The 2022 California Mechanical Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, a portion of the California Building Standards Code, is adopted and incorporated by this reference as the mechanical code. The following sections, chapters, or appendices are deleted: Sections 103 et seq., 104.3, 104.4, 106 et seq. and 107 et seq. of Chapter 1; Chapter 15; and Appendices A through H.
The provisions of this code that are adopted by the city shall apply to mechanical systems, materials, or appurtenances or portions thereof and other related building service equipment installed, used, designed or intended to be used.
(Ord. CS-437 § 7, 2022)
Installation, remodel, replacement, removal, abatement or discontinuance of mechanical systems and related building service equipment shall meet the requirements of this section.
Roof-Mounted Mechanical Equipment and Devices. Mechanical equipment, including, but not limited to, air conditioning, heating, tanks, ducts, elevator enclosures, cooling towers, solar panels, or other similar equipment shall be adequately screened from view from surrounding properties, adjacent public streets, and on-site parking areas. Screening shall be accomplished with mechanical roof wells recessed below the roof line, by solid and permanent roof-mounted screens, use of parapet walls, or building design integration and concealment by portions of the same building or other structure. Alternative methods for screening may include the consolidation and orientation of devices towards the center of the rooftop with enclosure and the use of neutral color surfaces or color paint matching. Chain link fencing with or without wooden/plastic slats is prohibited.
All electrical and mechanical duct work and related piping shall be inside the building and not the roof. All connections related to equipment shall be made in the same roof opening on the platform or have the prior approval from the building official. Any under-roof or wall-mounted cables, raceway, conduit, or other device connection to support roof-mounted assemblies is subject to Section 2803.3.
Sewer vents shall be brought to one main vent below the roof and have one penetration where restrooms or other plumbing fixtures are back to back or in the general proximity.
All air exhaust fans and other equipment shall be within the building and use the same roof opening where restroom and other equipment are back to back or in the general proximity.
All roof appurtenances and screening devices shall be architecturally integrated with construction and appearance similar to and compatible with the building or structure on which the equipment is placed to the satisfaction of the building official. All visible elements should have symmetry in all visible dimensions and be contextually balanced so that the screening does not dominate the element they are placed on.
Ground-Mounted Mechanical Equipment and Devices. All ground-mounted mechanical equipment, including, but not limited to, heating and air conditioning units and swimming pool and spa pumps and filters, shall be completely screened from view from surrounding properties and adjacent public streets by a solid wall or fence or shall be enclosed within a building or electrical/service room. Alternative methods for screening equipment from the public right-of-way and adjacent properties may include the placement of equipment in locations where buildings serve the purpose of screening or any other method approved by the building official. Chain link fencing with or without wooden or plastic slats is prohibited.
In locations where ground-mounted mechanical equipment is completely screened from surrounding properties and adjacent to public streets, but visible on-site, the ground-mounted equipment shall be surrounded by sight-obscuring landscaping, enclosed within a structure (i.e., equipment enclosure), and/or painted with neutral colors that are compatible with structures and landscaping on the property. Structural, design, and/or landscaping plans for any required screening under the provisions of this section shall be approved by the building official.
Wall-Mounted Devices. Large wall-mounted mechanical and electrical equipment, which are greater than 36 inches in height or width, shall be completely screened from the public right-of-way, adjacent properties, and on-site parking areas or shall be enclosed within a building or electrical/service room. Minor wall-mounted mechanical and electrical equipment, such as electric panels, utility meters, or junction boxes, which are 36 inches in height and width or less shall be screened to the maximum extent practicable through the use of building design integration and concealment, enclosure, or surface color paint matching and be screened by walls or fences or sight-obscuring landscaping. Chain link fencing with or without wooden or plastic slats is prohibited.
All exterior wall-mounted cables, raceway, conduit, or other device connection to support any roof-mounted, ground-mounted, or wall-mounted mechanical devices, shall be painted to match the color of the building wall or surface on which they are mounted and shall be sited to minimize the appearance or be in a location that is reasonably compatible and in harmony with the architectural styling and detailing of the building.
Exceptions to Screening Requirements. Where it can be clearly demonstrated that the exterior mechanical equipment is not visible from any surrounding properties, adjacent public streets, and on-site parking areas, the building official may waive the screening requirements of this section. Furthermore, the following mechanical equipment and devices will be fully or partially exempt from the foregoing screening requirements of this section, but may be regulated separately by some other law or ordinance: (1) electric vehicle charging support systems; (2) electric generating facilities, including solar photovoltaic systems; and (3) satellite television antennas.
Removal, Abatement and Discontinuance of Mechanical Equipment or Devices. Where roof-mounted or wall-mounted equipment, devices or other appurtenances are removed, abated or discontinued, any unused openings on any roof or wall must be sealed and restored to match the structural condition and appearance of its surroundings.
(Ord. CS-437 § 7, 2022)
Rooftop mechanical equipment, other equipment requiring maintenance and roof access hatches shall be located so that routine maintenance and approach thereof is more than 10 feet of the edge of the roof. This standard may only be encroached upon approval by the building official and only when the building official is satisfied that compliance with the rooftop location requirement is impracticable because of structural or construction difficulties or it is detrimental to the preservation of a historic building.
(Ord. CS-437 § 7, 2022)