As a consideration for the franchise granted, the franchisee shall pay to the city in lawful money of the United States the fees set out in Sections 4.12.020 through 4.12.050 of this chapter.
(Prior code § 10200(part))
In the case of an initial grant of franchise, or on franchises which extend, renew or continue in existence previously granted franchises, the franchisee shall pay to the city a granting fee of three thousand dollars within thirty days after the city council adopts the ordinance granting the franchise.
Provided, however, that if the pipe or pipeline to be laid or constructed pursuant to the franchise is one-fourth mile or less in length, and extends, renews or continues a previously granted franchise to lay or construct a pipe or pipeline one-fourth mile or less in length, the franchisee shall pay to the city a granting fee of one thousand four hundred dollars within thirty days after the city council adopts the ordinance granting the franchise.
(Prior code § 10200(A); Ord. 948 § 1, 2000)
In addition to the foregoing annual payments, the franchisee shall:
Pay the city, within sixty days after the end of each calendar year, an initial construction charge calculated at a rate of one hundred dollars per mile or fraction thereof for all new mains laid during the preceding year, during the life of the franchise;
Pay the city, during the life of the franchise, an annual fee of twenty-five dollars per polemile or portion thereof, and twenty-five dollars per mile or portion thereof of underground conduit for telephone or telegraph lines maintained under the franchise. Such fee shall be due within sixty days after the end of each calendar year.
(Prior code § 10200(D))
Except as provided in Section 4.12.050 of this chapter, the franchisee, as further consideration for the franchise hereby granted, shall pay to the city in lawful money of the United States, two percent of the gross annual receipts of the franchisee arising from the use, operation or possession of the franchise; provided, however, that such payment shall in no event be less than one percent of the gross annual receipts of the franchisee derived from the sale within the franchise area of the commodity or service for which the franchise is awarded. Such percentage shall be paid annually during the life of the franchise, including the year of granting the franchise.
(Prior code § 10200(B))
The franchisee of any franchise awarded to a nonpublic utility for oil or products thereof, as further consideration for the franchise hereby granted, shall pay to the city in lawful money of the United States a "base annual fee" computed as follows:
Pipe of eight inches or less in nominal internal diameter: The annual fee shall be thirty-three cents per linear foot;
Pipe greater than eight inches in nominal internal diameter: The annual fee shall be thirty-three cents per linear foot for the first eight inches of nominal internal diameter, plus six cents per nominal internal diameter inch for each inch or fraction thereof over eight inches.
The amount of each annual payment of the base annual fee shall be revised every year from the effective date of the ordinance granting the franchise, at the time of payment, in accordance with the following formula:
The Wholesale Producer Price Index (1967—100) All Commodities, for the Los Angeles Area, established by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, as it stands on the date the franchise is granted, shall be taken as the "base index" upon which the franchise fee is computed.
If said index for the last calendar month ending prior to the month in which payment to the city is due shall stand at other than such "base index," then the rate of payment to the city shall vary from such "base annual fee" in direct proportion as such index has increased from the "base index," as hereinabove defined; provided, however, that in no event shall the amount of the annual payment be less than the "base annual fee" as set forth in this section.
If the Bureau of Labor Statistics shall revise the said index, the parties thereto shall accept the method of revision or conversion recommended by the Bureau.
If the Bureau of Labor Statistics shall discontinue the preparation of the said index, using prices prevailing in the year 1967 as a base of 100, and if no transposition table prepared by the Bureau is available, applicable to the year of 1967, then the amount of each annual payment shall be computed by reference to such other price index as may be chosen by the city and the city shall be the sole judge of comparability of successive indices.
The "base annual fee" described in subsection B of this section shall be paid annually during the life of the franchise, including the year of granting the franchise.
(Prior code § 10200(C); Ord. 948 § 2, 2000)
In the event of abandonment of facilities with the approval of the city, or in the event of removal of facilities with approval of the city, payments otherwise due the city for occupancy of the roads or highways by such facilities shall be prorated for the calendar year in which such removal or abandonment occurs as of the end of the calendar month in which removed or abandoned.
(Prior code § 10201)
In the event the franchisee fails to make the payments for the franchise, or the payments due under Section 4.12.030 of this chapter, on or before the dates due, as hereinabove provided, the franchisee shall pay as an additional consideration the following amount: A sum of money equal to ten percent of the amount due.
(Prior code § 10202)
The franchisee shall keep and preserve, for a period of five years, subsequent to the date of the most recent franchise fee determination as ascertained by an audit made by the city or on its behalf, all records necessary to determine the amount of such franchise fees or other payments due under Section 4.12.030 of this chapter. The franchisee, upon demand by the city, shall make such records available for inspection by the city or its authorized representative.
At all reasonable times, the franchisee shall permit the city, or its duly authorized representatives, to examine all property of the franchisee erected, constructed, laid, operated or maintained pursuant to the franchise, together with any appurtenant property of the franchisee, and to examine and transcribe any and all books, accounts, papers, maps and other records kept or maintained by the franchisee, or under its control, which relate to the operations, affairs, transactions, property or financial condition of the franchisee with respect to the franchise.
(Prior code § 10203)