No café, food establishment, public eating place or hawker shall remain in business or operate any business or café or food establishment or public eating place or hawking business within the city unless he or she has in effect a permit from the city health officer for conducting the same.
(Prior code § 6405)
Except as prohibited in Sections 5.54.030, 5.54.040 and 5.54.050, every person peddling, selling or delivering liquids or edibles for human consumption from packs, baskets, handcarts, wagons or vehicles, retail from door to door, shall first obtain annually each year a health permit and then obtain a permit under the provisions of this title, which permit shall be for one year only, and shall be subject to annual renewal, provided said person complies with the provisions of this code.
This section does not apply to the following:
Persons selling or delivering to retail establishments;
Distributors of milk, bottled water, ice, or packaged or canned food products, rendering the service of delivering their products to regular customers;
A person who sells edibles from a wayside stand located on property owned or controlled by him or her or her, all of which edibles are grown or raised on such property by such person or by members of his or her immediate family;
The operator of a public eating place.
Notwithstanding any provisions of this title to the contrary, permits for hawkers and retail vendors of food and ice cream products shall be renewed annually on or before the anniversary date of the issuance of such permit.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this title to the contrary, the application fee for permits and for the annual renewal thereof shall be five dollars per person.
(Prior code § 6305(i); Ord. 696 § 8, 1985)
Hawkers and vendors of food products, as defined in Section 5.40.020 of this chapter, and not expressly excluded thereunder, shall not, between the hours of eight p.m. and eight a.m., operate any sound-amplifying equipment within the city. "Sound-amplifying equipment," as used in this section, means any machine or device for the amplification of the human voice, music, or any other sound, including radios, horns, bells or other sound or musical device used for the purpose of attracting customers to such vehicle or vendor.
(Prior code § 6407)
No owner, manager, proprietor or other person in charge of any café, food establishment, or food hawker shall allow or permit entertainment, as defined in Section 5.45.020 of this title, without first obtaining a required entertainment permit, unless the entertainment is exempt under Section 5.45.040 of this title.
(Ord. 1104 § 10, 2017)