The city shall have and does hereby adopt an official seal, which is described as follows:
A circular sunburst reflecting the family as the central focus of the community; surrounded by symbols depicting the various components necessary to the making of a city: the crossed swords and helmet of conquistador ancestors who traveled this land centuries ago; the fruits and vegetables which brought prosperity to the farmlands before homes were built; the entities of church, industry and schools complete the circle of services offered to the community. The seal is comprised of a sky-blue background with the sunburst and family in gold, the community symbols in white; and black lettering. The seal may be reproduced in its colors of blue and gold, or may, from time to time, be reproduced in a single color format.
(Prior code § 2603; Ord. 1008 § 1, 2004)
The impression of the city seal shall be made and used upon all official documents executed by the city or its authorized officials and it may, from time to time, be used on any materials or clothing as authorized by city officials, only. Any unauthorized use is prohibited.
(Prior code § 2604; Ord. 1008 § 1, 2004)
The city clerk shall be the custodian of the city seal.
(Prior code § 2605)