Concurrently with the issuance of a valid building permit for a new structure or with the issuance of a move-on permit for a mobile home, upon application and payment of the required fees, a sewer permit may be issued by the Utilities Director authorizing connection of the structure for which the building permit has been issued or the mobile home for which the move-on permit has been issued to the sewer system. A sewer permit shall be required for any structure which is altered, remodeled or expanded where such alteration, remodeling or expansion results in an increase in the equivalent dwelling units of sewage generated from such structure. At the time of issuance of a valid building permit or plumbing permit for such alteration, remodeling or expansion, upon application and payment of the required fee, a sewer permit may be issued by the Utilities Director, authorizing the connection of the structure for which the building permit has been issued to the sewer system. If the structure being altered, remodeled or expanded is already connected to the city sewer system, and a new connection is not required, the sewer permit shall authorize the use of the sewer system by the altered, remodeled or expanded structure.
It is unlawful for any person to connect to or use the city sewer system without first obtaining a valid sewer permit which is in full force and effect at the time of such connection or use. It is unlawful for any person to alter, remodel or expand the use of a structure without first obtaining a valid building permit or plumbing permit.
Every sewer permit issued pursuant to subsection A of this section shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building permit or plumbing permit for the structure to which the connection is to be made, or for which the sewer system will be used, or the move-on permit for the mobile home to be connected, expires by limitation or otherwise becomes null and void. If a permit has expired, then before the connection for such structure or mobile home can be made, or the sewer system used, a new sewer permit shall be first obtained, and the fee therefor shall be one-half of the required fee for the original permit for each equivalent dwelling unit unless one year has passed since the expiration, in which case the fee shall be the same as a new permit.
Permits for the connection of an existing structure to the sewer system may be issued by the Utilities Director at any time upon proper application. Every sewer permit issued pursuant to this subsection shall expire by limitation and become null and void if work on the connection authorized by such permit is not completed within 120 days from the date of issuance of such permit.
(Ord. 7060 § 1, 1980; Ord. CS-164 § 3, 2011)
An equivalent dwelling unit is a unit of measure for the sewage generated from particular buildings, structures or uses. One equivalent dwelling unit is equal to an approximation of the amount of sewage generated by an average single-family residence.
The Utilities Director shall be responsible for determining the number of equivalent dwelling units for various buildings, structures or uses in accordance with the provisions of this section. For proposed new construction, the Utilities Director shall review the building plans and ascertain the use of the proposed structure and then determine the number of equivalent dwelling units required by an application of the tables in subsection C of this section. For an existing structure and use, the Director shall apply subsection C to that structure and use. For the alteration, remodeling or expansion of an existing structure or use, the Utilities Director shall determine the number of equivalent dwelling units being used by the existing structure or use by applying subsection C. The Utilities Director shall then determine, in the same manner as new construction, the number of equivalent dwelling units required after completion of the alteration, remodeling or expansion. The equivalent dwelling units in such cases shall be the amount of the increase in such units, if any.
Table 13.10.020(C) shall be used to determine equivalent dwelling units.
TABLE 13.10.020(C)
Type of Building, Structure or Use
Equivalent Dwelling Units
(1) Each space of a trailer court or mobilehome park
(2) Each duplex
(3) Each separate apartment in an apartment house
(4) Each housing accommodation designed for occupancy by a single person or one family, irrespective of the number actually occupying such accommodation
(5) Each room of a lodginghouse, boardinghouse, hotel, motel or other multiple dwelling designed for sleeping accommodations for one or more individuals
Without cooking facilities
With cooking facilities
(6) Churches, theaters and auditoriums, per each unit of seating capacity (a unit being 150 persons or any fraction thereof)
(7) Restaurants
No seating
Seating (see note)
2.67 plus 1.00 per each 7 seats or fraction thereof
Delicatessen or fast food, using only disposable tableware:
No seating
Seating (see note)
2.76 plus 1.00 per each 21 seats or fraction thereof
(8) Automobile service stations:
Not more than four gasoline pumps
More than four gasoline pumps
(9) Self-service laundries, per each washer
(10) Office space in industrial or commercial establishments not listed above and warehouses
Divide gross floor area of building in sq. ft. by 1,800
(11) Schools:
Elementary schools
For each 60 pupils or fraction thereof
Junior high schools
For each 50 pupils or fraction thereof
High schools
For each 30 pupils or fraction thereof
(12) In the case of all commercial, industrial and business establishments not included in subdivisions 1 through 10, inclusive, of this subsection, the number of equivalent dwelling units shall be determined in each case by the Utilities Director and shall be based upon his or her estimate of the volume and type of wastewater to be discharged into the sewer. The provisions of Chapter 13.16 shall apply to all cases under this subsection and an industrial waste permit shall be required. Any such permit, issued for any use hereunder, shall include a specific volume of sewage authorized for such use. If said amount is exceeded, it shall be grounds for revocation of the permit.
(13) Theme park (LEGOLAND California) per acre
Seats allowed in incidental outdoor dining areas pursuant to Section 21.26.013, and seats allowed without any parking requirement in outdoor, sidewalk or curb cafes, as defined by and pursuant to the Village and Barrio Master Plan and the City Council, shall not count towards the generation of equivalent dwelling units. However, any combination of outdoor seats which exceeds the number of indoor seats and therefore is required to be parked, shall count towards the generation of equivalent dwelling units.
If the number of equivalent dwelling units, determined by the application of subsection C of this section, results in a fraction, the fees required by this code for such fraction shall be in proportion thereto.
The Utilities Director's determinations under this section may be appealed to the City Council, whose decision shall be final.
The City Council may, by resolution, prescribe any regulations they consider necessary for the proper application of this section. Such regulations may include but are not limited to a determination of the number of gallons of sewage equaling one equivalent dwelling unit may vary for a satellite sewage treatment plant when such variation is justified based on the flow characteristics of the drainage basin served by such plant or other factors which the council finds necessitate the difference.
If LEGOLAND California develops an attraction area into a use that is not consistent with current theme park uses and/or requires a specific plan amendment, the Utilities Director shall recommend a method for calculating equivalent dwelling units to the City Council.
(Ord. 7060 § 1, 1980; Ord. 7061 § 1, 1981; Ord. NS-421 § 1, 1997; Ord. NS-423 § 1, 1997; Ord. NS-849 § 1, 2007; Ord. CS-164 § 3, 2011; Ord. CS-207 § 1, 2013; Ord. CS-333 § 10, 2018)
Except as provided, every person who wishes to use the city sewer system and the Encina Treatment Plant shall pay to the city prior to the issuance of a sewer permit, a sewer capacity fee per equivalent dwelling unit. The amount of the sewer capacity fee shall be as set from time to time by a resolution of the City Council.
The sewer capacity fee shall be adjusted annually by a resolution of the City Council by the percentage change in the Engineering News Record Los Angeles Construction Cost Index with the base index in effect in December 2003.
All sewer capacity fees shall be placed in the sewer construction fund and shall be used to pay for capital improvements of such system.
(Ord. 7060 § 1, 1980; Ord. NS-12 § 1, 1988; Ord. NS-137 § 1, 1991; Ord. NS-682 § 1, 2003; Ord. CS-041 § 1, 2009; Ord. CS-094 § 1, 2010; Ord. CS-154 § 1, 2011; Ord. CS-186 § 1, 2012)
Whenever any person applies for a sewer permit and the sewage from the applicant's property must be pumped to a treatment plant by an intermediary public pumping plant, and such person, or his/her predecessor in interest, has not contributed to the cost of the construction of such intermediary pumping plant, then such person shall pay to the city a pumping plant capital contribution fee for each existing or proposed equivalent dwelling unit that is to be served by such connection.
The pumping plant capital contribution fee shall be established by resolution by the City Council.
(Ord. 7060 § 1, 1980)
In addition to the fees required by this chapter, an applicant for a sewer permit shall also pay any applicable sewer main extension fees pursuant to Chapter 13.08.
(Ord. 7060 § 1, 1980)
The City Council, by resolution, may establish a special sewer service area for the Lake Calavera Hills Satellite Sewage Treatment Plant and establish a sewer capacity fee which shall be paid by each person, other than the developer or successors or assigns, proposing to connect a structure within such area to the Lake Calavera Plant prior to the issuance of a sewer permit. The fee, less five percent for administrative costs, shall be used to reimburse Lake Calavera Hills for the costs of constructing the plant.
The developer may in writing waive reimbursement for any structure using capacity in the plant. The fee required by this section shall not be collected when such a waiver has been made.
The fee established by this section shall be deemed to satisfy Section 13.10.030 which shall not apply to property within the special sewer service area.
(Ord. 7060 § 1, 1980)
The City Council may, by resolution, levy a fee for each connection to the Lake Calavera Hills Satellite Sewage Treatment Plant to pay for capital improvements within the special sewer service area or elsewhere but benefiting such area. Such fee shall be in addition to the capacity fee required by Section 13.10.060 and all other fees required by this title. All such fees shall be placed in the joint sewer construction fund established by Section 13.10.030 and shall be used to pay for capital improvements of the system within the special service areas or elsewhere, but benefiting the special service area.
(Ord. 7060 § 1, 1980)
Except as provided, every person who wishes to use the city's sewer facilities in Sewer Benefit Areas A through M, shall pay to the city, prior to the issuance of a building permit, the following sewer benefit area fee:
$955.00 per equivalent dwelling unit for Sewer Benefit Area A;
$1,087.00 per equivalent dwelling unit for Sewer Benefit Area B;
$2,003.00 per equivalent dwelling unit in Sewer Benefit Area C;
$2,007.00 per equivalent dwelling unit in Sewer Benefit Area D;
$2,960.00 per equivalent dwelling unit in Sewer Benefit Area E;
$2,976.00 per equivalent dwelling unit in Sewer Benefit Area F;
$600.00 per equivalent dwelling unit for Sewer Benefit Area G;
$873.00 per equivalent dwelling unit for Sewer Benefit Area H;
No fee per equivalent dwelling unit for Sewer Benefit Area I;
$1,647.00 per equivalent dwelling unit in Sewer Benefit Area J;
$1,302.00 per equivalent dwelling unit for Sewer Benefit Area K;
$1,302.00 per equivalent dwelling unit for Sewer Benefit Area L; and
$64.00 per equivalent dwelling unit for Sewer Benefit Area M.
The sewer benefit area fees shall be adjusted annually effective September 1st, by the annual change to the Engineering News Record Los Angeles Construction Cost Index with a base year index of April 1, 2010.
(Ord. NS-642 § 1, 2002; Ord. CS-041 § 2, 2009; Ord. CS-077 § II, 2010; CS-094 § 2, 7-13-2010; Ord. CS-154 § 2, 2011; Ord. CS-186 § 2, 2012)
Notwithstanding anything in this chapter to the contrary, all sewer capacity and sewer benefit area fees for any residential development that consists of five or more dwelling units and for all new commercial, office, and industrial buildings or building additions shall only be paid prior to building permit issuance, or, at the request of the applicant, deferred until all work required for final inspection has been completed and all department approvals required for final inspection have been obtained by the applicant.
If the applicant chooses to defer the payment of fees to prior to the request for final inspection, then the amount of the fees shall be based on the fees in effect at the time of the request for final inspection.
In the event that the city, for any reason, fails to collect any or all fees prior to final inspection, such fees shall remain the obligation of the developer and/or the property owner.
(Ord. CS-200 § I, 2013; Ord. CS-271 § I, 2015)