Any person who shall desire to carry on or conduct any such amusement during the hours prohibited by Section 5.30.020 shall file a written application therefor with the city clerk for presentation to the city council. Such application shall contain a detailed statement of the type of amusement which the applicant desires to carry on or conduct, and a statement of the reasons which, in his or her opinion, warrant the granting of the same.
Such applications shall be filed with the city clerk at least five days prior to the date upon which the applicant desires the granting of such permission, and five days prior to the meeting of the city council next succeeding the filing of such application. Thereupon, the city clerk shall refer the application to the sheriff for investigation and his or her recommendation thereon.
The city council may grant such permission to the applicant when, in its discretion, the nightly conduct of such amusement will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, morals or welfare.
(Prior code § 4241.2; Ord. 696 § 4, 1985; Ord. 1104 § 6, 2017)
No person shall carry on or assist in carrying on any amusement to which the public is invited, or in which the public may participate, at any time between the hours of two a.m. and six a.m.
(Prior code § 4241; Ord. 1104 § 7, 2017)
As used in Sections 5.30.030 through 5.30.060:
"Coin-operated game"
means any amusement machine or skill-testing device which is operated or put into operation in whole or in part by the insertion of a coin, token or similar object. This definition does not include coin-operated weighing machines, stamp-vending machines, photograph, music or motion-picture machines or any coin-operated vending or other machine vending personal property, food or drink, or performing cleaning, repair or other services.
"Game arcade"
means any number of coin-operated games of skill or amusement where such constitutes the primary use of the premises, or four or more coin-operated games of skill or amusement when accessory to another use at the same place of business.
(Prior code § 4241.3(A), (B))
All persons owning, possessing, operating or maintaining for pay in the C-C, C-G, P-A, C-M, I-L or I-G zones, coin-operated games, as defined in Section 5.30.030, shall remove from any premises, public or private, open to business or public use, such games on or before the ninetieth day from the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, except as follows:
Such person is in compliance with the terms and provisions of Sections 5.30.030 through 5.30.060 and subsection D of Section 18.40.050 of this code;
Such amusement game would be a valid and legal use of the premises, and in compliance with local and state law, on the effective date of Ordinance No. 652, adopted March 15, 1982, but for the provisions of Ordinance 652.
A person owning, maintaining, operating or possessing such coin-operated amusement games must remove the same from such premises, or close said premises to public and private use, within one year of the effective date of Ordinance No. 652, or within not more than three years from the effective date of Ordinance No. 652 where the director of planning has ruled in writing that the maintenance or operation of the amusement game on the premises where located is required by the terms and provisions of a written lease or contract in effect on the effective date of Ordinance No. 652. In that event, the director of planning is authorized to grant an extension of time beyond such one-year period, but not in any case exceeding the term of the lease or agreement, or three years from the effective date of Ordinance No. 652, whichever is sooner.
(Prior code § 4241.3(E))
The owner, manager, proprietor or other person in charge of any game arcade shall provide and maintain on the premises at all times the same are open for public use, at least one adult person, and such other number of persons as may be required by conditional use permit. It shall be the responsibility of the owner, proprietor and manager to maintain the premises so as not to constitute a public nuisance, to avoid overcrowding, and to comply with all orders and directions given by any member of the law enforcement agency of the city, its fire department, or any other officer or employee.
(Prior code § 4241.3(D))
No owner, manager, proprietor or other person in charge of any game arcade shall allow or permit any intoxicated, quarreling or disorderly person or persons to be or remain in such place, and such place shall be operated at all times so as not to constitute a public nuisance.
(Prior code § 4241.3(C))
No owner, manager, proprietor or other person carrying on or assisting in carrying on any amusement shall allow or permit entertainment, as defined in Section 5.45.020 of this title, without first obtaining a required entertainment permit, unless the entertainment is exempt under Section 5.45.040 of this title.
(Ord. 1104 § 8, 2017)