Pursuant to Section 65100 of the Government Code, the city council hereby establishes a planning agency for the city, which shall consist of a planning commission. It shall be the function of the planning commission:
To develop and maintain a general plan;
To develop such specific plans as may be necessary or desirable;
To periodically review the improvement program of the city; and
To perform such other functions as authorized by the city council and provided by law.
(Prior code § 2200)
The planning commission shall consist of five members who shall be appointed in the manner set forth by resolution of the city council and shall serve at the will of the city council. All members of the planning commission shall be residents of the city. Nothing herein shall preclude the city council from reappointing a commissioner following the completion of his or her term.
(Prior code § 2201; Ord. 935 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1014 § 1, 2004)
The planning commission shall establish by resolution for the election of a chairperson and vicechairperson for a period of one year. The election shall occur within thirty days of the reorganization of the city council. The planning commission shall adopt rules for the transaction of its business, and shall keep a record of all its minutes, resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations.
(Prior code § 2203; Ord. 1046 § 1, 2008)
The planning commission shall hold at least one regular meeting in each month at such time and place as designated in the rules and regulations of the planning commission.
(Prior code § 2204)
If a member of the planning commission is absent from three successive regular meetings, which absences are not excused by the majority vote of the commission, or is absent for any reason, excused or unexcused, from more than six regular meetings in a twelve-month period, beginning on May 1st of each year, the city manager shall immediately notify the city council. Upon such notification, the city council shall review the status of such member as to continuation of appointment.
Commissioners may only be excused from attendance at regular meetings by a majority vote of the commission itself, based on the following criteria: Personal illness, death or serious illness in the family, occasional employment-related requirements, council-authorized city business, vacations, or any other reason deemed by the commission to be of equal justification.
In addition to the above, the city council shall review attendance records of all commissioners annually at the second regular city council meeting in April.
(Prior code § 2202)
Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, any member of the planning commission may be removed from office at any time by the affirmative vote of at least three members of the city council.
(Prior code § 2205)
The planning commission shall perform the duties and shall have all the rights, powers and privileges specified and provided in this code and by law.
(Prior code § 2206)
As provided in Section 65101 of the Government Code, the planning commission shall perform the following additional functions as an advisory agency to the city council, to the extent that such functions may be related to local planning:
Building and Safety.
Study and review building and safety laws and current legislation as same may be related to city ordinances,
Recommend to the city council methods of implementation of building and safety requirements;
Traffic and Circulation.
Study and review ways and means to improve general traffic and circulation conditions, and periodically report to the council,
Review and report to the city council all Southern California Rapid Transit District, Cal-Trans and SCAG reports and proposals regarding transportation, as they may relate to the city;
Review and report to the city council on new legislation relating to the California Environmental Quality Act and the implementation thereof,
Study and review land use as related to ecological control;
City Beautification. Make recommendations to the city council on community beautification, including capital improvement projects in the civic center area, main entrances to the city, and parks.
In the event of a conflict or incompatibility arising out of the functions set forth hereinabove, this section shall be deemed inapplicable to such extent, and in such event the city council shall solely assume such functions.
(Prior code § 2207)
In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3 of Title 7 of the Government Code pertaining to local planning, city planning commissioners, if authorized by the city council, may attend planning conferences, meetings of planning executives, or hearings on planning legislation or matters affecting all or part of the general plan, and shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary reasonable expenses incurred in respect to such attendance. "Expenses," as used in this section, means those incurred by reason of traveling, living, registration and other necessary fees and charges imposed. In addition, members of the city planning commission shall receive compensation for their attendance at meetings of the commission in the amount specified and determined by resolution of the city council.
(Prior code § 2301)