No city officer or employee shall enter the duties of his or her office until he or she has taken the oath required by law, as well as the Constitution oath of office, and has filed the same with the city clerk.
(Prior code § 2105)
The following city officers, before entering upon the duties of their office, shall execute a bond conforming to the provisions of the Government Code relating to bonds of public offices, and in conformity with the provisions of Section 36518 and Chapter 3 of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code pertaining to official bonds, in the penal sum as recommended by the city attorney, and adopted by resolution of the city council; provided, however, that the amounts of the bonds shall not be less than as follows:
City clerk and city manager, one hundred thousand dollars;
City treasurer and director of finance, one hundred thousand dollars;
Deputy city clerk, one hundred thousand dollars.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 36519 of the Government Code and Section 1481 of the Government Code, the legislative body determines it expedient and necessary to require all other city officers and employees, before entering upon the duties of their office, to execute a bond to the city in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 3, Division 4, Title 1 of the Government Code, which bond will be in the sum of ten thousand dollars, a sum to be determined by the city council, and shall be a master bond covering all other city officers and employees.
(Prior code § 2106; Ord. 694 § 4, 1985)
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 36501 of the Government Code of the state and any other provision of the law of the state providing for subordinate officers or employees, the city council may, by resolution or ordinance, hire and retain such other officers or employees therein, specifying his or her duties and compensation. Such other officer or employee shall not have any of the rights or duties specified in this title unless expressly stated or implied herein.
(Prior code § 2191)
Pursuant to the provisions of the Government Code of the state and Section 37102 thereof, the city council may from time to time specify, hire and retain additional city officers not specified in this title for special services and advice regarding financial, economical, accounting, engineering, legal and administrative matters, by contract, ordinance or resolution. Such officers, unless specifically enumerated in a category of officers and employees by this title, shall not have any rights or duties specified in this title unless expressly stated or implied herein.
(Prior code § 2190)
It shall be the duty of all subordinate officers, as well as the city clerk if this office is not consolidated with the city manager, the city treasurer and the city attorney, to cooperate with and assist the city manager in administrating the affairs of the city most efficiently, economically and harmoniously so far as may be consistent with their duties, and as prescribed by law and the ordinances of the city.
(Prior code § 2126.1)
The salaries and compensation of other officers and employees shall be fixed by the city council by resolution appointing such officer or employee, or as thereafter amended by resolution or motion of the council. Salaries, compensation or benefits of city employees or officers shall only be paid from salary schedules, MOUs, side-letters or other agreements which are approved by the city council at an open and public meeting and shall be signed by the mayor. If such salary schedules, MOUs, side-letters or other agreements are not approved by the city council at an open and public meeting or are not signed by the mayor, such salary schedules, MOUs, side-letters or other agreements are void and have of no force or effect.
(Prior code § 2304; Ord. 1133 § 4, 2019)