"Automobile repair shop" does not include any place where only the following work is done:
Tire changing or tire repairing;
Lamp globe or lamp changing;
Fanbelt changing;
The charging or changing of batteries;
Work only for an automobile repairer, and not the owner of the motor vehicle;
Fitting and replacing glass in motor vehicle windows;
Cutting and fitting seat covers;
The installation of such minor parts or the making of such trivial repairs as is customarily done as an incident to the business of selling motor fuel, oil, or accessories.
(Prior code § 6402)
Every repairer shall maintain upon the front of his or her place of business a sign displaying in plainly legible letters his or her name or any fictitious name under which he or she conducts his or her business.
(Prior code § 6402.8)
Every repairer shall keep a record upon forms prescribed by the law enforcement agency of every repair of a motor vehicle for which a charge of five dollars or more is made.
(Prior code § 6402.2)
Every repairer shall keep a record upon forms prescribed by the law enforcement agency, of the repairs on every motor vehicle where there is physical evidence of a wreck or collision.
(Prior code § 6402.1)
Every repairer shall keep a record on forms prescribed by the law enforcement agency of all motor changes, frame changes, body changes, and the serial and factory numbers of all radios which he or she installs.
(Prior code § 6402.4)
Every repairer shall keep a record upon forms prescribed by the law enforcement agency of the name and address of every person from whom secondhand parts were obtained. Such persons shall sign such records. The repairer shall require such persons to sign such records.
(Prior code § 6402.3)
Whenever a repairer uses any secondhand parts in repairing or altering any motor vehicle, such repairer shall so inform the person for whom he or she is performing such repair or alteration, and shall also so state upon any bill rendered and upon any record required by this chapter.
(Prior code § 6402.7)
Upon the demand of such person, a repairer shall furnish an itemized statement of parts and labor used in repairing any motor vehicle, and of the charges made therefor, to:
The legal owner of such motor vehicle;
The registered owner of such motor vehicle;
The insurer of such motor vehicle, or of the legal or registered owner or operator thereof.
(Prior code § 6402.6)
For a period of not less than one year after the completion of the work, a repairer shall make available to inspection by the law enforcement agency or by any other peace officer, during business hours, all records required by this chapter.
(Prior code § 6402.5)