At the expiration, revocation or termination of the franchise, or of the permanent discontinuance of the use of all or a portion of its facilities, the franchisee shall, within thirty days thereafter, make written application to the city for authority either (1) to abandon all or a portion of such facilities in place, or (2) to remove all or a portion of such facilities. Such application shall describe the facilities desired to be abandoned, their location with reference to city highways, and shall describe with reasonable accuracy the physical condition of such facilities. The city shall determine whether any abandonment or removal which is thereby proposed may be effected without detriment to the public interest and under what conditions such proposed abandonment or removal may be effected. He or she shall then notify the franchisee of his or her determination.
Within thirty days after receipt of such notice, the franchisee shall apply for a permit from the city to abandon or remove the facility.
The franchisee shall, within sixty days after obtaining such permit, commence and diligently prosecute to completion the work authorized by the permit.
(Prior code § 10306)
If any facilities to be abandoned in place, subject to prescribed conditions, shall not be abandoned in accordance with all such conditions, the city may make additional appropriate orders, including an order that the franchisee shall remove any or all such facilities. The franchisee shall comply with such additional orders.
In the event that the franchisee shall fail to comply with the terms and conditions of abandonment or removal, as may be required by this title and within such time as may be prescribed by the city, then the city may remove or cause to be removed such facilities at the franchisee's expense. The franchisee shall pay to the city the cost of such work, plus the current rate of overhead being charged by the city for reimbursable work.
If, at the expiration, revocation or termination of this franchise, or of the permanent discontinuance of the use of all or a portion of its facilities, the franchisee shall, within thirty days thereafter, fail or refuse to make written application for the above-mentioned authority, the city shall make the determination as to whether the facilities shall be abandoned in place or removed. The city shall then notify the franchisee of its determinations. The franchisee shall thereafter comply with the provisions of subsections B and C of Section 4.24.010.
(Prior code § 10307)