The office of city treasurer is created. The city treasurer shall have those duties as prescribed by the Government Code of the state and in addition, where not inconsistent with the foregoing, the city treasurer shall:
Receive and safely keep all moneys coming into his or her hands;
Comply with all laws governing the securing of public funds and the handling of trust funds in his or her possession;
Pay out money only on warrants signed by legally designated persons;
Regularly, at least once each month, submit to the city clerk a written report and accounting of all receipts, disbursements and fund balances, and file a copy thereof with the city council;
Perform such other duties relative to the collection of city taxes and license fees as are prescribed by ordinance; and
Pay out salaries, benefits or other financial obligations of the city relating to labor or personnel matters only when such obligations have been approved by the city council in an open and public meeting and memorialized in an agreement signed by the mayor.
(Prior code § 2101; Ord. 1133 § 2, 2019)
The city treasurer shall be appointed by the city council and serve at the will of the city council, unless the city council invests such power in the city manager by ordinance pursuant to Section 34586 of the Government Code of the state.
(Prior code § 2102.2)
The city treasurer may appoint a deputy city treasurer, who shall hold office at the pleasure of the city treasurer and city manager, and shall receive compensation as provided by the city council. The deputy city treasurer shall perform those duties as specified and directed by the city treasurer.
(Prior code § 2102.1; Ord. 1004 § 2, 2003)