The director of animal care and control may establish a clinic, at which members of the public may have dogs and cats spayed or neutered in a humane manner upon payment of the fees established by the director.
A person submitting a dog or cat for the above service shall sign a consent form certifying thereon under penalty of perjury that he or she is the owner of such animal, or setting forth facts showing that he or she is otherwise authorized to present the animal for the above operation, and such person may be required to furnish proof of such ownership or authority. Such consent shall contain a waiver of any and all liability of the city, the department of animal care and control, and any employees thereof for any injury or death to an animal arising out of the aforementioned operation or any services provided incidental thereto.
The department of animal care and control shall establish a return date by which a person submitting an animal for the above operation shall pick up such animal or be subject to a reasonable board and care fee to commence the day after such return date. Failure to pick up an animal within fifteen days of such return date shall be deemed abandonment of such animal, and the director may dispose of it by sale or destruction.
(Prior code § 4114)
Every person owning or occupying premises where any animal, fowl or bird is kept shall keep the stable, barn, stall, pen, coop, building or place in which such animal is kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
(Prior code § 4157)
No person shall keep any animal which is known or believed by him or her to be infected with any dangerous or communicable disease, or which is afflicted with any painful disease believed by him or her to be incurable, without a permit to do so from the health officer of the city, or other person(s) designated by the city.
(Prior code § 4162)
No person shall bring any dog, cat or other live animal, or permit any dog, cat or other live animal, or permit any dog, cat or other live animal to be brought into or remain in any room or place, other than a private home where food is not handled for commercial purposes, in which meat, fish, game, poultry, fruit, vegetables, bakery goods or any other food or food product is stored, kept, held, prepared, exposed or offered for sale, or sold for human consumption, or permit any dog, cat or other live animal to ride upon or get into or upon any wagon or other vehicle in which any such articles offered or to be offered for sale for human consumption are being kept or transported; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to a dog trained to guide the blind.
(Prior code § 4160)
Artificial Treatment. No person shall dye, color or otherwise artificially treat any rabbit, baby chick, duckling or other fowl.
Sale of Young. No person shall display, sell, offer for sale, barter or give away any rabbit, baby chick, duckling or other fowl which has been dyed, colored or otherwise artificially treated.
(Prior code §§ 4155, 4156)
No person shall transport any animal on the running board of any motor vehicle, or outside the passenger compartment, tonneau or body thereof, unless such animal is protected by a framework or other device which will prevent such animal from falling off, jumping or being thrown from such motor vehicle, whether in motion or not.
(Prior code § 4161)
It is declared to be a nuisance, and no person shall keep, maintain or permit upon any lot or parcel of land within the city under his or her control, any animal or animals, including any fowl or fowls, which by any sound or cry shall interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property by an individual.
(Prior code § 4163)
Every person owning or operating any veterinary hospital or other establishment for the treatment of animals, shall give written notice to the owner of any such animal left in the hospital or institution for treatment, of the death of such animal, provided the name and address of the owner has been filed in the office of the veterinary hospital or other institution.
(Prior code § 4158)
No person shall set or use any spring steel trap, No. 1 or larger, in the city. This section shall not prohibit the use of gopher traps.
(Prior code § 4164)
No person shall, within the city, wilfully slaughter or cause to be slaughtered any cattle, calf, horse, mule, sheep, swine or goat, or any other animal. This section shall not apply to the slaughter of such animals within an educational institution, physician's office or laboratory for medical research or other scientific purposes, to the slaughter of such animals by a person licensed by the state to practice veterinary medicine, or by any commercial establishment duly licensed by the city and the United States Department of Agriculture as a slaughterhouse.
(Prior code § 4165)
It is declared to be a nuisance, and no person shall cause, suffer or permit the carcass of any animal to remain upon any lot, premises or place owned, controlled or occupied by him or her or it for a period of more than twenty-four hours, or to bury the carcass of any animal upon any premises owned, controlled or occupied by him or her or it in the city.
(Prior code § 4159)