There shall be provided by the city or by the director, upon such terms and conditions as shall be named in a contract executed by and between the director and the legislative body of the city, a suitable building or enclosure to keep and safely hold all animals herein enumerated in this title which are subject to be impounded, which shall be known and designated as the "Animal Shelter."
(Prior code § 4136)
It shall be the duty of the director to take up, impound and safely keep any of the animals enumerated in this title found running at large, staked, tied, or being herded or pastured in any street, lane, alley, court, square, park or other place belonging to or under the control of the city, or upon any private property in the city, contrary to the provisions of this title.
(Prior code § 4137)
It shall be the duty of the director to take up all dogs found in violation of Section 6.36.010 of this title. When such dog is taken up, it shall be delivered to the director.
(Prior code § 4141)
When any animal is to be impounded, it shall be provided with proper and sufficient food and water by the director for a period of at least five working days, or such longer period as may be provided hereinafter.
(Prior code § 4138)
All licensed dogs impounded at the animal shelter shall be provided with proper and sufficient food and water by the director for a period of at least ten calendar days after written notice is given to the owner, and all unlicensed dogs for a period of at least five working days. Deposit of a letter of impoundment with the United States Postal Service shall constitute written notice.
(Prior code § 4144)
All cats impounded at the animal shelter shall be provided with proper and sufficient food and water by the director for a period of at least ten days after written notice is given to the owner for cats displaying some type of identification. Cats without identification shall be held for at least five working days, after which time these cats may be destroyed, except that cats determined by the director to be wild may be disposed of by the director upon impoundment.
(Prior code § 4145)
The owner of any animal impounded shall have the right to reclaim the same at any time prior to the sale thereof upon payment to the director of the costs and charges for impounding and keeping such animals.
(Prior code § 4139)
Subject to the other provisions of this title, any person may make application to the director for the return of any dog or cat, and upon presentation of proof satisfactory to the director that such person is the owner or is rightfully entitled to the possession of such dog or cat, may recover such dog or cat upon the payment of the required fee.
(Prior code § 4142)
Prior to the release of any dog from the animal shelter to its owner, proof of rabies vaccination shall be required. If the owner fails to show proof, the veterinarian on duty shall administer such vaccination for such fee as shall be established by the director.
(Prior code § 4143)
Dogs and cats not redeemed may be sold by the director to the person offering to pay the highest cash amount therefor, provided that the purchaser shall not be given possession of any such dog or cat until he or she shall have paid to the director the charges prescribed for such dog or cat. If any dog or cat, impounded by the director, shall not have been redeemed within such periods, and cannot be sold within a reasonable time thereafter, it may be summarily disposed of, for which the director is responsible, in some humane way as prescribed by the policy making board.
The director shall file at the animal shelter a full description of each dog and cat impounded therein, for the period beginning on the day any such dog or cat is taken or delivered into the possession of the director.
(Prior code § 4146)
It shall be the duty of the director to issue and sign a death warrant for and to order the destruction of any animal lawfully taken into custody which, in the opinion of the director, is infected with a dangerous or communicable disease, or which is in an incurable, crippled condition, or which is adjudged by a written report of a licensed veterinarian to be afflicted with any painful, incurable disease.
(Prior code § 4140)