The office of city clerk is hereby created. The city clerk shall have those duties bestowed upon him or her by the provisions of the Government Code of California and by the ordinances of the city council. In addition, the city clerk shall perform those duties as designated by the city council. Where duties are bestowed upon the city clerk by the provisions of the Government Code or by ordinances of the city, the city clerk shall be responsible for the performance of such duties by himself or his or her assistants, and shall be answerable directly to the city council for their performance. Where not inconsistent with the foregoing, the city clerk and his or her assistants shall be subject to the executive direction and management of the city manager, as the representative of the city council. Any application required to be filed with the city or fees required to be paid to the city, pursuant to the provisions of this code, shall be filed with or paid to the city clerk unless otherwise provided by this code.
(Prior code § 2102.3)
The city clerk shall be appointed by the city council and serve at the will of the city council, unless the city council shall by ordinance invest the power of appointments to the city manager pursuant to the provisions of Section 34856 of the Government Code.
(Prior code § 2103.2)
Subject to approval of the city council, the city clerk may appoint a chief deputy city clerk, and such deputy city clerks as the city council shall designate. The deputies shall hold office at the pleasure of the city clerk, and shall receive compensation as provided by the city council.
(Prior code § 2103.1)
Notwithstanding any provisions of this code to the contrary, the city clerk pro tem and deputy city clerk pro tem shall enter into the duties of their office upon the incorporation of the city even though they have not yet given bond to the city as required by this code, provided the bond is secured and given within a reasonable time thereafter.
(Prior code § 2303.1)
The city clerk shall receive a monthly salary or compensation as fixed by ordinance of the city council, with the exception that the salary of the first city clerk retained by the city as a city clerk pro tem may, pursuant to the authority of this section, or any city clerk-city manager, be fixed at that salary fixed for the city manager by resolution of the city council
(Prior code § 2303)
There is set and established a filing fee of twenty-five dollars to defray, in part, the cost to the city of processing nomination papers for councilmanic elections in the city. The filing fee shall be payable in respect to each such nomination filed and shall be paid upon the filing of the nomination papers.
Except as provided in subsection C of this section, nomination papers for councilmanic elections shall not be accepted unless accompanied by the filing fee set and established by this section.
Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, a candidate for member of the city council may submit, in lieu of all or part of the required filing fee, a petition containing four qualified signatures for each dollar of the filing fee not paid, the number of required signatures not to exceed one hundred. A qualified signature is the signature of a person who, at the time of providing such signature, was a registered voter within the city.
Any petition submitted pursuant to this section in lieu of all or part of the required filing fee shall be submitted to the city clerk with the nomination papers related hereto, together with the amount of the filing fee, if any, remaining to be paid.
Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to extend or otherwise modify the period of time of filing nomination papers for councilmanic elections.
The filing fee set and established by subsection A of this section shall be operative for councilmanic nominations for the general municipal election to be held on April 12, 1994 and for each special and general municipal election held thereafter for election to membership on the city council.
(Ord. 846 § 1, 1993)