The 2022 California Plumbing Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, a portion of the California Building Standards Code, is adopted and incorporated by this reference as the plumbing code except for changes, additions, deletions and amendments in this chapter. The following appendices of the plumbing code are included in the adoption: Appendix H (Private Sewage Disposal Systems) and M (Peak Water Demand Calculator). The following sections, chapters, or appendices are deleted: Sections 103 et seq., 104.3, 104.4, 104.5, 106 et seq. and 107 et seq. of Chapter 1; and Appendices A through G, I through L, and N.
The provisions of this code that are adopted by the city shall apply to plumbing equipment, systems, materials, or appurtenances or portions thereof installed, used, designed or intended to be used.
(Ord. CS-437 § 9, 2022)
Section 1505.10 is amended to read as follows:
1505.10 Required Appurtenances.
The recycled water supply system and the potable water system within the building and the premises shall be provided with the required appurtenances (e.g., valves, air/vacuum relief valves, etc.).
All new buildings where recycled water will be used for irrigation shall install on the building supply pipe a bypass tee for recycled water cross-connection shut down testing. The bypass tee shall be constructed of copper and the size shall match the building supply pipe size approved for the building. The bypass tee shall be connected to the building supply pipe above ground and before the pressure regulator at a point just before it enters the building. Both end connections to the building supply pipe shall be made using a union. A bronze full port straight ball valve with handle shall be installed on the inlet side of the bypass tee for the building supply pipe and sized to match the inlet tee. A bronze full port straight ball valve with tee-head and padlock wing shall be installed on the side inlet tee, which shall be threaded with a male hose thread adapter to match the building supply pipe size. The work shall be in conformance with Engineering Standard Drawing W35. All shut down tests using the bypass tee shall be conducted with a backflow prevention device to reduce potential for contamination of the potable water system.
(Ord. CS-437 § 9, 2022)
A rainfall participation rate of 3.7 inches per hour in a 100-year storm event (one hour duration) shall be utilized as a guideline to calculate the minimum sizing of roof drainage systems required. Roof drainage systems shall be permitted to be sized using the roof area and the slope of the roof area served by each of the drain inlets. Calculations for the roof drainage system shall be submitted along with the plan for approval.
(Ord. CS-437 § 9, 2022)