means a game of chance in which prizes are awarded on the basis of designated numbers or symbols on a card which conform to numbers or symbols selected at random.
(Prior code § 6504)
The provisions of this chapter shall prevail over any provisions of this code which are inconsistent herewith, including, but not by way of limitation the provisions of Chapters 5.04, 5.08 and 5.16 of this title.
(Prior code § 6500)
Bingo games for charitable purposes are authorized pursuant to Section 19, Article IV, of the California Constitution, and Section 326.5 of the Penal Code, and in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 6501)
Organizations exempted from the payment of the bank and corporation tax by Sections 23701a, 23701b, 23701d, 23701e, 23701f, 23701g and 23701l of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and mobile home park associations and senior-citizen organizations, are eligible for a license to conduct bingo games, and provided that the proceeds of such games are used only for charitable purposes. In addition, no such organization shall be eligible for a license unless it has been organized and established in the city for a minimum of one year continually preceding the filing of the application for such license.
(Prior code § 6502)
No organization shall engage in, carry on, maintain, conduct or cause to be engaged in, carried on, maintained or conducted a bingo game in the city without first having secured a license in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, nor without complying with the regulations contained in this chapter pertaining to the operation of bingo games.
(Prior code § 6503)
The application procedure provided for in this chapter shall be followed with regard to licenses sought pursuant to this chapter.
(Prior code § 6505)
Every person desiring a license pursuant to this chapter shall file an application with the city clerk upon a form to be provided by the city clerk, and at such time pay the required fee and penalty, if any. The application shall be filed at least sixty days prior to the conduct of any bingo game(s), and shall specify:
The name, address and telephone number of the applicant organization and a statement that the applicant is an eligible organization under Section 5.38.040;
The name and signature of at least two officers, including the presiding officer, of the corporation or community chest, and the trustee of any trust;
A list of the names of the members of the applicant organization who will, from time to time, operate and staff bingo games;
A detailed schedule of the date(s), hours, location and occupancy capacity of such location of each bingo game to be held;
A detailed description of the record system to account for the receipts, prizes, expenses and profits of each bingo game;
The location and signatures of the special bank account(s) required by Section 5.38.380;
A statement that the applicant agrees to conduct bingo games in strict accordance with the provisions of Section 326.5 of the Penal Code and this chapter, as they may be amended from time to time, and agrees that the license to conduct bingo games may be summarily suspended by the sheriff upon violation of any such provisions;
The annual license fee fixed by the city council shall accompany the application;
Except as to mobile home park associations and senior citizens' organizations (unless the same are qualified under any of the applicable Revenue and Taxation Code sections), the applicant shall also submit, with its application, a certificate of determination of exemption pursuant to the Revenue and Taxation Code section which is applicable to the applicant organization, or a letter of good standing from the Exemption Division of the Franchise Tax Board in Sacramento, showing exemption under such applicable section;
The application shall be verified as provided in the Code of Civil Procedure for the verification of pleadings;
The address to which notice, when required, is to be sent or mailed, and the names of any individual or individuals, in addition to those set forth elsewhere in the application, who are authorized to accept service of process on behalf of the licensee;
Whether the application is for a new license or a renewal of an existing license;
The particular property within the city, including the street number and indication of whether owned or leased by the applicant, used by such applicant for an office or for performance of the purposes for which the applicant is organized, or on which property bingo games will be conducted, together with the occupancy capacity of such place.
(Prior code § 6506)
Upon receipt of a license fee, the city clerk shall:
Issue a date receipt showing the location for which an application has been made;
Transmit copies of the license fee referral memorandum to interested departments of the city, including, but not limited to, the city manager, sheriff, the director of planning, the city engineer, the city health officer and the fire marshal, to determine if the appropriate zoning ordinances and regulations, building code ordinances, the health code ordinance and the fire code ordinance have been or will be complied with.
(Prior code § 6507)
Every officer and department to which an application is referred shall, in writing, advise the city clerk of all material facts necessary to determine whether the license should be granted, granted subject to conditions, or denied, and their approval or disapproval of the application.
(Prior code § 6508)
Every officer and department to which an application for a license is referred may require such additional information and the filing of such additional forms as he or she deems necessary.
(Prior code § 6510)
The chief of police shall have the authority to obtain criminal history information for each person operating or assisting in the operation of a bingo game, for purposes of determining those who have been convicted within the past five years of crimes involving lotteries, gambling, larceny, perjury, bribery, extortion, fraud or similar crimes involving moral turpitude, and to present such information pursuant to Section 5.38.090.
(Prior code § 6508.5)
If any officer or department to which an application is referred shall advise the city clerk, in writing, that the license should be denied, he or she shall so notify the applicant, as provided in subsection K of Section 5.38.070.
(Prior code § 6509)
The city manager shall be the issuing authority. Upon being satisfied that the applicant is fully qualified under law to conduct bingo games in the city, the city manager shall issue a license to the applicant.
(Prior code § 6511)
If the city manager finds that the facts are such that the application for the license would be subject to denial if the license is issued without conditions, but that conditions can be imposed which will eliminate any ground for such denial, the city manager shall issue the license subject to such conditions.
(Prior code § 6512)
The license shall contain the following information:
The name and nature of the organization to whom the license is issued;
The address where bingo games are authorized to be conducted;
The occupancy capacity of the room in which bingo games are to be conducted;
The date of the expiration of such license;
The days and hours during which the licensee conducts or operates bingo games;
Such other information as may be necessary or desirable for the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 6513)
An organization licensed pursuant to this chapter shall not conduct or permit to be conducted a bingo game unless the license is posted in a conspicuous place, visible at the public entrance, during the conduct of any bingo game. The licensee shall produce and exhibit the same when applying for renewal thereof, and whenever requested to do so by any peace officer or officer authorized to issue, inspect or collect the license.
(Prior code § 6537)
Licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall be issued for a term of one year. Written application for renewal thereof shall be made to the city clerk at least one month prior to its expiration date. Licenses issued under this chapter shall not be transferable, either as to the licensee or the location. Any attempt to transfer shall render the license void.
(Prior code § 6513.5)
No person shall engage in, conduct or carry on, or permit to be engaged in, conducted or carried on, in or upon any premises within the city, the operation of a bingo game, unless such game is conducted under the personal direction of a bingo manager, duly licensed and present on the premises during all hours of operation, and bonded pursuant to this chapter for each bingo game.
(Prior code § 6514)
To obtain a bingo manager license, such applicant shall file with the city clerk an application therefor in writing, together with the required fee. The application shall set forth, in addition to such information as may be required by the city clerk:
A statement that neither the bingo manager nor the members of the nonprofit organization which operates any bingo game organized by such organization, will receive any profit, wage or salary, or any other direct or indirect consideration from any bingo game(s) or funds derived from bingo activities;
A statement that the bingo manager applicant has read and understands all requirements of the law in regard to conducting bingo games in the city, and that such bingo manager will accept full responsibility for the conduct of such bingo games and all bingo card/ticket salespeople under his or her direction.
(Prior code § 6515)
At the time of so filing with the city clerk an application for a license as a manager, the applicant shall either:
File and thereafter maintain with the city clerk a good and sufficient bond in the aggregate sum of five thousand dollars, running to the city, for the use and benefit of interested persons and parties, executed by the applicant and two or more responsible sureties, or a surety company authorized to do business in the state, which sureties or surety company shall be approved by the city attorney;
Assign to the city savings and loan certificates in the sum of five thousand dollars; or
Request a waiver of the bond requirement which may be granted for good cause in the discretion of the city manager.
(Prior code § 6517; Ord. 866 § 4, 1995)
The total aggregate liability on the bond described above shall be five thousand dollars. The bond shall be conditioned upon the strict compliance, by the principal, with the provisions of this chapter, and the payment of any direct pecuniary loss sustained through any act of grand or petty theft or other wrongful act on the part of the principal, his or her agent(s) or employee(s).
(Prior code § 6518)
The bond described above shall remain in force and effect for the entire period of the license. The sureties may cancel the bond and be relieved of further liability thereunder by delivering thirty days' written notice to the city manager. Such cancellation shall not affect any liability incurred or accrued thereunder prior to the termination of the thirty-day period. If the bond is canceled, a new bond in like form shall be immediately filed and maintained, and applied as provided in Section 5.38.200. Upon failure to so file and maintain, the permit and license hearing board of the city shall forthwith suspend such manager's license.
(Prior code § 6519)
Any person who sustains any injury covered by the bond may, in addition to any other remedy which he or she may have, bring an action in his or her own name upon the bond for the recovery of any damage sustained by him. Upon such action being commenced, such bond shall not be void upon first recovery thereon, but may be sued upon from time to time until the whole of the penalty shall be exhausted.
The city manager may require the filing of a new bond, and immediately upon the recovery in any action on such bond, the manager shall file a new bond or assign saving and loan certificates to the city as provided for in this chapter. Upon failure to file a new bond or assign savings and loan certificates within ten days, the permit and license hearing board of the city shall forthwith suspend the bingo manager's license.
(Prior code § 6520)
If in lieu of a bond an applicant assigns to the city savings and loan certificates, he or she shall agree in writing that if the city manager finds that any person sustains any pecuniary loss through any act of grand or petty theft or other wrongful act on the part of the principal, his or her agent(s) or employee(s), the city may redeem a sufficient number of such certificates, and from the proceeds reimburse such person for loss sustained.
(Prior code § 6521)
The city manager shall issue a manager's license if he or she finds:
That the applicant is of good moral character and does not have a bad reputation for truth, honesty or integrity;
That all of the statements made in such application are and each of them is true and not deceptive or misleading, and that the applicant has not violated any of the provisions of this chapter or engaged in any fraudulent transaction or enterprise, and that the applicant intends to conduct his or her business fairly and honestly.
If the city manager determines that the applicant fails to meet the foregoing conditions, he or she shall deny the application and refuse to issue a license, and shall notify the applicant of its decision.
(Prior code § 6522)
The permit and license hearing board, as constituted by Section 5.08.290, shall have the power to revoke or suspend any license issued pursuant to this chapter, pursuant to the rules, regulations, provisions and conditions set forth in Article II of Chapter 5.08 of this title.
(Prior code § 6542)
No individual, corporation, partnership or other legal entity except the licensee organization shall hold a financial interest in the conduct of such bingo game.
(Prior code § 6527)
A bingo game shall be operated and staffed only by members and the manager of the licensee organization. Such members and manager shall not receive a profit, wage or salary, or any other direct or indirect consideration from any bingo game; nor shall they receive payments from the organization for any purpose. Only the licensee shall operate such game, or participate in the promotion, supervision or any other phase of such game.
(Prior code § 6528)
A licensee shall conduct a bingo game only on property owned or leased by it, or donated to it, and which property is used by such organization for an office or for performance of the purposes for which the organization is organized.
The license issued under this chapter shall authorize the holder thereof to conduct bingo games only on such property, the address of which is stated in the application. In the event the described property ceases to be used as an office or as a place for performance of the purposes for which the licensee is organized, the license shall have no further force or effect.
(Prior code § 6530; Ord. 866 § 1, 1995)
No bingo game shall be conducted between the hours of midnight and ten a.m. Bingo games shall be permitted to operate only one day per week and one weekend, including Friday, Saturday and Sunday, per year.
(Prior code § 6533; Ord. 690 § 1, 1984; Ord. 691 § 1, 1984)
All bingo games shall be open to the public, not just to the members of the licensee organization.
(Prior code § 6523)
The licensee shall conspicuously post the costs, prizes and rules of each game to be played. Such signs shall be posted during the conduct of the bingo game in a conspicuous place on the outside and inside of the premises to be used for the conducting of a bingo game.
(Prior code § 6538)
Notwithstanding that bingo games are open to the public, attendance at any bingo game shall be limited to the occupancy capacity of the room in which such game is conducted, as determined by the fire department in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The licensee shall not reserve seats or space for any person.
(Prior code § 6524)
All equipment used in the operation of bingo games shall be owned by the organization authorized to conduct such games.
(Prior code § 6533.5)
No person shall be allowed to participate in a bingo game unless the person is physically present at the time and place in which the bingo game is being conducted.
(Prior code § 6534)
The total value of prizes awarded during the conduct of any bingo games shall not exceed two hundred fifty dollars total, in cash or kind, or both, for each separate game which is held. Total prizes being offered at various stages during an ongoing series of numbers or symbols being called toward a larger game shall not exceed two hundred fifty dollars.
(Prior code § 6525)
A record shall be kept, on forms approved by the sheriff, by the licensee, showing the name and written signature, the address, and the telephone number of the winner, and the consecutive serial number on the receipt for the prize.
(Prior code § 6539)
All profits derived from a bingo game shall be kept in a special fund or account, and shall not be commingled with any other fund or account. With respect to organizations exempt from payment of the bank and corporation tax by Section 23701d of the Revenue and Taxation Code, such profits shall be used only for charitable purposes. With respect to other organizations authorized to conduct bingo games, proceeds shall be used only for charitable purposes, except:
Such proceeds may be used for prizes; and
A portion of such proceeds, not to exceed twenty percent of the proceeds before the deduction for prizes, or two thousand dollars per month, whichever is less, may be used for rental of property, overhead and administrative expenses.
Each licensee shall keep full and accurate records of the income and expenses received and disbursed in connection with its operation, conduct, promotion, supervision, and any other phase of bingo games which are authorized by this code.
The city, by and through its authorized officer, shall have the right to examine and audit such records at any reasonable time without prior notice, and the licensee shall fully cooperate with the city by making such record available. Such records shall be retained for such period of time as required by state and federal laws, and for a period of three years for purposes of this chapter.
(Prior code § 6526; Ord. 866 § 2, 1995)
It is a misdemeanor under Section 326.5(b) of the Penal Code of the state for any person to receive a profit, wage or salary from any bingo game authorized under this chapter, a violation of which is punishable by a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars, which fine shall be deposited in the general fund of the city.
(Prior code § 6529)
No person shall interfere with, prevent or refuse to permit a sheriff or other peace officer to make an examination or inspection of any premises without notice, whether the premises is open to the public or not, or of any record kept by the applicant organization, or by any agent or employee thereof, for the purpose of determining whether the applicant organization and/or bingo manager are complying with all of the provisions of this chapter and all other applicable ordinances, statutes, rules and regulations affecting the applicant's business.
(Prior code § 6541)
No admission, donation, dues or required fee shall be charged for entry onto the bingo premises.
(Prior code § 6540)
No licensee shall issue chips, checks, tokens, markers or money to a patron on credit or loan (including, but not limited to, IOU's and checks to be held), or allow any patron to play on credit.
(Prior code § 6535)
No person under the age of eighteen years of age shall be allowed to participate in any bingo game.
(Prior code § 6531)
No person who is obviously intoxicated shall be allowed to participate in a bingo game, nor remain in any room where bingo is conducted and where alcoholic beverages are sold or dispensed, during the times that the bingo game is being conducted.
(Prior code § 6532; Ord. 866 § 3, 1995)
The city may bring an action in a court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin a violation of Section 326.5 of the Penal Code, or this chapter.
(Prior code § 6536)