It is unlawful for any person to place or maintain on any public street, road, alleyway, parkway, sidewalk or public property in the city any advertising bench.
(Ord. 955 § 2, 2000)
"Advertising bench," for the purposes of the herein chapter and Chapter 5.20, Repealed, means a seat for the use and accommodation of a person and/or persons awaiting transportation, which seat is located upon any public thoroughfare or public right-of-way including a sidewalk, parkway or any public property bordering upon a public right-of-way, regardless of whether said seat contains advertising material or not.
(Ord. 955 § 2, 2000)
The provisions of this chapter apply to any advertising bench placed or maintained on any public street, road, alleyway, parkway, sidewalk or public property within the city.
(Ord. 955 § 2, 2000)
Any advertising bench lawfully in existence on the effective date of the ordinance adopting this Chapter 5.18, shall be allowed to continue in use for the period of time specified in the existing permit issued pursuant to the prior Chapter 5.20, Repealed, for that advertising bench plus six months, subject to the regulations contained in Chapter 5.20, Repealed, the following conditions and any other provisions contained hereto Chapter 5.18.
All license fees as well as all permit issuance fees and additional fees required under Chapter 5.20, Repealed, must have been paid.
All deposits required by Section 5.20.050 of Chapter 5.20, Repealed, shall have been paid. Such deposit or remainder thereof shall be refundable to the permittee at the expiration of the permit, pursuant to the provisions set forth in the aforementioned code section of Chapter 5.20, Repealed.
A policy of liability insurance shall be on file with the city engineer in the amount of one million dollars, as was required by Section 5.20.060 of Chapter 5.20, Repealed. Such insurance shall name the city as additional insured, and shall provide the city with thirty days' prior notice of any cancellation of such insurance. If such insurance is at any time canceled during the term of the permit, the permit is immediately revoked. In such case, all such advertising benches covered by the permit must be removed within forty-eight hours of the cancellation of such insurance, or they will be impounded by the city engineer.
Only those advertising benches that are currently located at locations previously approved by the city engineer pursuant to Section 5.20.030 of Chapter 5.20, Repealed, shall be allowed to remain.
Lawfully existing advertising benches shall be placed not more than twenty-five feet from the bus stop the bus serves and not less than two feet from the curb face at its closest point. Said advertising benches shall be located on cement concrete. If a curbside sidewalk is not available, the permittee shall install a cement concrete pad not less than forty-eight inches by ninety-six inches in size. Such pad shall extend from the inside edge of the curb and shall be constructed in accordance with city standards. All benches shall be anchored in an approved manner to the concrete slab or sidewalk, unless written approval has been otherwise granted by the city engineer.
Each lawfully existing advertising bench shall bear the name and telephone number of the owner of the bench in letters not less than one inch in height and not more than two inches in height. This information must be visible from the street.
Each lawfully existing advertising bench shall be maintained by the permittee in good, safe, neat and clean condition and shall be repaired, removed or replaced within ten days after notification by the city engineer, provided, however, that in the event the city engineer determines that the same is unsafe or creates a dangerous or defective condition, the city engineer may order the same removed within twenty four hours. If any bench is not repaired or removed by the permittee within the time specified by the city engineer, the same may be removed by the city and the cost thereof shall be chargeable to the permittee.
Written notification must be given to the city by the permittee within ten days of the removal of any bench. Benches shall not be moved from one location to another.
Any advertising bench lawfully existing upon the effective date of the ordinance adopting this section shall comply with the provisions of the herein Chapter 5.18 within sixty days.
(Ord. 955 § 2, 2000)
Any advertising bench so placed or maintained on public property without a permit to do so is declared to be a hazard to the health, safety and welfare of the public and shall be immediately impounded by the city engineer. Notice of such action and the right to request a hearing in accordance with this title shall be mailed to the person, if known, maintaining such advertising bench, within five working days after such action. The request for such hearing must be presented to the city engineer in writing within five working days of the date the notice was mailed.
If a hearing on the impounding of the advertising bench is not timely requested, or if the advertising bench is not returned in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the city engineer may sell or otherwise dispose of the advertising bench and deposit the proceeds, if any, from any sale or other disposition in the city treasury.
A claimant who provides sufficient proof of ownership of an impounded advertising bench may, at any time up to and including the thirtieth day after the impounding, and if a hearing pursuant to this chapter is held concerning the advertising bench may, at any time up to and including the thirtieth day after the decision at such hearing becomes final, obtain a return of the advertising bench upon paying an impound fee of twenty-five dollars plus the reasonable additional cost, if any, of impounding the advertising bench in excess of twenty-five dollars.
(Ord. 955 § 2, 2000)
Any permit issued for such advertising bench may be revoked at any time following a determination by the city engineer that the continual maintenance of the bench would constitute a hazard to the health, safety and welfare of the public using such street, road, alleyway, sidewalk, parkway, or other public property in the city.
The city engineer shall notify the permittee of such determination. The permittee may request in writing, in the manner set forth in Section 5.18.050 of this chapter, a hearing before the city engineer or his or her designate. A decision shall be rendered within five working days after the close of the hearing. The city engineer or his or her designate may give oral notice of the decision at the close of the hearing or may send written notice of the decision by mail.
(Ord. 955 § 2, 2000)