No owner, manager, proprietor or other person having charge of any billiard room or poolhall shall keep the same open or allow or permit the same to be kept open, or allow or permit any game to be played therein from two a.m. until six a.m. of any day, or allow or permit any person except such owner, manager proprietor or person in charge thereof, or the servants regularly employed in and about the same, to be or remain therein between the hours aforesaid.
(Prior code 6404)
Any person having charge of any billiard room or poolhall may apply to the license and permit hearing board for a permit to keep open his or her billiard room and/or poolhall from two a.m. until six a.m. The license and permit hearing board may grant such a permit if the following conditions are met:
The operation of the billiard room and/or poolhall is on the same premises in connection with another business which is normally and regularly operated between the stated hours;
That there is no objection to the issuance of the permit by the city's law enforcement agency.
(Prior code 6404-a)
A person shall not maintain any billiard room or poolhall, or similar place of business to which the public is invited, or any social billiard club, where there is placed, constructed or maintained any screen, partition, barrier, closet, alcove or object which may obstruct the visibility of any part of such establishment, except restrooms:
From the street or sidewalk, if such establishment is located on the ground floor;
From the entrance of any establishment which is located either entirely below the level of the street or sidewalk, or on the second or higher floor of any building or other structure.
(Prior code 6404.7)
A person under the age of eighteen years shall not enter, be or remain on or in any billiard room or poolhall except when such person is accompanied by a spouse of legal age, or his or her parent or guardian, or except where authorized by the permit. No owner, manager, proprietor or other person in charge of any billiard room or poolhall, or a permittee, shall permit or allow any such person to enter or to be in or to remain in any poolhall or billiard room contrary to the provisions of this section.
(Prior code 6404.2)
No owner, manager, proprietor or other person in charge of any billiard room or poolhall shall allow or permit any intoxicated, quarreling or disorderly person or persons to be or remain in such place.
(Prior code 6404.1)
No owner, manager, proprietor or other person in charge of any billiard room or poolhall shall allow or permit entertainment, as defined in Section 5.45.020 of this title, without first obtaining a required entertainment permit, unless the entertainment is exempt under Section 5.45.040 of this title.
(Ord. 1104 § 9, 2017)