No person owning, having an interest in, harboring or having charge, care, control, custody or possession of any dog shall cause or permit such dog to be off the premises of its owner, unless such dog is securely confined by a strong leash of not exceeding six feet, securely and continuously held by a competent person owning, having an interest in, harboring or having charge, care, control, custody or possession of such dog, or unless such dog is confined within an enclosed vehicle.
Subsection A of this section shall not apply to any dog being used for law enforcement purposes by any state, county, city or city and county law enforcement agency.
(Prior code § 4130)
Any person who captures an animal at large, as defined in Section 6.04.020, shall within twenty-four hours give notice to the director. Such notice shall include the following:
The fact that he or she has such animal in his or her possession;
The complete description of such animal;
The license number of such animal, if any, and by what county or municipal corporation issued. If such animal has no license, such person shall so state;
The place where such animal is confined; and shall thereafter surrender such animal to the director upon request.
(Prior code § 4131)
It is declared to be a nuisance, and no person shall suffer or permit any rabbits and/or permitted birds and/or fowl, owned or controlled by him or her or it, to run or fly at large, or to go upon the premises of any other person in the city.
(Prior code § 4133)
No person owning or having control of any ox, steer, bull, cow, horse, colt, calf, sheep, goat, or any animal commonly referred to as a "wild specie" shall:
Permit such animal to run at large in the city;
Cause or permit any such animal to be pastured, herded, staked or tied in any street, lane, alley, park or other public area;
Tie, stake, pasture or permit the tying, staking or pasturing of any such animal upon any private property within the limits of the city, without the consent of the owner or occupant of such property, or in such a way as to permit any such animal to trespass upon any street or public place or upon any such private property; or
Permit any such animal to be or remain, during the nighttime, secured by a stake, or secured in any manner other than by enclosing such animal in a pen, corral or barn sufficient and adequate to restrain such animal, or by securely fastening such animal by means of a rope or chain of sufficient size, strength and weight to effectively restrain such animal; or
Fail to provide the necessary sustenance, drink, shelter or protection from the weather, or otherwise.
(Prior code § 4132)
No person owning or having control of any monkey, ape, chimpanzee or other animal of the monkey type shall permit, allow or suffer such animal to run at large within the city, or permit, allow or suffer such animal to be or go upon any street or public place within the city without having such animal securely fastened by an adequate chain or rope, firmly held by or attached to a competent person.
Such animal shall be deemed and considered as running at large, within the meaning of the expression as herein used, when not confined within an enclosure or when not securely tied or chained.
(Prior code § 4134)
No person owning or having charge, custody, control or possession of any animal or reptile known by such person to be vicious or dangerous, or commonly so known, or owning or having charge, custody, control or possession of any elephant, bear, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, lion, tiger, leopard, wolf, monkey, ape, chimpanzee, bobcat, lynx, wildcat, puma, cheetah, or any animal commonly referred to as a "wild specie," or any poisonous reptile, shall permit or allow the same to be at large upon any highway, street, lane, alley, court or other public place, or upon any private property other than within the enclosed premises of such person.
Any dog having a disposition or propensity to attack or bite any person or animal without provocation is hereby defined as a "wild or vicious animal." The director shall notify the owner or harborer in writing to keep such animal within a substantial enclosure or securely attached to a chain or any other type of control which is reasonably adequate under the circumstances. If such restraint is impossible or impracticable, such animal shall be impounded until the owner or harborer is able to comply with the director's order. If, upon receiving such written notification, the owner or harborer fails to provide adequate restraint or control of such animal, as ordered by the director, within a reasonable time, the animal shall be subject to summary destruction.
Where the official records of the director indicate a dog has bitten any person or persons or animal on two or more separate occasions, it shall be prima facie evidence that such dog is a wild or vicious animal.
(Prior code § 4135)