Pursuant to the provisions of Section 34322 of the Government Code of the state, a majority of the votes cast at the special election for the incorporation of Pico Rivera as a general law city on January 7, 1958, were in favor of a city manager form of government, and therefore, in accordance with the provisions of Section 34322, the city shall operate under the city manager form of government.
(Prior code § 2120)
The city manager shall be appointed by the city council and shall hold office at and during the pleasure of the city council.
(Prior code § 2121)
The offices of city manager and city clerk may be consolidated in the same person by the resolution appointing a city manager-city clerk. In such an event, the city manager-city clerk shall have all the duties and responsibilities of both the city manager and the city clerk, as established by general law and the ordinances of the city.
Reference in this code to the city manager or the city clerk shall mean the city manager-city clerk when the city council, by resolution, has appointed one person to the office of city manager-city clerk.
(Prior code § 2122)
In the case of the absence or disability of the city manager, the city council may designate some duly qualified person to perform the duties of city manager during the absence or disability of the city manager, subject, however, to such person, if he or she is not already a city officer, furnishing the bond and taking the oath of office as required by the provisions of this title. The city council may at any time, by resolution, even though the city manager then is not absent or disabled, designate a city officer who shall act as city manager during such absence or disability.
(Prior code § 2123)
In accordance with the provisions of Section 36506 of the Government Code of the state, the city manager shall hold office during the pleasure of the city council. However, in order to provide some protection to the city manager in respect to suspension and removal from office, in addition to those provisions provided elsewhere by the law governing general law cities, the city manager shall not be removed until the city council has adopted a preliminary resolution setting forth the reason for his or her removal, and thirty days have elapsed thereafter. By the preliminary resolution, the city council may suspend the city manager from duty, but shall in any case cause to be paid to him, with due and owing, his or her monthly salary or any portion thereof to and through one calendar month following the adoption of the preliminary resolution. The requirement herein of a preliminary resolution shall not be deemed or construed to constitute or signify that the removal of the city manager must be upon specified grounds or cause, the city council having full, complete and uncontrolled discretion in respect to the suspension or removal of the city manager, with its action thereon being final and not dependent upon any particular showing or degree of proof. The city manager shall be entitled to a public hearing in respect to his or her removal, if he or she so desires, in accordance with the provisions of the general law governing cities of the state of California.
(Prior code § 2124)
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2.16.050, when by resolution the same person is appointed to the office of city manager-city clerk, the full and entire compensation for such person shall be the compensation fixed for the city manager by resolution pursuant to Section 2.12.060 of the Pico Rivera Municipal code. In addition to any compensation so fixed by the resolution, the city manager shall be reimbursed for his or her actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duty, or incurred when traveling on business pertaining to the city under the direction of the city council, and provided, further, that an itemized statement pertaining to the same has been filed with and approved by the city council.
(Prior code § 2125)
The city manager, subject to the policy determination of the city council, shall coordinate the activities of the municipal government and of the various departments thereof, and act as an administrative head in respect to all municipal functions. As such, he or she shall have the powers and duties specified in the Government Code of the state and in this code. The city manager shall be responsible for the efficient administration of all of the affairs of the city as the chief executive and administrative officer of the city government, shall be responsible for the enforcement of the laws of the city, and shall require the faithful performance of all administrative duties, and in addition shall have the powers and duties designated in Sections 2.04.080 through 2.04.190.
(Prior code § 2126)
The city manager shall have and exercise all powers and duties assigned to him or her by state law, by the ordinances of the city and by any legislative action or direction of the city council. He or she shall be charged with, as chief administrative officer of the city council, the responsibility of ascertaining that the laws of the state of California pertaining to the city, and all laws and ordinances of the city, are duly enforced and that all franchises, permits and privileges granted by the city are faithfully observed.
The city manager shall devote his or her entire time to his or her duties in the interest of the city.
It shall be the responsibility of the city manager to present to the city council all memorandums of understanding, side-letters and other labor or personnel related agreements to the city council for review and approval at an open and public meeting of the city council. All such MOUs, side-letters and/or agreements shall be signed by the mayor in order to take effect.
(Prior code §§ 2126(a), (m); Ord. 1133 § 1, 2019)
As a chief administrative officer and advisor of the city council, the city manager shall at all times advise the city council as to all legislative, executive and administrative duties and responsibilities of the city council, and shall recommend to the city council such measures, ordinances or procedures as he or she shall deem necessary or expedient to carry out the purposes of the municipal government. In this regard, the city manager shall:
Prepare and submit to the city council the annual budget and administer it after adoption;
Prepare and recommend to the city council a salary plan;
Make investigations into the affairs of the city in any department or division thereof, in any contract, or the proper performance of any obligation running to the city;
Investigate all complaints in relation to the matters concerning the administration of the government of the city, and in regard to the service maintained by public and private agencies in the city; and
Exercise all general supervision over all public buildings, public parks, public streets and all other public property which is under the control and jurisdiction of the city council.
(Prior code § 2126(e))
The city manager shall attend all meetings of the city council, shall keep the council informed as to the affairs of the city and shall recommend to the council such action as may be necessary or expedient to the welfare of the city.
(Prior code § 2126(b))
Unless specified otherwise by the provisions of this code, the city manager shall be an ex officio member of all commissions, committees and boards created by the city council or established by the provisions of the state law, with the right to participate in all deliberations or actions by such commissions, committees or boards, but without the right of vote. The city manager shall attend all meetings of such commissions, committees or boards, as necessary in his or her discretion, and may delegate the responsibility of his or her attendance to any subordinate employee.
(Prior code § 2126(d))
In accordance with the provisions of Section 34856 of the Government Code of the state of California, the city manager may appoint and dismiss all subordinate appointive officers and employees, including the position of city treasurer, to positions created by the city council, except the city attorney and the city clerk. The decision as to the appointment or removal of the city clerk and city attorney is hereby retained by the city council and, except as herein provided, the offices of city clerk and city treasurer shall be under the jurisdiction and control of the city manager. In accordance with the foregoing, the city manager shall appoint, promote, discipline, demote and remove all subordinate officers and employees, subject to the aforementioned limitations and exceptions. The city manager may transfer employees from one department to another, and consolidate or combine offices, positions or units under his or her jurisdiction in one person, provided the performance of the duties of separate offices by one person would not be inconsistent or unlawful. The city manager shall appoint competent and qualified officers and employees, and shall be responsible to the city council as a chief administrative officer for the exercise of all the powers and duties herein contained.
(Prior code § 2126(c); Ord. 694 § 5, 1985; Ord. 1004 § 1, 2003)
The city manager is designated the purchasing officer of the city. All purchases made on behalf of the city shall be made in accordance with the terms and provisions of Chapter 3.20 of this code, and shall be approved and confirmed by the city council before the city council or the city shall be obligated thereon, except where provided otherwise by Chapter 3.20 of this code.
(Prior code § 2126(f))
The city manager shall examine all proposed contracts to which the city may be a party, and may sign on behalf of the city any contract authorized by the city council, excepting where the council directs that some other officer or officers shall do so. In case of the reasonable unavailability of the mayor to sign contracts previously approved by the city council, the mayor pro-tem is authorized to sign such contracts and in cases of the reasonable unavailability of the mayor and the mayor protem the city manager is authorized to sign such contracts. It shall be the duty of the city manager to see that all terms of any contract to which the city is a party are fully performed by all parties thereto.
(Prior code § 2126(h); Ord. 1076 § 5, 2013)
The city manager shall keep a current inventory showing all real and personal property of the city in its location, and shall be responsible for the care and custody of all such property, including the equipment, buildings, parks and all other city property which is not by law assigned to some other officer or body for care and control.
(Prior code § 2126(i))
The city manager shall prepare and submit to the city council an annual report of the city affairs, including a summary or reports of department heads or other city officers, a statement of financial condition and needs of the city, and such other reports as the city council shall require.
(Prior code § 2126(g))
Where the offices of city manager and city clerk are consolidated in the same person, it shall be the duty of the manager to see to the publication of all notices, ordinances and other documents, where required by law or direction of the city council, as well as the posting of the same, where required by law or as directed by the city council.
The manager-city clerk shall prepare and cause to be given, posted or published, as required, all notices as required by law or direction of the city council.
The manager-city clerk shall prepare and be responsible, in accordance with the provisions of the Election Code of the state, for the conducting of all municipal elections.
The manager, as city clerk, shall prepare and have custody of all municipal records required by law to be kept by the city clerk and by the city, and where not required to be kept by any other specified officers.
(Prior code § 2126(j))
The manager shall serve as local director of civil defense where not inconsistent with any contract or other arrangement with the city.
(Prior code § 2126(k))
The city manager shall perform such other duties and exercise such other powers as may be necessary in order to carry out the foregoing, and as may be delegated to him or her from time to time by ordinance, resolution or direction of the city council.
(Prior code § 2126(l))