The department of animal care and control, under the administrative management of the director, and the office of the director, are hereby established.
(Prior code § 4108)
The director of animal care and control shall be vested with the necessary police powers and duties of a police officer for the exclusive purpose of enforcing the provisions of this title, and it shall be his or her duty to make arrests and issue citations for violations of any of the provisions of this title. The director of animal care and control shall enforce all of the laws of the city, county and state relating to the care, treatment and impounding of dumb animals, and to the prevention of cruelty to dumb animals.
(Prior code § 4109)
It is made the duty of the director of animal care and control to enforce any other sections of this title, whether enumerated as a duty or not.
(Prior code § 4110)
It shall be the duty of the director of animal care and control to enforce those sections of the Penal Code of the state pertaining to the inhumane treatment of dumb animals, and to take possession of animals so abandoned or neglected, and care for or dispose of same as provided for in the Penal Code or this title.
(Prior code § 4113)
The director of animal care and control, or his or her deputy animal care and control officers, or any police officer, are authorized to enter upon any premises upon which any animal is kept, for the purpose of taking up, seizing or impounding any animal found running at large, or staked, herded or grazing thereon, contrary to the provisions of this title, for the purpose of ascertaining whether such animal is licensed, as provided in this title, or determining whether any regulation or law of the state relating to the care, treatment or impounding of dumb animals, or to the prevention of cruelty to dumb animals, is being violated, provided there is probable cause to believe there is such violation, and provided that, except in cases of emergency or where necessary to complete a pursuit initiated outside the premises, such entry shall be performed pursuant to a valid inspection warrant issued pursuant to the California Code of Civil Procedure, Sections 1822.50 et seq.
(Prior code § 4112)
No person shall rescue or attempt to rescue any animal mentioned in this title from the possession of the director, nor interfere with the director or any of his or her deputies, in the performance of their official duties.
(Prior code § 4111; Ord. 809 § 1, 1992)