The 2022 California Electrical Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, a portion of the California Building Standards Code, is adopted in its entirety and incorporated by this reference as the electrical code. The provisions of this code that are adopted by the city shall apply to electrical wiring, apparatus and systems installed, used, designed or intended to be used.
(Ord. CS-437 § 8, 2022)
No electric wiring, devices, appliances or equipment shall be installed within or on any building, structure or premises nor shall any alteration without first securing a permit therefor from the building official except as stated in Section 18.12.030.
Permits for privately-owned conduits or other materials in public places and in and across streets and alleys may be issued only after approval has been granted for the installation by the City Engineer. All work shall be done in accordance with law and special regulations applicable thereto.
Permits shall only be issued to contractors licensed by the State of California to engage in the business or act in the capacity of a contractor, relating to electrical inspection installation, and to persons holding a valid master electrician certificate of competency for work performed only on the property of his or her employer, or the owner.
(Ord. CS-437 § 8, 2022)
No permit shall be required for minor repair work such as repairing flush or snap switches, replacing fuses, repairing lamp sockets and receptacles when such work is done in accordance with the provisions of this code.
No permit shall be required for the replacement of lamps or the connection of portable appliances to suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed.
No permit shall be required for the installation, alteration or repair of wiring, devices, appliances or equipment for the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence (not including the control of lighting or appliance circuits) where such wiring, devices, appliances or equipment operate a voltage not exceeding 25 volts between conductors and do not include generating or transforming equipment capable of supplying more than 100 watts of energy.
(Ord. CS-437 § 8, 2022)
Application for permits for electrical installations where the service capacity exceeds 200 amperes shall be accompanied by two sets of electrical line drawings and load distribution calculations showing service panel and branch panel capacities and locations service switch and branch switch capacities, conduit and feeder sizes.
(Ord. CS-437 § 8, 2022)
A temporary meter may be set on the permanent electrical service base for testing equipment, for lighting of interiors where outside sources do not light, or for health and safety and protection of persons. Failure to provide and comply with all provisions of this chapter shall constitute grounds for the removal of any or all meters on the project.
(Ord. CS-437 § 8, 2022)