No person shall circulate or distribute, or cause to be circulated or distributed, any commercial handbill within the city unless the same bears conspicuously thereon the name, address and telephone number of the distributor or other person responsible for such distribution.
(Prior code § 6420(a))
Every person distributing or circulating, or causing to be distributed or circulated, commercial handbills within the city shall have on his or her person or with him or her an identification card showing the existence of a valid permit. It is unlawful for any such person to fail or refuse to display or show such identification card upon demand for the display of same by any law enforcement agent of the city, or by any person to whom distribution or circulation is being made by such person.
Every person so distributing, circulating or causing the same must, at all times while engaged in such activity, have in his or her possession a valid, unrevoked identification card issued by the director of finance, stating his or her name and address, the name and address of the permittee, and the date of expiration of the permit.
(Prior code § 6420(g))
No person shall distribute or circulate, or cause to be circulated or distributed, any commercial handbill between the hours of six p.m. of any day and eight a.m. of the following day.
(Prior code § 6420(f))
No person shall circulate, distribute, or cause to be circulated or distributed, any commercial handbill on any property within the city, without the consent of the owner or occupant of such property. For the purpose of this chapter, the consent of such owner or occupant of such property shall be presumed unless such owner or occupant has conspicuously posted upon such property a sign or other device which contains language which prohibits handbill delivery in or upon such premises.
(Prior code § 6420(b))
The delivery of commercial handbills on private property shall be accomplished by personally delivering such to the person occupying such residential property, or by placing the same upon such property securely, to insure that the same will not be blown from the property onto other lots or public places.
(Prior code § 6420(e))
No person shall circulate or distribute, or cause to be circulated or distributed, any commercial handbill by placing the same in or upon any motor vehicle, as that phrase is defined in the Vehicle Code of the state, which is parked upon any public street, alley or public parking area, or upon any such vehicle parked upon any private property.
(Prior code § 6420(d))
No person shall distribute or circulate, or cause to be circulated or distributed, any commercial handbill in and along any public street, alley or other public place within the city.
(Prior code § 6420(c))