No person shall engage in, manage, conduct, maintain or carry on the business of a dance studio without a permit therefor, as provided in this title. Such persons shall comply with the terms and provisions of the permit and, in addition, the following rules and regulations set out in this chapter shall be applicable to all proprietors, managers, agents and employees of the permittee, as well as to any persons attending a dance studio and to whom the following regulations are made specifically applicable.
(Prior code § 6406a)
No permittee or his or her employee(s) shall hold or conduct any dance or instruction in dancing in any dance studio after sunset unless the room or hall in which the dance or instructions in dancing is held is well-lighted at all times. The intensity of such lighting shall not be less than a minimum of one footcandle at a plane three feet above the floor, at all points on such floor. No person shall shut or turn off the lights or lighting, or reduce the intensity thereof below the minimum specified in this section during any dance or instruction.
(Prior code § 6406a(c))
No person shall sell, furnish, serve or give away any intoxicating liquor in any dance studio or in any room or place connected with or used in connection with any such dance studio, or at any place upon the premises, or within the same enclosure in which such dance studio is situated.
(Prior code § 6406a(a))
No person shall take, bring into or possess any alcoholic beverage containing more than one-half of one percent of alcohol by volume which has been opened, or a seal broken, or the contents of which have been partially removed, on the premises of any dance studio. No person shall consume any alcoholic beverage containing more than one-half of one percent of alcohol by volume on the premises of any dance studio while dancing or dancing instruction is being carried on.
(Prior code § 6406a(d))
Any person who is intoxicated or in an intoxicated condition shall not appear in or be in any dance studio. The proprietor, manager or employees thereof conducting a dance studio shall not permit any intoxicated person or persons in an intoxicated condition to appear, be or remain at such place.
(Prior code § 6406a(b))
Any person remaining on the premises of any dance studio after being asked by the permittee, proprietor, manager or employee thereof to leave, and refusing to do so, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior code § 6406a(e))
No owner, manager, proprietor or other person in charge of any dance studio shall allow or permit entertainment, as defined in Section 5.45.020 of this title, without first obtaining a required entertainment permit, unless the entertainment is exempt under Section 5.45.040 of this title.
(Ord. 1104 § 12, 2017)