For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings as ascribed to them by this section:
"Charitable films"
means commercials, motion pictures, television, video tapes, digital recording or still photography produced by a nonprofit organization, which qualifies under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as a charitable organization. No person, directly or indirectly, shall receive a profit from the marketing and production of the film or from showing the films, tapes or photos.
"Motion picture, television, still photography"
means and includes all activity attendant to staging or shooting commercial motion pictures, television shows or programs, and commercials, and student films produced to satisfy a post-secondary school course requirement at an educational institution in any medium including film, tape or digital format.
"News media"
means the photographing, filming or videotaping for the purpose of spontaneous, unplanned television news broadcasts or reporting for print media by reporters, photographers or camerapersons.
means a fixed place of business certified as such by the local fire authority having jurisdiction where filming activities (motion or still photography) are regularly conducted upon the premises.
(Ord. 769 § 2, 1990; Ord. 1076 § 4, 2013)
No person shall use any public or private property, facility or residence for the purpose of taking motion pictures or television, or commercial still photography without first applying for and receiving a permit from the director of finance.
The following activities and persons shall be exempt from the requirement for a permit:
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to or affect reporters, photographers or camerapersons in the employ of a newspaper, news service or similar entity engaged in on-the-spot print media, publishing or broadcasting of news events concerning those persons, scenes or occurrences which are in the news and of general public interest;
The recording of visual images (motion or still photography) solely for private personal use, and not for commercial use;
Projects which qualify under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as charitable organizations and activities and student film productions to satisfy a post-secondary school course requirement at an educational institution. A temporary use permit is required pursuant to the procedures prescribed in Chapter 18.61, Temporary Uses, of Title 18, Zoning;
Filming activities (motion or still photography) conducted at a studio;
Still Photography for Business Advertisements. Still photography for the production of advertisements completed at the business being advertised, provided all filming activities take place on private property and result in no impairment of the public use of the public right-of-way or other public facilities.
(Ord. 769 § 2, 1990; Ord. 1076 § 4, 2013)
The director of finance is authorized and directed to promulgate rules and regulations, subject to approval by resolution of the council, governing the form, time and location of any film activity set forth within the city. He or she shall also provide for the issuance of permits. The rules and regulations shall be based upon the following criteria:
The health and safety of all persons;
Mitigation of disruption of all persons within the affected area;
The safety of property within the city; and
Traffic congestion at particular locations within the city.
(Ord. 769 § 2, 1990; Ord. 1076 § 4, 2013)
Any applicant granted a permit pursuant to this chapter shall comply with all of the following conditions:
Notification. All residents and businesses within a two-hundred-foot radius of filming activity and vehicle parking associated with filming activity must receive written notice of filming dates, times, locations address and production company contact information at least seventy-two hours prior to commencing any filming activities.
Survey. Filming activities occurring before seven a.m. and/or after ten p.m. and/or involving activities that may cause public alarm require signature approval of at least eighty percent of residents and businesses within a two-hundred-foot radius of the filming activity and associated parking. A survey is not required if city staff determines filming activities will have no impact to the surrounding uses. In cases of large scale special effects, as determined by the finance director, the city may require surveys of residents and businesses beyond the two-hundred-foot radius.
Clean-Up. The permittee shall conduct operations in an orderly fashion with continuous attention to the storage of equipment not in use and the clean-up of trash and debris. The area used shall be cleaned of trash and debris upon completion of shooting at the scene and restored to the original condition before leaving the site.
Filming on Private Property. An applicant is required to obtain the property owner's and occupant's permission, consent, and/or lease for use of property not owned or controlled by the city.
Flood Control. Applicant must obtain appropriate permits from the Los Angeles County Flood Control District when filming in a flood control channel.
If other agencies have jurisdiction, the applicant must obtain written consent and any required permits from those agencies and shall list those agencies in writing on the city application.
No pyrotechnics, no hazardous materials, no open flame, or no vehicles inside a structure shall be used without a permit from the Los Angeles County fire department. The permit holder shall comply with all requirements of the Los Angeles County fire department, including having fire personnel present to ensure safety as required by the department.
Public Works Department (Road and Streets). If the applicant must park equipment, trucks, and/or cars in zones that will not permit it, temporary "No Parking" signs must be posted with approval of the city. Applicant must repost parking signs if they are removed and remove all posted signs upon completion of filming activity. The applicant must also obtain permission to lay and safely mat cable across sidewalks, or from generator to service point.
No film permits will be issued without the approval of a parking plan.
Traffic Control. For filming that would impair traffic flow, an applicant must use local law enforcement personnel to comply with all traffic control requirements deemed necessary.
An applicant shall furnish and install advance warning signs and any other traffic control devices in conformance with the most recent edition of the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. All appropriate safety precautions must be taken.
A street closure, lane closure, blocking of major intersection during peak rush hours, which are from six-thirty a.m. to eight-thirty a.m. and from four p.m. to seven p.m., stopping of traffic or detouring of traffic across a double line are not permitted on any street unless approved by the city.
Proposed filming will not unduly impede, obstruct or interfere with the operation of emergency vehicles or equipment in or through the permitted area or any emergency roadwork or construction by the city or county crews and/or private contractors, under permit or contract to the appropriate department.
Unless authorized by the city, the camera cars must be driven in the direction of traffic and must observe all traffic laws.
Production company is not permitted to block, delay or interrupt normal activity on public or private property. This includes, but is not limited to: refuse collection, recycling procedures, street sweeping, gardening, postal or overnight deliveries, ingress or egress to property, city public works construction/projects and/or private construction work.
Public Facilities. When parking in public facilities, an applicant may be billed according to the current rate schedule established by the city. In order to assure safety of citizens in the surrounding community, access roads must never be blocked. No relocation, alteration, or moving of structures will be permitted without prior approval.
(Ord. 1076 § 4, 2013)
The issuing authority shall be the director of finance or designee.
The following information shall be included in the application:
The name of the owner, occupant and the representative of the property and the address and telephone number of the place at which the activity is to be conducted;
The specific location at such address or place;
The inclusive hours and dates such activity will transpire;
A general statement of the character or nature of the proposed filming activity;
The name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the person or persons in charge of such filming activity;
The exact number of personnel to be involved;
Activity which may cause public alarm such as the use of any animals, gunfire or pyrotechnics and low flying aircraft;
The exact amount/type of vehicles/ equipment to be involved along with a parking plan; and
Services of city employees such as building, police, fire, traffic personnel, etc., desired or required on location during filming.
The application fee, processing fee and use fee for use of public facilities other than streets and sidewalks shall be as defined in the fee schedule set forth in resolution adopted by the city council.
Permit fees and deposit for charitable films and filming produced to satisfy a post-secondary school course requirement at an educational institution shall be waived. Reimbursements for city personnel shall not be waived pursuant to this subsection. The property owner of the subject film location shall be responsible for ensuring the area used is cleaned of trash and debris upon completion of filming activities.
The applicant shall reimburse the city for all actual costs of any personnel provided by the city such as building, police, fire, traffic personnel, etc., for the purpose of assisting or regulating the applicant's activities.
(Ord. 769 § 2, 1990; Ord. 1076 § 4, 2013)
Liability Insurance. Before a permit is issued, the applicant shall provide a certificate of insurance in an amount of at least one million dollars naming the city as a co-insured for protection against all claims or actions of any nature, including personal injuries, wrongful death and property damage. The city officers, agent, and employees shall be named as additional insured. The certificate shall not be subject to cancellation or modification until after thirty days' written notice to the city. A copy of the certificate shall remain on file with the city.
Worker's Compensation Insurance. An applicant shall conform to all applicable federal and state requirements for worker's compensation insurance for all persons operating under a permit.
Hold Harmless Agreement. An applicant shall execute a hold harmless agreement as provided by the city prior to the issuance of a permit under this chapter.
Faithful Performance Bond or Deposit. To ensure cleanup and restoration of the site, and the payment of any fees or charges for services provided by the city, the applicant shall be required to post a refundable faithful performance bond or submit a deposit in an amount reasonably related to anticipated costs, at the time the application is submitted. Upon completion of filming and inspection of the site by the city, the bond or deposit shall be returned to the applicant.
(Ord. 769 § 2, 1990; Ord. 1076 § 4, 2013)
If an applicant violates any provisions of this chapter or a permit issued pursuant thereto, the city may provide the applicant with verbal or written notice of such violation. If the applicant fails to correct the violation, the city may revoke the permit and all activity must cease, in addition to any other remedy provided by law.
(Ord. 1076 § 4, 2013)