patio areas, landscaped areas, paved parking, and access areas are not included in lot coverage.
(Ord. 960-06 § 46)
Property in zone R-3 shall have no less than the following square footages, exclusive of open balconies or porches and private garages:
Square Feet
Bachelor or studio
One bedroom
Two bedroom
For each additional bedroom, add one hundred fifty square feet.
(Ord. 724-93 § 11)
In R-3 zone, each lot or parcel of land shall have yards not less than the following:
Front. The minimum building setback for residential units fronting either on a private street or a public street shall be fifteen feet from the property line or twenty feet with a street facing garage. At least forty percent of a second story shall be set back nineteen feet from the front property line.
Side (Interior). The minimum side yard setback shall be five feet from the property line.
Side (Street Side). The minimum building setback for residential units having side yards on a private or public street shall be ten feet from the property line. A street facing garage or parking area shall be set back at least twenty feet from the street right-of-way line.
Rear. The minimum rear yard setback shall be fifteen feet.
Building Separation. The minimum distance between buildings shall be six feet.
Every setback area shall be open and unobstructed from the ground to the sky, except as permitted in Section 17.44.020 of this title.
(Prior code § 3-2-B-7(c); Ord. 610-89 § 4; Ord. 724-93 § 12; Ord. 960-06 § 47)
In the R-3 zone, each lot or parcel of land shall be developed as follows:
Three or more units - sixteen feet minimum.
Two or less units - ten feet minimum.
Existing residential properties in the R-3 zone which have less than a ten-foot wide driveway may add an additional unit, provided that the total number of units does not exceed two.
(Ord. 724-93 § 13)
Every dwelling unit in R-3 zone shall have on the same lot or parcel of land a minimum of two covered parking spaces per dwelling unit located in a carport or subterranean parking garage.
Every dwelling unit containing four or more bedrooms or rooms that, in the judgment of the community development director, can be used as bedrooms, shall provide one additional off-street parking space. This parking space need not be covered.
Guest parking shall be provided at a minimum of 0.5 spaces per dwelling unit. Guest parking shall be located on the same lot or parcel of land as the main dwelling unit(s) and may be covered or uncovered. Guest parking spaces shall not be located in front setback areas.
(Prior code § 3-2-B-7(d); Ord. 960-06 § 48)
A six-foot-high solid masonry block wall or a six-foot-high block pilaster fence with wood inserts shall be constructed around the periphery of the site. Said pilaster fence shall have a minimum of two courses of block at highest grade on either side of the wall immediately below the wood inserts. The fence must be lowered to four feet in the front yard setback area.
(Ord. 724-93 § 14)
There shall be provided on the same lot as the unit(s) a minimum of two hundred square feet of common open space per dwelling unit.
Private open space shall be provided on the same lot as the unit(s) and shall have no less than the following square footages:
Square Feet
Bachelor, studio or one bedroom
Two bedroom
Three bedroom and above
Common open space shall have a minimum contiguous area of two hundred square feet per dwelling unit with no dimension less than ten feet in any direction.
Private open space shall have a minimum contiguous area of one hundred square feet with no dimension less than seven feet in any direction.
All required ground floor open spaces shall be planted with permanent landscaping or be devoted to recreational facilities, such as swimming pools, tennis courts, tot lots, patios, or similar open space and/or recreational facilities.
Common and private open spaces shall be permanently maintained in an orderly fashion.
Parking areas, driveways, or service areas shall not be counted in the minimum open space requirements.
Common open space may be located in the required front setback.
Private open space may be located in the required side and rear setbacks.
(Prior code § 3-2-B-7(e); Ord. 605-88 § 4; Ord. 724-93 § 15; Ord. 960-06 § 49; Ord. 1016-08 § 2)
All open areas, including the setback areas, except driveways, walkways, porches between the front lot line and the front of the main building, and private decks, shall be landscaped.
(Ord. 724-93 § 16)
A building constructed in the R-3 zone shall not exceed thirty-five feet in height as measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the structure or object being measured. Building height does not include chimneys, antennas or other appurtenant structures.
(Prior code § 3-2-B-7(f); Ord. 598-88 § 3; Ord. 724-93 § 17; Ord. 960-06 § 50)
Each dwelling unit within the R-3 zone shall have a minimum two hundred cubic feet of private and secure storage space exclusive of closets and cupboards within the living areas. Such storage can be located within the garage, provided there will not be projections of more than three feet, six inches from the garage front and four feet from the ground per Diagram 17.72.H-2, which is set out in Chapter 17.72.
(Ord. 724-93 § 18)
Each apartment house development in the R-3 zone shall provide trash storage at a ratio of one container per fifteen units or less and one container per each fifteen units thereafter. If a fraction of less than one-half, round down; if one-half or greater, round up. Such containers shall be enclosed on three sides by a minimum five-foot-high reinforced masonry or concrete wall with a sight-obscuring gate of noncombustible materials the same height as the enclosing walls. Such enclosures shall not be placed in a location which abuts a dwelling unit or is openly exposed to a fronting street. Such enclosures shall be a minimum of nine feet by six feet and fifty-four square feet in area.
(Ord. 724-93 § 19)
Each apartment unit in the R-3 zone shall provide the following construction standards regulating apartment houses:
Interior unit noise shall not exceed a CNEL of forty-five dBA;
All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view and the noise level shall not exceed a maximum fifty dBA level;
Artificial lighting used to illuminate the premises shall be directed away from adjacent properties;
All domestic water lines serving the units shall be in copper tubing, except sprinkler and fire protection systems. Copper may be M-gauge except when underground where L-gauge shall be used;
All wall heating units shall be thermostatically controlled;
Utility meters are not to be placed on the front or interior elevations;
Security provisions incorporated into the building such as type of locks, etc., shall be defined in the application for approval of the project;
All on-site utilities, telephone lines and cable televisions shall be underground. All television and radio antennas shall be installed interior to the building;
The applicant shall depict on-site recycling within the project pursuant to the city's source reduction recycling element as amended by the city council from time to time. Recycling will be incorporated as part of the design review process;
The mechanical equipment or machinery, trash, and other exterior service areas necessary to serve the structure shall be concealed or treated in a manner which is in harmony with the design of the structure;
All apartment developments in the R-3 zone shall comply with applicable provisions of the Lawndale Zoning Ordinance, Federal and State Uniform Building Codes, Fire Code and all other applicable provisions of this code;
Each unit shall contain a trash compactor;
A detailed landscape plan shall be approved by the director of community development prior to issuance of any permits;
No plumbing fixtures shall be located in a common wall between two individual units. Each apartment unit shall have the necessary facilities (e.g. plumbing, electrical, venting, etc.);
All apartment projects shall be required to provide a property line survey prior to issuance of building permits and construction of any required temporary or permanent fencing.
(Ord. 724-93 § 20)