Pursuant to the authority granted by Section 37209 and Section 36501 of the Government Code of the state, the office of director of finance of the city is created and established. The city council finds that the tasks and duties bestowed upon the city clerk and the city manager are so numerous that it is necessary to have this position created, to appoint someone to fill the position, and to transfer certain duties of the city clerk to the director of finance, as allowed by law.
(Prior code § 2150)
The duties imposed upon the city clerk by Title 4, Division 3, Part 2, Chapter 4, Article I of the Government Code of the state are transferred to the director of finance, in accordance with Section 37209 of the Government Code. In addition, the finance and accounting duties imposed upon the city clerk by Sections 40802 through 40805 of the Government Code are hereby transferred to the director of finance.
(Prior code § 2150.1)
The director of finance shall have those duties imposed upon the city clerk by Title 4, Division 3, Part 2, Chapter 4, Article I of the Government Code of the state, and as imposed upon the director of finance by ordinance or resolution of the city council in connection with such duties or related duties, as set forth in said Article I of the Government Code. As director of finance, he or she shall have charge of the administration of all financial affairs of the city, subject to the control and under the direction of the city manager. In addition, the director of finance shall be accounting officer of the city, and shall maintain a general accounting system and records reflecting the financial condition of the city, prepare and present to the council or to other agencies all financial reports required by law, ordinance, or direction of the city council or city manager. As director of finance, he or she shall be responsible for the preparation of all vouchers for payment, preparation of the register of demands, and all preparations of monthly financial statements to the city manager and city council.
In addition to the foregoing, the director of finance shall perform such other duties as hereinafter imposed upon him or her by state law or by ordinance, resolution or motion of the city council. He or she shall assist the city manager in all financial and budgetary matters, as well as any other administrative matter, when ordered to do so by the city manager. In addition to the foregoing, the director of finance, under the jurisdiction of the city manager, shall:
Have charge of the administration of the financial affairs of the city;
Compile the budget expenses and income estimates for the city manager;
Maintain and supervise a general accounting system for the city government and each of its officers, departments and agencies;
Supervise and be responsible for the disbursements of all moneys, and have control of all expenditures, and audit and approval of all claims, bills, invoices, demands, charges and purchase orders, with the advice of the city attorney, when necessary, for submission to the city council;
Prepare and submit to the city manager and city council monthly financial statements of receipts and disbursements of the city, as well as an annual statement and report of the financial condition of the city;
Assist the city manager in keeping current inventories of all property of the city, its departments, officers and agencies; and
Disburse funds to pay salaries, benefits or other financial obligations of the city relating to labor or personnel matters only when such obligations have been approved by the city council in an open and public meeting and memorialized in an agreement signed by the mayor.
(Prior code § 2150.2; Ord. 1133 § 3, 2019)
The director of finance shall receive that compensation set forth in the resolution appointing him or her.
(Prior code § 2150.3)