This chapter is adopted pursuant to the city's police powers for the purpose of modernizing the regulation of taxicab transportation services within the city. The requirements set forth in this chapter are also intended to protect the public's health, safety, and welfare by ensuring that taxicabs charge reasonable rates, are adequately insured, provide a safe vehicle for transport of the general public, and employ persons that do not pose a threat to passengers, pedestrians, or other drivers.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
The following words and phrases whenever used in this chapter shall be construed as defined in this Section.
means the city of Pico Rivera.
"City council"
means the city council of the city of Pico Rivera.
"City manager"
means the city Manager of the city or designee.
"Certificate of inspection"
means a city-provided form signed by an authorized agent of an automotive repair establishment that is certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence or a facility registered with the Bureau of Automotive Repair, dated no more than thirty days before the date the application is submitted to the chief of police and which shall indicate whether a certain vehicle has met the criteria set forth on the form. Items to be inspected may include condition of exterior, interior, and mechanical functions.
means the city of Pico Rivera municipal code.
"Controlled substance and alcohol certificate"
means a city-provided form signed by the employing taxicab operator as defined in Chapter 5.04, General Provisions of the code, that shall attest that each taxicab driver has tested negative for each of the controlled substances specified in Part 40 of Title 49 of the code of Federal Regulations, before employment and as a condition of permit renewal; in the case of self-employed independent drivers, it means test results directly reported to the license and permit hearing board or designee.
means the county of Los Angeles.
"Director of finance"
means the director of finance of the city of Pico Rivera or designee.
"Drive a taxicab"
means to drive a taxicab that picks up passengers within the city but does not include driving a taxicab that only discharges passengers picked up outside the city or that travels through the city without picking up or discharging passengers, provided the taxicab company's principal place of business is not within the city.
includes self-employment as an independent driver. Government Code Section 53075.5(k).
"Prearranged trip"
means a trip using an online enabled application, dispatch, or internet website. A company may provide prearranged trips anywhere within the county in which it has obtained a permit. Government Code Section 53075.5(k).
"Substantially located"
means either the jurisdiction where a company maintains its primary business address, or the jurisdiction where the largest share of prearranged and non-prearranged trips originates, as defined in Government Code Section 53075.5. "Substantially located" also means, for companies establishing a new operation after January 1, 2019, the jurisdiction where a company has its primary business address for the first twelve months of operation. A company or driver may be substantially located in more than one jurisdiction.
means a motor vehicle, as the term is defined in the Vehicle Code, used for the transportation of passengers for hire, when driven by the owner or by an agent of the owner at rate per mile, per trip, per hour, per day, per week, per month, or per other period of time, which vehicle is routed under the direction of the passengers or other persons hiring such vehicle.
"Taxicab driver"
means an individual who drives a taxicab in which passengers are solicited or accepted for hire either at a taxicab stand or elsewhere in the city.
"Taxicab operator"
means a person engaged in the business of running, driving or operating one or more taxicabs and soliciting or accepting passengers in such taxicabs for hire, either at a taxicab stand or elsewhere in the city. The term taxicab operator as defined here may be used interchangeably with the term "taxicab company."
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
The provisions, rules, requirements, definitions and regulations set forth in Title 5, Business Licenses and Regulations, continue to apply with full force and effect.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
Beginning January 1, 2018, all taxicab drivers and taxicab operators shall collect data to determine in what jurisdiction each taxicab driver and each taxicab operator are substantially located. Beginning January 1, 2019, data for prearranged and non-prearranged trips collected in the previous twelve months shall be provided upon date of renewal to the city for any taxicab driver and taxicab operator that is substantially located in the city.
A taxicab driver that is substantially located in the city shall obtain a valid taxicab driver permit issued by the city pursuant to this chapter and Chapter 5.08, Business License and Permit Requirements.
A taxicab operator that is substantially located in the city shall obtain a valid taxicab company permit issued by the city pursuant to this chapter and Chapter 5.08, Business License and Permit Requirements.
A taxicab operator is required to obtain a permit pursuant to subsection B of this section who is also a taxicab driver substantially located in the city, shall obtain both a valid taxicab operator permit and a taxicab driver permit pursuant to this chapter and Chapter 5.08, Business License and Permit Requirements.
A taxicab driver that is not substantially located in the city shall possess a permit from the county or at least one city within the county.
A taxicab operator that is not substantially located in the city shall possess a permit from the county or at least one city within the county.
A taxicab operator who is also a taxicab driver that is not substantially located in the city shall possess applicable permits from the county or at least one city within the county.
Any taxicab driver or taxicab operator who changes from being substantially located in another jurisdiction to being substantially located in the city shall provide the city with six-months' notice prior to making that change.
Any taxicab driver or taxicab operator who establishes a new taxi operation after January 1, 2019, shall be considered substantially located in the city if the taxicab operator maintains its primary business address in the city. After the first year of operation, the taxicab operator shall submit and the city shall review, all data collected in the previous twelve months to determine where the taxicab company is substantially located.
It is unlawful to drive a taxicab that is determined as substantially located in the city without a valid, city-issued permit. The city may impose a penalty for violation pursuant to Section 1.20, General Penalty, of this code.
Consistent with Title 5, Business Licenses and Regulations, fees for such permits shall be established by resolution of the city council.
Persons other than the city-permitted taxicab operator(s) or taxicab driver(s) shall not drive or operate any taxicab.
Penalties. It shall be unlawful to drive a taxicab that is determined as substantially located in the city without a valid, city-issued permit. Violators are subject to the provisions of Chapter 1.20, General Penalty, and this chapter:
Misdemeanors. Any person who willfully violates any provision of this chapter and is convicted of a misdemeanor shall be punished by a fine of no more than one thousand dollars or be imprisoned for a period of not more than six months or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Infractions. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter and is convicted of an infraction shall be punishable by: (a) first violation, a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars; (b) second violation, a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars; (c) third violation, a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars.
Administrative Enforcement. In addition to the penalty provisions of subsections (M)(1) and (M)(2) of this section, the city may impose an administrative fine of five thousand dollars. Government Code Section 53075.5(h)(9)(a)(i)(2).
Remedies not Exclusive. To the maximum extent permitted by law, administrative remedies specified in this chapter are in addition to and do not supersede or limit any and all other remedies, civil or criminal. The remedies provided for herein shall be cumulative and not exclusive.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
The applicant for a taxicab driver permit shall submit to the director of finance, or designee, a completed application form together with fees for the permit and such license, certificates, documents, and such other materials as prescribed in this chapter, Chapter 5.08, Business License and Permit Requirements, and as deemed necessary by the director of finance, or designee.
Nothing in Government Code Section 53075.5 or Title 5, Business Licenses and Regulations, prohibits the city from adopting additional requirements for a taxicab to operate in its jurisdiction.
In addition to the requirements set forth in Chapter 5.08, Business License and Permit Requirements, an applicant for a taxicab driver permit shall also require the following:
Employment Verification.
A letter from a prospective employer offering employment to the applicant as a taxicab driver substantially located in the city, whether as an independent contractor or as an employee; or
A letter from an employer stating that the applicant is employed as a taxicab driver substantially located in the city, whether as an independent contractor or as an employee; or
A written statement from the applicant that he or she seeks to be a self-employed taxicab driver substantially located in the city, and is not employed by another person, whether as an independent contractor or as an employee; and
Proof of compliance with the city's mandatory controlled substance and alcohol certification program as outlined in this chapter; and
Proof that the applicant is at least eighteen years of age; and
State the full and true name and any other names used by the applicant; and
State the full and true name of the employer, taxicab operator/company, if applicable; and
The present address and telephone number of the applicant; and
Driver's license number and social security number; and
List of each residence and business address of the applicant for the five years immediately preceding the date of the application, and the inclusive dates for such address(es); and
Applicant's height, weight, and color of eyes and hair; and
One photograph of the applicant. The dimensions of the photograph must be at least two inches by two inches and taken within four months preceding the date of the application; and
Statement of the business tax certificate or permit history of the applicant, including whether such applicant has ever had any tax certificate, license or permit issued by any agency or board, city, county or state; has had any professional or vocational licenses or permits issued by any agency or board, city, county or state; and state any revocations and/or suspensions and reasons for any revocations and/or suspensions; and
All criminal arrests and statement of the dates, places, and disposition of any convictions from said arrests; and
Completed, city-provided LiveScan request form signed by LiveScan operator(s).
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
The applicant for a taxicab operator permit shall submit to the director of finance, or designee, a completed application form together with fees for the permit and such licenses, certificates, documents and other such material as prescribed in this chapter, Chapter 5.08, Business License and Permit Requirements, and as deemed necessary by the director of finance, or designee.
Nothing in Government Code Section 53075.5 or Title 5, Business Licenses and Regulations, prohibits the city from adopting additional requirements for a taxicab company to operate in its jurisdiction.
The application form for a taxicab operator permit shall require the following:
The full true name and any other names used by the applicant; and
The present address and telephone number of the applicant; and
Driver's license number and social security number; and
List of residence and business address of the applicant for the five years immediately preceding the date of the application, and the inclusive dates for such address(es); and
One photograph of the applicant. The dimensions of the photograph must be at least two inches by two inches taken within four months preceding the date of the application; and
Statement of the business license, business tax certificate or permit history of the applicant, including whether such applicant has ever had any license or permit issued by any agency or board, city, county or state; has had any professional or vocational licenses or permits issued by any agency or board, city, county or state; and state any revocations and/or suspensions and reasons for any revocations and/or suspensions; and
All criminal arrests and statement of the dates, places, and disposition of any convictions from said arrests; and
Completed, city-provided LiveScan request form signed by LiveScan operator; and
The name and address of the taxicab company; and
The name of each owner of the taxicab company, including the owners, partners, or officers of a firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity; and
Trip Data Documentation. For a new taxicab operator, a primary business address in the city shall satisfy the trip data documentation requirement. A taxicab operator shall begin collection of trip data during its first year of operation; and
The make, type, vehicle identification number, and license number of each taxicab owned or leased by the taxicab operator; and
A certificate of inspection for each taxicab owned or leased by the taxicab operator; and
A valid Department of Motor Vehicles registration for each vehicle showing that each vehicle is registered as a commercial vehicle; and
The distinctive color scheme, name, monogram or insignia by which each taxicab will be marked; and
Registration of rates of fare to be charged; and
The name of each taxicab driver employed by the taxicab operator, whether as an independent contractor or as an employee; and
A Controlled Substance and Alcohol Certificate for Each Taxicab Driver. In the case of a self-employed, independent driver, the test results shall be reported directly to the city; and
The address from which the taxicabs will be operated; and
Proof of insurance as required by Section 5.70.090 of this chapter.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
Every applicant for a taxicab driver permit shall first take, and pass with negative results, a controlled substance and alcohol test in accordance with Government Code Section 53075.5(b)(3) (as it may be amended from time to time). The results from a controlled substance and alcohol test for an applicant who is a self-employed independent driver shall be reported directly to the city and shall be made part of the application. The city shall notify the taxicab operator of record of any positive results. In all other cases, the results shall be reported directly to the employing taxicab operator, who shall be required to immediately notify the city of positive results. As used in this section, a negative test for alcohol means an alcohol screening test showing a breath alcohol concentration of less than 0.02 percent.
Testing procedures shall be substantially as in Part 40 (commencing with Section 40.1) of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, except that the driver shall show a valid California driver's license at the time and place of testing, and except as provided otherwise in Government Code Section 53075.5(b)(3).
The controlled substance and alcohol test shall be taken no more than thirty days before the date the application is filed for a new permit. As long as any taxicab driver permit is used or in effect, such tests shall be retaken on a periodic basis of at least once a year.
A test in one jurisdiction shall be accepted as meeting the same requirement in any other jurisdiction in accordance with Government Code Section 53075.5(b)(3).
Self-employed independent taxicab drivers shall be responsible for compliance with, and shall pay all costs of, this program with regard to themselves. Employing taxicab operators shall be responsible for compliance with, and shall pay all costs of, this program with respect to their employees and potential employees, except that a taxicab company may require employees who test positive to pay the costs of rehabilitation and of return-to-duty and follow-up testing.
Upon the request of a taxicab driver applying for a permit, the city shall give the taxicab driver a list of proximate consortia certified pursuant to Part 382 (commencing with Section 382.101) of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations that the city knows offer tests in or near the city.
Confidential. The test results are confidential and shall not be released without the consent of the tested driver, except as authorized or required by law.
Limited Use of Results. No evidence derived from a positive test result pursuant to this section shall be admissible in a criminal prosecution concerning unlawful possession, sale, or distribution of controlled substances. Government Code Section 53075.5(b)(3)(B).
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
If a taxicab operator desires to substitute one vehicle in place of another, and if such vehicle to be substituted complies with the taxicab operator's license and the taxicab operator brings both the vehicle under the license and the vehicle to be substituted to a place designated by the law enforcement agency, the law enforcement agency may remove the license plate or decal from the licensed vehicle and place it on the vehicle to be substituted.
If the law enforcement agency finds that it is impracticable to bring the licensed vehicle to the place designated, the agency may permit the licensee to detach the license plate or decal therefrom, by breaking the seal and removing the screws, and may waive the requirement that such vehicle be brought to such designated place. Under no circumstances may this seal or decal be broken or removed by anyone but the law enforcement agency or other designated agency or officer of the city.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
Mandatory Requirements. The director of finance shall not issue any taxicab operator's license until the applicant first files with the director of finance an undertaking or a policy of insurance, or a financial statement, and excess policy of insurance, which undertaking, policy or undertaking and policy shall comply with the provisions of this code, and shall first be approved by the city attorney.
Amount. The policy of insurance required before a taxicab operator's license can be issued shall insure the public against any loss or damage that may result to any person or property from the operation of any taxicab used by the taxicab operator in his or her business as such. The maximum amount of recovery in such policy shall not be less than the following sums:
For the injury to any one person, or the death of any one person in any one accident, fifty thousand dollars.
For the injury to two or more persons, or the death of two or more persons, or the injury to one person or more, and the death of one person or more, in any one accident, one hundred thousand dollars.
For the injury or destruction of property in any one accident, ten thousand dollars.
Undertaking or Bond—Amount.
The undertaking required before a taxicab operator's license can be issued shall be conditioned that the taxicab operator shall pay all damages to person or property for the amount of which he or she may become liable arising out of the conduct of the business of taxicab operator, and that any person having such a cause of action against the principal may join the surety as a party defendant, or in his or her own name sue separately the surety on such undertaking.
The undertaking shall provide that it is not void upon the first recovery, but may be sued and recovered upon from time to time by the person aggrieved until the whole penalty is exhausted.
Either a corporation complying with each and every provision of Section 1056 of the Code of Civil Procedure, or not less than two good and sufficient sureties, each of whom complies with each and every provision of Section 1057 of the Code of Civil Procedure, shall become surety or sureties on such undertaking.
The amount of the undertaking shall be calculated as follows:
Ten thousand dollars for the first taxicab.
An additional four thousand dollars for each additional taxicab, up to and including a total of five taxicabs.
An additional two thousand dollars each for the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth taxicabs.
An additional one thousand dollars for each additional taxicab over ten.
Insurance—Two Policy Procedure. In place of one insurance policy, the applicant may file not more than two insurance policies, one a policy of primary insurance and the second a policy of excess insurance, if the total insurance resulting from such policies is equal to or greater than that required by this section.
Insurance—Excess Authorized When. If any taxicab company has net assets of at least twenty-five thousand dollars, if operating one and not more than one hundred twenty-five vehicles, and in addition thereto two hundred fifty dollars net assets for each and every vehicle in excess of one hundred twenty-five operated, that company may, in lieu of the aforesaid policy of liability insurance or bond, file semiannually with the director of finance, subject to the approval of the city attorney, a current balance sheet certified to by a certified public accountant showing such assets and liabilities, together with a policy of excess insurance, agreeing to indemnify the company for any and all such sums which it shall by law become liable to pay, or by financial judgment to be adjudged to pay to any person as compensation for the injury to, or death of, or damage to a vehicle operated by such company. Such excess policy shall cover twenty-five thousand dollars for any one person, or ten thousand dollars up to fifty thousand dollars for any one accident involving more than one person.
Insurance—Notice of Cancellation. If any taxicab operator or driver has any notice or information of a change or cancellation of any insurance policy, which policy is required under this chapter, he or she shall give immediate notice to the director of finance or the law enforcement agency of such change or cancellation.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
Every person to whom a taxicab driver permit is issued shall:
Display the driver's photo permit in the taxicab in a place that is visible to a passenger; and
Take the most direct route possible which will carry the passenger safely and expeditiously to his or her destination; and
Grant the person engaging the taxicab exclusive right to the full and complete use of the passenger compartment; and
Not allow any person to use or duplicate their permit. If a permit is found to be used by another individual, it shall be considered of a violation of this code, unless previously reported as lost or stolen; and
Immediately report a lost or stolen permit to law enforcement; and
If the taxicab driver is self-employed, comply with all the conditions of a taxicab operator permit set forth in Section 5.70.060; and
Return the permit to the director of finance, or designee, immediately upon termination of employment or self-employment. A taxicab driver permit shall become void upon termination of employment or self-employment; and
Comply with the requirements pursuant to paragraph 3 of Section 53075.5 of the Government Code as they relate to the mandatory controlled substances and alcohol testing certification program; and
Comply with any other reasonable condition imposed by the director of finance, or designee.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
Every person or entity issued a taxicab operator permit shall:
Display on the exterior of each taxicab the name or trademark of the person under whose authority the taxicab is being operated or the name of the lessor or lessee thereof; and
Display on the left hand, bottom corner of the rear window, the city-issued decal for the current calendar year; and
Display on both exterior sides, exterior front, and exterior rear of each vehicle the companyassigned taxicab number; and
Display on both exterior sides and exterior rear of each taxicab the dispatch phone number of the taxicab operator; and
Permanently affix to each vehicle a top light to easily identify the vehicle as a taxicab; and
Display in the interior of each taxicab the sign required by California Vehicle Code Section 27908; and
Adhere to the conditions set forth below in regard to registration of taxicab service fares, fees, and rates:
The taxicab operator may set fares or charge a flat rate. However, the city council may set a maximum rate by resolution. Government Code Section 53075.5(b)(2); and
The taxicab operator may use any type of device or technology approved by the division of measurement standards to calculate fares, including the use of global positioning system metering, provided that the device or technology complies with Section 12500.5 of the Business and Professions Code and with all regulations established pursuant to Section 12107 of the Business and Professions Code. If fares are calculated by meter, the meter must be sealed, visible to passengers at all times, and currently registered and inspected by a county of Los Angeles weights and measures official; and
The taxicab operator shall disclose fares, fees, or rates to the customer. A taxicab operator may satisfy this requirement by disclosing fares, fees, or rates on its Internet website, mobile telephone application, or telephone orders upon request by the customer; and
The taxicab operator shall notify the passenger of the applicable rate prior to the passenger accepting the ride for walkup rides and street hails. The rate may be provided on the exterior of the vehicle, within an application of a mobile telephone, device, or other Internet-connected device, or be clearly visible in either print or electronic form inside the taxicab; and
A taxicab operator shall not prejudice, disadvantage, or require different rates or provide different service to a person because of race, national origin, religion, color, ancestry, physical disability, medical condition, occupation, marital status or change in marital status, sex, or any characteristic listed or defined in Section 11135 of the Government Code; and
Collect from taxicab passengers only the amounts disclosed to the customer, plus any tip that the passenger offers; and
Notify the director of finance, or designee, of any changes in rates or fares prior to such change taking effect; and
Possess a valid city business tax certificate;
Provide and maintain documentation as required under Government Code 53075.5(h)(9), this chapter, and as deemed reasonable by the director of finance, or designee; and
Maintain each taxicab in safe operating condition, good repair, clean and sanitary condition, and in compliance with the Vehicle Code; and
The taxicab operator shall participate in the pull-notice program pursuant to Section 1808.1 of the Vehicle Code to regularly check the driving records of all taxicab drivers; and
The taxicab operator shall maintain a safety education and training program in effect for all taxicab drivers, whether employees or independent contractors; and
The taxicab company shall maintain a disabled access education and training program to instruct its taxicab drivers on compliance with the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and amendments thereto, and state disability rights laws, including making clear that it is illegal to decline to serve a person with a disability or who has a service animal; and
The taxicab operator shall obtain a report no less than every twelve months from the Department of Motor Vehicles for each employed taxicab driver. The employer shall verify that each employee's driver's license has not been suspended or revoked, the employee's traffic violation point count, and whether the employee has been convicted of a violation of California Vehicle Code Section 23152 or 23153; and
A prospective employer of a taxicab driver shall obtain a report showing the taxicab driver's current public record as recorded by the Department of Motor Vehicles. For purposes of this subdivision, a report is current if it was issued less than thirty days prior to the date the employer employs the taxicab driver; and
Notify the director of finance, or designee, immediately when any vehicle not described in the application for the permit is placed in service as a taxicab and submit the information about the vehicle and the certificate of inspection required by the application form; and
Notify the director of finance, or designee, immediately upon termination of a taxicab driver's employment. taxicab operators permit shall become void upon termination of employment; and
Maintain reasonable financial responsibility to conduct taxicab transportation services; and
Provide for a taxicab driver fingerprint-based criminal history check and a drug and alcohol testing program pursuant to Section 53075.5(b)(3); and
Require that each taxicab driver have a valid California driver's license and a valid city taxicab driver permit; and
Comply with any other reasonable conditions imposed by the director of finance, or designee.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
Taxicab driver and taxicab operator permits shall continue in effect for the remainder of the calendar year in which they are issued, unless revoked or modified, however, that taxicab driver permits shall automatically become void on termination of employment or self-employment as a taxicab driver. A taxicab driver or taxicab operator permit issued in the last quarter of a calendar year shall continue in effect for the remainder of the calendar year in which it is issued, and for the next calendar year, subject to the foregoing provisions regarding revocation, modification, and automatically becoming void.
Permittees shall submit to the director of finance, or designee, applications to renew taxicab driver and taxicab operator permits for following calendar years, together with fees for the renewal and any changes in the information provided in the initial application or a previous renewal application. In addition, an applicant for renewal of a taxicab operator permit shall submit a new photograph, evidence that required insurance will be in effect for the new calendar year, a new certificate of inspection for each taxicab, and new trip data documentation. In addition, an applicant for renewal of a taxicab driver permit shall submit proof of a negative test for controlled substances and alcohol as required by the city's controlled substance and alcohol certification program outlined in this chapter, a new photograph, and provide a document issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles, dated no more than ten days before the application is submitted, showing that the applicant holds a valid, current California driver's license.
Upon review of completed applications for renewal of taxicab driver and taxicab operator permits, the director of finance shall process and grant or deny the applications for renewal as provided by this chapter.
Applications for renewal of taxicab driver and taxicab operator permits shall be submitted each year to allow sufficient time for processing before their current permit expires.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
A taxicab operator or taxicab driver permit may be revoked or suspended or additional conditions imposed thereon for failure of the permittee to comply with applicable laws, regulations, and conditions, based on matters occurring after the permit is issued or on matters not considered at the time of issuance of the permit that would have authorized denial of the permit or the imposition of conditions on the permit.
The director of finance, or designee, may file a written request for revocation, suspension or modification of a taxicab operator or taxicab driver permit, stating facts showing that the permittee has not complied with applicable laws, regulations or permit conditions, has had a subsequent arrest, or poses a danger to public safety, and recommending that the permit be revoked or suspended or in what respect the permit should be conditioned.
On filing the request, the director of finance, or designee, shall mail to the permittee a notice that the permit is recommended for revocation, suspension, or conditioning in a specific manner and stating the reasons for that recommendation. The notice shall inform the permittee that the recommendation will be adopted, and the permittee will be deemed to concur with the recommendation if the permittee does not make a written request for a hearing in the manner provided in Chapter 5.72.020, Appeal Procedure.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
The permit hearing board shall approve the color scheme and insignia of each taxicab operator. No taxicab operator shall use the color scheme or insignia so similar to that of any other existing taxicab operator so as to deceive or confuse, or tend to deceive or confuse the public.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
Upon obtaining a taxicab operator's license, the licensee shall submit such license to the law enforcement agency, and bring all of the vehicles licensed thereby to a place designated by the law enforcement agency. The law enforcement agency shall attach and seal a license plate or decal to the rear of the body of each vehicle covered by the license, if such vehicle meets all requirements as specified in this chapter.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
Taxi stands shall be at only those locations approved by the permit hearing board. The permit hearing board may require the consent of the owner of any property adjacent to such taxi stand before approving the taxi stand.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
Every taxicab driver and every taxicab operator shall accept any passenger, unless:
He or she has no facilities available; or
The transportation requested is such that the driver or operator may not legally accept such passenger; or
The proposed passenger refuses or says that he or she will refuse or cannot pay the fare; or
The proposed passenger is drunk, disorderly, or for other reasons is not deemed a fit passenger.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
A taxicab driver shall not stop for or accept any passenger except where:
It is picking up a passenger(s) as part of a prearranged trip; or
It is within the area specified in the license for the taxicab which he or she is driving; or
It was the taxicab driver who has driven a passenger to any place and is waiting for and accepts the same passenger.
If the taxicab driver for any reason moves the taxicab from the location where he or she has left the passenger, this section does not apply.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
Every taxicab driver shall carry his or her passengers to their point of destination by the most direct practical route unless specifically directed otherwise by such passengers.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
When a taxicab is engaged, the occupants shall have the exclusive right to the full and free use of the passenger compartment. No taxicab operator or taxicab driver may solicit or carry additional passengers unless the taxicab operator's license expressly permits the carrying of additional passengers, and then only to the extent expressly permitted.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)
A person shall not:
Fail or refuse to pay the fare authorized by the taxicab operator's license for which he or she has become liable;
Accept a ride in any taxicab without having on his or her person sufficient funds to pay the authorized fare unless, prior to such ride, he or she informs the driver of the taxicab that he or she does not have such funds; or
Accept a ride in any taxicab with the intent to defraud the operator or driver thereof, or not to pay the full fare authorized.
(Ord. 1135 § 2, 2019)