No person owning, having an interest in or having control, custody or possession of any dog shall fail, neglect or refuse to license and register such dog, if over four months of age, in compliance with the terms of this chapter.
(Prior code § 4115)
No license fee shall be required for the following:
Service animals with documentation of individualized training to assist persons with disabilities;
Animals honorably discharged from the armed forces of the United States;
Animals in the care, custody and control of nonresidents who are traveling through the city or temporarily staying in the city for a period not exceeding thirty days, or animals temporarily brought into the city for the exclusive purpose of being entered in a bench show or exhibition, provided that such animals are so entered and not kept elsewhere in the city;
Animals which are owned by any governmental agency.
(Prior code § 4120; Ord. 1005 § 1, 2004)
Every person applying for a dog license must exhibit a certificate issued by a person licensed by the state, or by any state or nation, to practice veterinary medicine, which certificate shall show that the dog for which the license shall be issued either (1) has been vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6.08.140 and 6.08.150 of this chapter; or (2) should not be so vaccinated by reason of age, infirmity or other disability. Such exemption shall be valid for a period not to exceed one year.
A license for any dog shall not be issued unless and until either such certificate is exhibited. The certificate of vaccination must be valid throughout the entire licensing period.
Every person keeping, harboring or having in the city any dog required by this title to be vaccinated shall, at all times while such dog is thus kept, harbored or had, have in his or her possession a certificate issued by a person licensed by the state of California, or any other state or nation, to practice veterinary medicine, which certificate shall specify that such dog has been vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6.08.140 and 6.08.150.
(Prior code §§ 4125, 4129)
Any owner, with the exception provided in this chapter, of a dog four months of age or younger in the city shall obtain a dog license and pay an original or renewal license fee (as established by resolution) each year thereafter.
License fees shall be due and payable within thirty days after any dog is acquired and comes into the care, custody and control of any person in the city.
(Prior code § 4118; Ord. 707 § 1, 1985)
The amount of any license fees imposed by this title shall be deemed a debt to the city, and any person keeping any animal without having obtained a license and registration certificate from the city shall be liable to an action in the name of the city in any court of competent jurisdiction for the amount of the license fees and penalties imposed and required by this title to be paid for the privilege of keeping such animal, and it shall be the duty of the director to cause a complaint to be filed against any person violating any of the provisions of this title. Such action shall be cumulative, and shall not be deemed a bar to or a waiver of the right of the city to prosecute any person for a violation of this part or any other applicable provision of this title.
(Prior code § 4126)
Any person who fails to pay the required dog license fee, as set forth in Section 6.08.040, each year thereafter shall pay, in addition to the original license fee, a penalty of fifty percent of the original license fee.
Any person who fails to obtain an original license within thirty days after his or her owning any dog, or any dog coming into his or her care, custody and control in this city, shall pay, in addition to the original license fee, a penalty fee of fifty percent of the original license fee.
(Prior code § 4119)
A metallic tag and license certificate with corresponding numbers shall be furnished by the city official, or one of his or her authorized agents, to any person required by this title to obtain a license, upon payment of the appropriate fee prescribed in this chapter.
The city official shall keep a record of the name, address and telephone number of the owner of the dog or person making payment of the license fee, and to whom a certificate and tag is issued, and the number and date of such certificate. Such metal tag issued for the current license year shall be securely fastened to the collar or harness of the dog, and shall be worn by the dog at all times other than those periods when confined to the owner's house, enclosed yard or pen.
A duplicate of a lost license tag may be procured from the city official upon proof of loss and payment of the required fee.
(Prior code § 4117)
No person shall fail or refuse to exhibit the registration of any animal required to be licensed by this code when required to do so by the director or any police officer.
(Prior code § 4116)
No person shall fail or refuse to show to the director or any police officer the license certificate and the tag for any duly registered dog kept or remaining within any home or upon any enclosed premises under his or her immediate control.
(Prior code § 4121)
No person shall imitate or counterfeit the tags required by this chapter, or shall use any imitation or counterfeit of such tag.
(Prior code § 4123)
No unauthorized person shall remove from any dog any collar, harness or other device to which is attached a registration tag for the current year, or remove such tag therefrom.
(Prior code § 4122)
No dog license is transferable.
(Prior code § 4124)
No owner or person having charge, custody or control of any dog shall permit, either wilfully or through failure to exercise due care to control, any such dog to defecate and to allow such feces thereafter to remain on any public sidewalk or park, or any other public property, or on any improved private property other than that of the owner or person who has custody or control of such dog; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to public or private street gutters.
(Prior code § 4154)
Every person keeping, harboring or having a dog over the age of four months in the city shall cause such dog to be vaccinated with a type of rabies vaccine approved by the Los Angeles County health officer within a period of thirty days from the date such dog was harbored, kept or had within the city, or within thirty days from the date the dog attains the age of four months; provided, however, that the aforesaid provision shall not apply so as to require the vaccination of any dog which has been vaccinated with an approved vaccine by a person licensed by the state, or by any other state or nation, to practice veterinary medicine, where such vaccination has been completed within the period of time as hereinafter prescribed in this section.
If the dog's vaccination was performed at an age of under twelve months, it must have been completed within one year prior to the date such dog was first kept, harbored or brought into the city. If the dog was last vaccinated at an age over twelve months, it must have been completed within thirty-six months prior to the date such dog was first kept, harbored or brought into the city.
(Prior code § 4127; Ord. 729 § 1, 1987)
Every person keeping, harboring or having in the city a dog which has received its initial rabies vaccination shall cause such dog to be revaccinated twelve months after the initial vaccination with an approved type of rabies vaccine. Such dog who has received vaccination after the initial vaccination, or such dog who has received its initial vaccination over twelve months of age, shall be revaccinated no sooner than twenty-four months with an approved type rabies vaccine.
(Prior code § 4128; Ord. 729 § 2, 1987)
Whenever it is suspected that any animal shall have been bitten by another animal having, or suspected of having rabies, all rules and regulations under Section 6.08.190 shall apply, where applicable substituting the word "animal" or "dog."
(Prior code § 4152)
It is unlawful for any person having knowledge of the whereabouts of an animal known to have or suspected of having rabies, or which has shown symptoms of rabies, to fail, refuse or neglect to immediately notify the director, or to fail, refuse or neglect to allow the director to make an inspection to the satisfaction of such official that such animal has or has not rabies. The director shall likewise be notified of any person bitten by an animal of a species subject to rabies, whether or not the animal is suspected of having rabies.
(Prior code § 4147)
Whenever any person having charge, care, control, custody or possession of any dog has knowledge that such dog has bitten any person, the persons having charge, care, control, custody or possession of such dog shall report such fact in writing forthwith to the director. The report shall state the name and address of the person bitten and the time and place such person was bitten.
(Prior code § 4148)
Whenever it is shown that any dog or other animal has bitten any person, no owner or person having the custody or possession thereof, upon order of the director, any police officer or the health officer, shall fail, refuse or neglect to quarantine such animal and keep it securely confined on a chain or in a closed cage or paddock for a period of ten days, or shall fail, refuse or neglect to allow the director to make an inspection or examination thereof at any time during such period. No such dog or animal shall be removed without written permission of the director, any police officer, or the health officer or his or her deputies.
(Prior code § 4149)
Notwithstanding any other provision in this title, a dog used by any state, county, city or city and county law enforcement agency shall not be quarantined after biting any person if such bite occurred while the dog was being used for any law enforcement purpose. The law enforcement agency shall make the dog available for examination at any reasonable time. The law enforcement agency shall notify the health officer if the dog exhibits any abnormal behavior.
(Prior code § 4150)
Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, a service animal shall not be quarantined, in the absence of evidence that he or she has been exposed to rabies, unless his or her master fails:
To keep him or her safely confined to the premises of the master;
To keep him or her available for examination at all reasonable times.
(Prior code § 4151; Ord. 1005 § 2, 2004)