This chapter shall be known as the "Collection and Disposal of Refuse Ordinance."
(Prior code § 5180)
The definitions in this section shall govern the construction of this chapter.
"C&D diversion requirement"
means the percentage of construction and demolition debris for each project that must be diverted from landfills.
"C&D generator"
means a residential or commercial entity that produces construction and demolition debris.
means the operation of gathering together garbage, rubbish and waste material, and transporting the same to the point of disposal.
means a solid waste collector with a written franchise, contract or permit for the collection of solid waste, issued as set forth in this chapter, including salvaging or salvage collecting.
"Commercial premises"
means any property located within the boundaries of the city, occupied or used for any purpose other than residential uses with less than four dwelling units, authorized or permitted in the PA, C-N, C-C, C-G, CPD and C-M zones, under the provisions of Title 18 of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code, and those mobile home parks, rental housing projects, apartment houses and other multiple dwellings containing four or more dwelling units, where one contract for the collection of refuse for all units within such park, project, house or multiple dwellings is made by the management thereof on behalf of all units thereof.
means containers, whether residential, multifamily residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional, provided for temporary accumulation and collection of solid waste for removal from all premises located within the city. Containers include, but are not limited to, solid waste containers with capacity of at least one cubic yard and roll-off type service containers.
means the person entering into a contract with the city for the collection and disposal of garbage, rubbish and waste material.
means the complete operation of treating and disposing of the accumulations of rubbish, waste material and the products or residue arising from such treatment.
"Exceptional materials"
means those wastes and other materials not included in the definition of rubbish, garbage or waste material, including:
Any object not easily moved by one person, such as discarded automobile bodies, refrigerators, stoves or other bulky or heavy objects; or
Waste material resulting from any manufacturing, building or construction operation;
Manure, offal, waste from any poultry yard or stable;
Logs, stumps or limbs from trees exceeding four inches in diameter or three feet in length; and
Sod, dirt or similar material.
"Waste material,"
as used in this subsection, shall be exclusive of that waste material defined in subsection P of this section.
means waste animal and vegetable matter of every kind and character, including such waste food, animal and vegetable matter as accumulates in hotels, restaurants, eating houses and private homes, in the kitchens and on the tables of such places; and also including such waste animal and vegetable matter as accumulates in meat markets, grocery stores and fruit and vegetable markets. The particular designations herein shall not be deemed to exclude the general.
means the owner or occupant of any residential dwelling.
"Industrial premises"
means those premises upon which the primary and principal activities are of an industrial nature and which activities and uses fall within I-L and I-G zones, including those requiring conditional use permits.
means an individual, group of individuals, and/or any legal entity recognized by the laws of the state.
when used in this chapter without qualification, means any and all garbage, rubbish or waste material located upon or originating in or upon any residential or commercial property in the city, except materials expressly excluded from the terms of this chapter.
"Residential property"
means any property occupied or used for any purpose authorized or permitted in the RE, SF, PUD and R-M zones under the provisions of Title 18 of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code, as may be amended from time to time, and located within the boundaries of the city, except as provided in the definition of commercial premises in subsection E of this section.
"Rubbish or waste material"
means all solid waste consisting of both combustible and noncombustible waste, such as shrubbery and yard trimmings and clippings, grass, weeds, leaves, wood, chips, paper, pasteboard, cardboard, magazines, books, rubber, rags, carpets, bedding, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, straw, packing materials, glass, crockery, bottles, shelves, tin cans, metals, ashes, cinders, and other similar waste materials which ordinarily accumulated from the operation of a household or business.
means refuse for which a permit to treat as salvage has been obtained under this chapter and which includes recyclable material. Salvage is source-separated recyclable materials consisting of source-separated commingled recyclable materials, sources-separated recyclable materials, and source-separated single-category recyclable materials.
"Salvage collector"
means any individual, partnership, joint venture, unincorporated private organization, or private corporation regularly engaged in the business of providing salvage collection services including those who use third-party haulers.
"Salvage generator"
means any individual, partnership, joint venture, unincorporated private organization, or corporation which created, accumulates, imports, or causes to be imported into the city salvage which is sold or given to a salvage collector.
means any individual, partnership, joint venture, unincorporated private organization, or private corporation engaged in salvaging that it creates, accumulates, imports, or causes to be imported into the city. Any person that self-hauls any solid waste or recyclables within the city without a valid permit shall be subject to all fines, fees, and penalties identified in this chapter.
Furthermore, a self-hauler of C&D waste debris must meet all of the following requirements to be considered a self-hauler:
C&D material and debris are removed by a licensed construction or demolition company as part of a total service offered by the said company;
The licensed construction or demolition company must utilize its own equipment; and
The licensed construction or demolition company performs the associated services in the city.
"Third party hauler"
means any commercial carrier or common carrier who transports salvage or recyclable material at the direction, request, or hiring of a salvage collector.
(Prior code §§ 5181—5181.13; Ord. 747 § 1, 1988; Ord. 1168 § 2, 2023)
The city council is authorized and empowered to operate, maintain, repair and manage a system and facilities for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage, waste, refuse, rubbish, offal, trimmings and other refuse matter within the city.
(Prior code § 5182.1)
Until the further order of the city council, city manager is designated and appointed as the official of the city in charge of the immediate administration of the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 5183.1)
In all cases and under all circumstances not otherwise provided for in this chapter, the city manager or duly authorized representative shall be, and is hereby empowered and authorized to promulgate and issue such orders, directions and instructions with respect to the collection, transportation and removal of refuse as may be necessary, convenient or desirable for the safe, proper and essential functioning of the collection and disposal services referred to herein, whether the same are performed by contract or otherwise, and as may be in the best interest of the city. All such instructions, directions and orders, when so made, shall be obeyed to ensure the collection and removal of refuse in a prompt, thorough and lawful manner.
(Prior code § 5183.2)
The city council is authorized to contract with any person for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage, waste, refuse, rubbish, offal, trimmings and other refuse matter within the city, under such terms and conditions as are contained in this chapter, and as may be prescribed by the city council.
(Prior code § 5182.2)
In the event a contract exists between the city and any contractor, such contract, in addition to any other remedy provided within the contract or otherwise available to the city, may be terminated as provided in this section.
In the event of a substantial failure of performance on the part of the contractor, affecting the public health, safety and welfare, or the wilful violation of any of the terms and provisions of this chapter or the contract or resolution hereunder, following a report concerning the foregoing from the city manager or his or her duly authorized representative, the city council shall hold a public hearing on whether the contract and all rights and privileges of the contractor thereunder shall be revoked and the bond of the contractor forfeited.
A public hearing shall be held after at least ten days' written notice to the contractor setting forth the charges of the city manager or his or her duly authorized representative, and setting forth the time and place of the hearing and the reason for the hearing. If the city council, at the hearing, after hearing and receiving all evidence and testimony relevant and material on the issue offered at the hearing, finds that there has been substantial failure of service affecting the public health, safety and welfare, or a wilful violation of this chapter or of any provision of any contract or resolution made pursuant hereto, it may revoke the contract, and forfeit the bond. The decision of the city council in this matter shall be final.
(Prior code § 5182.3)
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, it is unlawful for any person not having a valid, unrevoked permit from the city to do so, to remove, or cause or permit to be removed, any refuse from any premises or from any street, alleyway or other place in the city, or to transport the same in, upon or across any street, alleyway or place in the city.
Upon enactment of the ordinance codified in this chapter, it is the intention of the city council that a moratorium shall be in effect upon the granting of any permits for the collection, transporting or disposal of refuse, garbage and rubbish beyond those valid permits in effect upon enactment. It is further the intention of the council to allow a reduction in number of permits over the years until a more limited number of permits shall have been granted, it having been found that the public health, safety and welfare are best served by a number of permits consistent with the needs of the citizens of the city. From the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, no additional permits shall be issued for the collection of refuse, garbage or rubbish in the city. Only those currently and lawfully performing such business in the city for three years may continue to do so, subject to the provisions of this chapter; nor shall any firm, person or corporation pick up or collect refuse, garbage and rubbish from any properties within the city without a valid city license and permit.
(Prior code § 5184)
The city and its duly authorized agents, servants and employees, or any contractor with whom the city may at any time enter into an exclusive franchise agreement therefor, and the agents, servants and employees of such contractor, while any such agreement shall be in force, shall have the exclusive right to gather, collect and remove refuse from any premises which may be the subject of such exclusive agreement.
No person other than those above specified shall:
Gather, collect or remove any refuse;
Convey or transport any refuse in, along or over any public street, alley or highway;
Take any refuse from any receptacle in which the same may be placed for collection or removal;
Interfere with or disturb any such receptacle, or remove any such receptacle from any location where the same is placed by the owner thereof.
Permit requirements as set forth above shall apply to all haulers, this section notwithstanding.
(Prior code § 5184.1)
Householders hauling occasional loads of waste, refuse or manure from their own premises to a legal point of disposal shall be excepted from the provisions of Sections 8.12.080 through 8.12.120.
Sections 8.12.080 through 8.12.120 do not prohibit the hauling or disposal of grass cuttings, pruning, manure or other rubbish not containing garbage, to or at a legal point of disposal as part of gardening or horticulture.
(Prior code § 5184.4)
The provisions of Sections 8.12.080 through 8.12.120 shall not prohibit any of the officers or employees of the city, or any employees of a contractor, or any employees of any governmental subdivision of the state, from collecting, removing and disposing of such garbage and rubbish in the regular course of their respective duties as such officers or employees.
(Prior code § 5184.2)
The provisions of Sections 8.12.080 through 8.12.120 shall not prohibit the lawful accumulation and placement of garbage and rubbish in the first instance.
(Prior code § 5184.5)
Except as authorized in Sections 8.12.080 through 8.12.120, any occupant who removes or disposes of, or contracts for the removal and disposal of his or her own refuse as otherwise provided by law shall not be released from any obligation imposed by this chapter to pay the contractor the refuse collection fees as herein provided.
(Prior code § 5184.3)
Any person eligible and desiring to obtain a permit to remove or convey any garbage upon or along any public street, alley, highway or other public place shall sign and file an application with the permit hearing board, which application shall set forth the name and address of the applicant and such other information as may be required by the board. The license and permit hearing board shall consider the application in the manner set forth in Chapter 5.08 of this code.
(Prior code § 5184.6)
No more than the current commercial permits shall be issued and outstanding at any given time.
The fee for each such commercial permit shall be the sum of three hundred dollars per year, payable at the time of application. The penalty for late payment of such fee shall be fifty percent of the amount payable; provided, however, that the city clerk may excuse the payment of any such penalty upon good cause shown to him or her for such late payment.
In the event an exclusive franchise(s) is awarded by the city, the provisions of Section 8.12.180 of this chapter shall apply to all permits.
(Prior code § 5184.8)
All rights and privileges of the contractor set forth are granted pursuant to this chapter and conditioned on the contractor's having on deposit with the city clerk at all times during city service a valid, unexpired bond or bonds, or other security acceptable to the city and approved by the city attorney in favor of the city, as follows: In the amount of ten thousand dollars, conditioned that the contractor will faithfully perform and carry out the provisions of this chapter, the terms of any resolution adopted pursuant hereto, the terms of any individual contract entered into for the collection of refuse, and conditioned upon the con-tractor's complying with all laws, statutes, ordinances and regulations relating to the collection and disposal of garbage and refuse.
The bond, or bonds, shall be in favor of the city of Pico Rivera, and shall not extend the right of recovery against the sureties by third persons. The said bond shall not be void upon the first recovery, but may be sued and recovered upon from time to time by the city until the whole principal sum is exhausted.
The bond may contain a provision giving the sureties the option to cancel the bond upon first giving notice in writing not less than thirty days before the effective date of the cancellation to the city clerk, providing that such cancellation shall not impair the right of the city to reimbursement for correction of conditions resulting from violation of such laws, statutes, ordinances or regulations, or the contract or resolution made pursuant to this chapter, which violations occurred before the effective date of the cancellation of the bond whether the work of correction was performed before or after such effective date.
(Prior code § 5189; Ord. 854 § 1, 1994)
No person shall operate a refuse or garbage truck within the city, unless at the time such truck is being operated within the city there is on file with the city clerk a valid, unexpired public liability and property damage insurance policy, in the amounts of one hundred thousand dollars for death or injury to any one person arising out of any one accident, and three hundred thousand dollars for injury to or death of more than one person, arising out of any one accident, and one hundred thousand dollars for property damage, arising out of any one accident. Such policy shall be in a form and with a copy approved by the city.
(Prior code § 5190)
In the event an exclusive franchise(s) is granted by the city, all valid permits issued for the three consecutive previous years hereof to collect garbage and rubbish in the city at the effective date of the award of the franchise(s), may remain in full force and effect for a period of five years from the date of the award of such franchise(s).
(Prior code § 5184.7)
No permit granted pursuant to this chapter shall be assigned, subcontracted, leased or otherwise transferred or assigned without the written consent of the city council.
(Prior code § 5184.9)
Procedures for revocation are those set forth in Chapter 5.08 and Sections 5.08.390 through 5.08.420 of this code.
(Prior code § 5184.10)
The rates, hours of collection and schedules of collection of rubbish and garbage shall be those which the city council may determine and establish from time to time by resolution.
(Prior code § 5185)
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, or cause or permit to be operated within the city, a truck used or intended to be used for the collection, hauling or disposing of garbage or rubbish unless the operation and each such truck complies with all of the requirements set out in Sections 8.12.220 through 8.12.280.
(Prior code § 5186)
Such trucks shall be constructed of metal and be watertight. They shall be completely inspected and certified twice each year by the California Highway Patrol as to maintenance and driver's record. The inspection shall include, but is not limited to brakes, steering mechanism, suspension and linkage systems, tires, wheels, air leakage, valves, emergency stop mechanism, lights, and overall truck appearance. In addition thereto, such trucks shall also be thoroughly inspected and certified by the Los Angeles County health department, and such inspection shall include but is not limited to leakage of fluids or rubbish from trucks, state of paint and letters on the truck, as well as overall truck appearance. Notice of such certification shall be filed with the city manager each June and December and as trucks are placed into service. Failure to submit required notice of such certification shall be grounds for suspending of rubbish hauling permits and/or contracts, where applicable, until a notice evidencing passage of such inspections, as required, is received by the city manager.
(Prior code § 5186.1)
Such trucks shall contain, in neat and legible three-inch painted letters, the name of the owner or operator of the truck, and the true business telephone number of such person.
(Prior code § 5186.4)
Such trucks shall be maintained at all times in good mechanical condition, and shall be maintained clean and well-painted to the satisfaction of the city manager or his or her duly authorized representative.
(Prior code § 5186.3)
Such trucks shall be operated so as to offer the least possible obstruction to the public peace and quiet. Collection of rubbish or garbage shall not be made between the hours of six p.m. and five a.m.
(Prior code § 5186.6; Ord. 700 § 1, 1985; Ord. 718 § 1, 1986)
The body of each truck shall have a metal cover over at least fifty percent of the area at all times, and further, over the remaining fifty percent, there shall be carried an airtight waterproof tarpaulin which shall be tied down securely to cover refuse when the vehicle is being used to transport its contents to the place of disposal.
(Prior code § 5186.2)
All trucks shall be cleaned thoroughly by flushing with water at least once after each day's use, and shall be disinfected by the use of live steam or an approved disinfectant at least once a week. All vehicles and equipment used in the collection of rubbish and garbage in the city, if kept within the boundaries of the city, shall under no condition be stored on public streets.
(Prior code § 5186.5)
It shall be the duty of every householder within the city to provide or cause to be provided, and at all times to keep or cause to be kept, portable containers for holding garbage and rubbish.
Each such container shall be constructed of metal or other material of equal quality, and shall be watertight and shall be so constructed so as to contain not less than three gallons' capacity or more than forty gallons capacity, and not more than eighty pounds in weight when full. All such containers shall be kept in good repair by the occupant. The occupant may also use plastic-bag containers for the disposal of refuse; however, such bags shall be no less than three mil in thickness, and shall be known as the type specifically designed for the disposal of refuse.
Each such container shall be equipped with a bail or handles on both sides thereof, and each such container shall have a suitable close-fitting cover, the design and type of which shall have been approved by the city manager or his or her duly authorized representative.
(Prior code § 5187)
Receptacles used at residential premises shall be of such a size, shape and weight, when filled, that they may be readily lifted for emptying into the trucks of the container, and free of all rough or jagged surfaces which shall be likely to cause injury to persons lifting the same.
(Prior code § 5187.4)
Each container provided as prescribed in this chapter shall be kept or placed in the following manner. Each such container shall be kept on the premises of the person providing the same, except that on the day designated for collection, and before the time collection starts in the district in which such premises are located, it shall be placed for collection as follows:
On any premises adjacent to a dedicated, paved alley in a block with access to such alley at each end of the block, such containers shall be placed on or within two feet of the rear property line of such premises, and shall be readily accessible for collection from the alley.
Each such premises shall be identified by the street address of such premises, painted and maintained legibly in numbers not less than two inches in height, placed on each container or on a fence or other structure at the rear of such premises and abutting on such alley.
It shall be the responsibility of the owner or occupant of such premises to comply with the requirements hereof, and should he or she fail to do so, the city may paint such numbers and charge the cost thereof to such owner or occupant.
Where such premises are not adjacent to an alley which is paved and dedicated, with access to such alley from each end of the block, each such container shall be placed on the curb in front of the premises occupied by the person placing the same, or on the curb at the side of the premises where such premises are adjacent to more than one street.
The occupants shall place such containers near the curb in front of such properties not more than twelve hours before the scheduled time for pickup by the operator, and shall remove the same not more than twelve hours after the time scheduled for pickup by the operator.
It is unlawful for any person to place any garbage or rubbish accumulating on any premises within the city in a garbage or rubbish container containing garbage or rubbish which has accumulated in, upon or from any other premises within the city, or to place any such container for collection of garbage or rubbish therefrom in, upon, in front of or in the rear of any other premises.
(Prior code § 5188)
All garbage deposited in such containers shall be thoroughly drained and thoroughly wrapped prior to placement in such containers.
(Prior code § 5187.1)
Papers, newspapers and magazines may be placed in garbage and rubbish containers hereinbefore described, or in other substantial containers. If not placed in such containers, the same shall be tied in bundles. Whether placed in such containers or bundles, the same shall not exceed fifty pounds in weight per container or bundle.
(Prior code § 5187.3)
Tree or garden trimmings may be placed in the garbage and rubbish containers hereinbefore described, or in other substantial containers. If not placed in such containers, such tree and garden trimmings shall be tied in bundles not exceeding two feet in diameter and five feet in length. Whether placed in such containers or bundled, such tree or garden trimmings shall not exceed fifty pounds in weight per container or bundle. No such container or bundle shall contain any materials other than tree or garden trimmings. Single items such as furniture and appliances weighing less than eighty pounds, or which can be lifted by one man, will be allowed on a weekly basis.
(Prior code § 5187.2)
There are imposed by the city fees and charges for the collection, removal and disposal of refuse within the city. Such fees and charges for such collection, removal and disposal services shall be those which the city council may from time to time hereafter determine, fix and establish by resolution; and the same shall be applicable for the respective periods designated in or covered by such respective resolutions.
The occupants of all premises and property where refuse is produced or generated, regardless of whether the occupant places such refuse collection in a manner prescribed in this chapter or not, and regardless of whether the occupant has any refuse for collection, shall be liable for the payment of all such fees and charges.
Should any premises or property be unoccupied, or should the occupant thereof fail to pay all such fees and charges before the same become delinquent, then and in either such event the owner of such premises or property shall be liable for the payment of all such fees and charges, including any delinquency.
(Prior code § 5191.1)
Every occupant or owner of residential property or premises in the city shall be billed periodically in advance, either bimonthly or quarterly, by the contractors, for the charges incurred by the collection of refuse.
Should any owner or occupant fail, refuse or neglect to pay any such bill within thirty days after the date that the same is rendered, then in that event a penalty equal to not more than twenty-five percent of the amount of the bill shall be added to the bill, and the sum, together with any cost incurred by the contractor, may be recovered as provided by law; or, in the event there are costs incurred by the city, all sums and costs may be recovered as hereinafter provided.
Should the occupant or owner of any residential property or premises in the city fail or refuse to pay, in accordance with the provisions hereinabove, the fee assessed for the collection of refuse, then and in that event, the city contractor shall advise the city manager or his or her duly authorized representative of such refusal. The failure to pay may, except for the provisions hereof, result in the noncollection of refuse. In the event that there is nonpayment, the contractor shall cause collection of such nonpayment to be made, and the expenses and charges of collection, including penalties, to be assessed against the property as provided herein. The city contractor shall continue to collect refuse when directed to do so by the city manager or his or her duly authorized representative, even though there be nonpayment, and in such event all sums and costs incurred thereby shall be recovered as hereinafter provided.
The city contractor shall make all reasonable efforts to diligently pursue and collect all fees and charges due the city contractor for rendering such services to the satisfaction of the city manager; in event of delinquency, the contractor shall also notify the owner of the property or premises.
All costs incurred by the city and payable by the city to the city contractor, as hereinafter set forth, shall be recoverable by the city and charged against the real property from which the refuse was collected. It shall be the duty of the city contractor to provide to the city individual letters which contain the name of the owner and/or occupant, the address as of the latest tax roll, including the legal description of such properties, and the amount delinquent and unpaid, the amount of the penalty, collection costs, and costs of abatement. The only responsibility of the city pertaining to notice of and public hearing shall be as follows:
The city manager or his or her duly authorized representative shall notify concerned parties of such amount. Such notice shall further declare that the city council shall, at its next regular meeting, review and approve as an assessment against the property the amount delinquent and unpaid, the amount of the penalty, collection costs, including administrative costs incurred hereby, and costs of abatement.
If the total assessment determined and approved by the city council is not paid within ten days after such determination, then and in that event, there shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder a statement of the total balance due together with the legal description of the property affected.
From and after the date of such recordation, the balance due shall be a special assessment against the real property. This assessment shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as are county taxes, and shall be subject to the same penalties and to the same procedure and sale in case of delinquency as provided for ordinary county taxes.
All laws applicable to the levy, collection and enforcement of county taxes shall be applicable to such special assessment.
The city controller shall be fully reimbursed in the amount due him or her on an unpaid account less ten percent when the assessed amount is recovered.
Any occupant or owner of any residential property or premises in the city who has been billed for refuse collection service, and who desires to contest the extent, degree or reasonableness of the charges, shall make payment of such charges under protest and, at the same time, file a written statement of such protest with the city manager or his or her duly authorized representative. Within thirty days after the date of filing, the city manager or his or her duly authorized representative shall notify the protestant of his or her findings and adjudication and adjustment in the matter. Within fifteen days after such notice of the decision of the city manager or his or her duly authorized representative, the protestant may appeal in writing to the city council, whose determination, in regular meeting, shall be final.
(Prior code § 5191.2)
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 8.12.360 of this chapter, residential refuse collection fees, as established by resolution of the city council, may be billed and collected on behalf of the city by the office of the county auditor-tax collector and other appropriate county offices.
The city manager may order the refund of any fee, or portion thereof, paid pursuant to the provisions of this section, provided that the fee is found and determined by the city manager to have been entered, charged or paid illegally, or more than once, or through clerical error or through the error or mistake of the city. In any event, no refund shall be for a period greater than three years prior to the date of the claim for refund.
No order for a refund shall be made except on a claim verified by the person who paid the fee, or the legal representative of that person, and filed with the city clerk within thirty days after the payment sought to be refunded became due.
Upon receipt of a verified claim, the city manager shall cause a review of the claim. If the city manager determines that the claim should be allowed, he or she shall arrange for payment. If it is determined that the claimant has failed to truthfully set forth such facts as to justify the refund, or that the facts as set forth shall not justify the refund, the claim shall be denied by the city manager, who shall give notice to the claimant. The claimant shall thereafter have the right to appeal the decision to the city council within a ten-day period after the date of mailing of the rejection. In the event no claim is filed within the time prescribed, all rights to claim such refund shall be considered to be void and extinguished permanently.
Failure to pay any and all charges established by resolution of the city council shall be grounds for the stoppage of refuse collection service, in addition to the right of the city to proceed for the collection of such unpaid charges in a manner provided by law.
(Prior code § 5191.3; Ord. 929 § 1, 1999)
Every person occupying or having charge of or control of any place, land or premises within the city wherein garbage, waste, refuse or trash is accumulated, shall cause the same to be disposed of in the manner set forth in this chapter. No person shall cause or permit or allow or authorize the depositing, dumping or accumulation of any such garbage, waste, refuse or trash, except as provided herein. Garbage, waste, refuse and trash accumulated or stored for the purpose of disposal shall be kept and placed in a receptacle of the type and kind prescribed in this chapter.
No person shall cause or permit the following:
The depositing, accumulation or collection of refuse, unless placed in a receptacle as provided in this chapter for the disposal thereof through either automatic disposal units or by a collector, as hereinbefore provided, within seven days;
The collection, depositing or accumulation of combustible refuse for a period in excess of seven days, excluding, however, combustible refuse of a salvageable value where stored and maintained in a manner approved by the health and fire departments;
The depositing, collection or accumulation of refuse, other than combustible refuse, for a period of time in excess of fifteen days.
Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 38771, 38773 and 38773.5 of the Government Code of the state, the city council finds and declares that the depositing of, or the accumulation of, or the maintenance of garbage or waste or refuse or trash or rubbish on any parcel of land by any person in a manner other than authorized by this chapter, or the deposit of or the maintenance of or the accumulation of garbage, waste, rubbish, refuse or trash on any parcel of this land by any person in any manner or for a period of time in violation of the provisions of this chapter, or the depositing of or the accumulation of garbage, waste, refuse, trash or rubbish by any person on or within any public right-of-way adjacent to the premises owned or occupied by such person, in any manner or for a period of time other than specified in this chapter, is a nuisance, and shall be abated as hereinafter provided in this chapter. The council does not intend, however, by providing for the following procedure of nuisance abatement, to make such a remedy exclusive, and it is hereby declared that the violation of any of the aforementioned provisions by any person is a misdemeanor which shall be punishable as provided in the code and by law.
(Prior code § 5192)
Upon report of or discovery of the existence of any such nuisance, the director of public works shall thereafter, within five days, in writing, notify the person committing such nuisance of the existence of the nuisance, and requiring such person within five days to abate or cause the nuisance to be abated in the manner provided by law.
If the person shall fail to abate the nuisance within the five-day period, the director of public works is authorized and directed to cause the nuisance to be abated through city employees or contractual agents, and such employees or agents shall have the authority to enter the premises of any such person for the purpose of removing and abating the nuisance.
(Prior code § 5193)
The director of public works shall keep an itemized account of the expense or cost of abatement, and upon completion of the abatement shall prepare a written report of the cost thereof for confirmation and lien. Upon the filing of such a report, the city clerk shall cause the report, with a copy of the notice of hearing before the city council, to be served in the manner required by law for service of summons, to be mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid, not less than ten days prior to the hearing, on every person whose address can be ascertained and who is:
Shown by the public record to be an owner of the premises upon which or adjacent to which such nuisance was abated;
Shown by the public record to be the holder of any mortgage, deed of trust or other lien or encumbrance thereon;
Shown by the public record to have any interest or right of possession thereto by virtue of any lease;
The possessor of or in apparent or real charge or in control of such land or premises.
(Prior code § 5193.1)
At the time fixed for hearing, the city council shall consider such report, together with any objections or protests which may be raised by anyone liable to be assessed for such work, or any other interested person, and thereupon the city council may make such revision, correction or modification of the report or statement of cost as it deems just, after which it may, by motion or resolution, confirm the report as submitted or as corrected or modified.
(Prior code § 5193.2)
The cost of such work and the expense of abatement of the nuisance, as well as the incidental and administrative cost thereof, and as confirmed by the city council, plus the cost of any title report necessary to ascertain persons having an interest in the property upon which the nuisance was abated, shall be a lien against the property upon which or against which the nuisance was abated and a personal obligation against the property owner pursuant to Section 38773 of the Government Code.
In the event such cost is not paid within five days following the confirmation by the city council, such shall constitute a lien upon the real property upon which the nuisance was abated, and shall continue until the amount thereof and interest thereon, at the rate of eight percent per year computed from the date of confirmation, has been paid, or until it is discharged otherwise.
In the event of nonpayment, the director of public works shall at any time within sixty days after confirmation of the report, cause to be filed in the office of the county recorder of Los Angeles County a certificate substantially in the following form:
Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 8.12.380, et seq., of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code, and Section 38771, 38773 and 38773.5 of the Government Code of the State of California, the undersigned did, on the _______ day of _______, 20_______, cause a nuisance to be abated on the real property hereinafter described within the City of Pico Rivera and the City Council of the City of Pico Rivera did on the _______ day of _______, 20_______, by action duly recorded in its official minutes as of said date, assess the cost of such abatement upon the real property hereinafter described and the same has not been paid and the undersigned does hereby claim a lien on said real property for the cost of said abatement in the sum of $_______ _______, and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until said sum, with interest at the rate of eight percent per annum from the _______ day of _______, 20_______, (insert date of confirmation of report), has been paid in full and discharged, as well as a personal obligation against (insert name of property owner).
The real property hereinbefore mentioned, upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain parcel or place of land lying and being in the City of Pico Rivera, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and more particularly described as follows:
Dated this __________ day of __________, 20__________.
By _________________________
Director of Public Works
(Prior code § 5193.3)
The cost of the abatement shall constitute a special assessment against the parcel, which may be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary municipal taxes are collected in accordance with and subject to the terms and provisions of Section 38773.5 of the Government Code of the state. Confirmation of the statement or report of the director of public works shall be in confirmation of the assessment and shall be a lien on the property or parcel where the abatement was performed. Failure to record a notice of lien under the unforementioned section shall not bar collection hereunder or otherwise.
After confirmation of the report, the director of public works, in lieu of recording the notice of lien, or in a proper case in addition to recording the notice of lien, shall deliver a certified copy of said notice of lien or report, or both, to the county auditor on or before August 10th. The description of the parcel or parcels reported shall be those used in the county assessor's map book for the current fiscal year. The amount of the assessment shall thereafter be collected in accordance with and subject to the terms and provisions of Section 38773.5 of the Government Code of the state.
The city treasurer may receive the amount due on the abatement cost and issue receipts at any time after confirmation of the statement and prior to delivery of a certified copy of the report or notice of lien to the county auditor. The city council may order refund of all or part of a tax paid pursuant to the provisions of this section if it finds that all or part of the taxes have been erroneously levied. A tax or part shall not be refunded unless a claim is filed with the city council on or before March 1st, after taxes become due and payable. The claim shall be verified by the person who pays the tax or his or her guardian, executor or administrator.
(Prior code § 5193.4)
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, it is unlawful for any person other than a contractor or the city to gather, collect or remove any garbage or rubbish from any premises within the city.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, it is unlawful for any person not having a valid, unrevoked permit from the city to do so, to remove or cause or permit to be removed any garbage or rubbish from any street, alleyway or other place in the city, or to transport the same in, upon or across any street, alleyway or place in the city.
It is unlawful for the owner or occupant of property in the city to contract for or to use the services of a person collecting garbage, refuse or rubbish, unless such person is duly licensed by the city.
The provisions of this section shall not prohibit the lawful accumulation and placement of garbage and rubbish in the first instance.
The provisions of this section shall not prohibit any of the officers or employees of the city, or any employees of a contractor, or any employees of any governmental subdivision of the state, from collecting, removing and disposing of such garbage and rubbish in the regular course of their respective duties as such officers and employees.
Householders hauling occasional loads of waste, refuse or manure, not containing garbage, from their own premises to a legal point of disposal shall be excepted from the provisions of this section.
This section does not prohibit the hauling or disposal of grass cuttings, pruning, manure or other rubbish not containing garbage, to or at a legal point of disposal as a part of gardening or horticulture.
(Prior code § 5191)
No person shall deposit, by means of urination or defecation, any human waste material in any public place or in any place open to the public or exposed to public view, or upon the surface of the ground or upon any premises, lot, or in any building, basement, or in any public street, or into any standing water, stream or excavation, or a public place other than a proper toilet or portable toilet.
For the purpose of this section, "human waste material" means human urine discharged from the body, or human fecal matter defecated from the rectum.
(Prior code § 4230.5; Ord. 731 § 1, 1987)
No person shall place, deposit, throw or dump, or cause to be placed, deposited, thrown or dumped any garbage, swill, cans, bottles, papers, ashes, dirt, sand, rock, cement, glass, metal, carcass of any dead animal, offal, refuse, plants, cuttings or trash, or rubbish of any nature whatsoever, or any nauseous, offensive matter, in or upon any public or private road, highway, street, alley, public way, or any public or private property of any kind whatsoever.
(Prior code § 4230)
No person, collector, or salvage collector shall engage in the collection, caring, conveyance, salvage, or transportation of any solid waste or recyclable material from or at any location within the limits of the city without the express written consent of the city council by means of a franchise or permit granted by the city council or, where authorized, the city manager, pursuant to this chapter or other provisions set forth in the city of Pico Rivera Municipal Code.
(Ord. 1168 § 3, 2023)
It is unlawful for any person to utilize containers for the collection, deposit or transport of solid waste, commercial solid waste, construction, demolition and deconstruction debris, green waste, or other solid waste unless such containers have been issued by the collector. It is unlawful for any person to utilize containers for the collection, deposit, or transfer of recyclable material or other solid waste or recyclable solid waste unless such containers have been issued by the collector or a salvage collector authorized by the city manager to issue such containers. Such containers shall be subject to removal as set forth in Section 8.12.520.
(Ord. 1168 § 3, 2023)
Pursuant to California Penal Code Section 836.5, the city manager, persons designated by the city manager, and all city code enforcement officers are hereby authorized to enforce the provisions of this chapter as well as those of California Penal Code Sections 373(a), 374.2, 374.3, 374.4, and 375; California Government Code Section 68055 et seq.; and California Vehicle Code Sections 374.7, 374.8, 23111 and 23112. The city manager may promulgate administrative regulations to provide those integrated waste management services which are not specifically provided for in this chapter.
(Ord. 1168 § 3, 2023)
Violations of this chapter are punishable as set forth in Chapter 1.20 of this code.
(Ord. 1168 § 3, 2023)
Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to limit the right of a collector to bring a civil action against any person who violates this chapter, nor shall a conviction for such violation exempt any person from a civil action brought by a collector.
(Ord. 1168 § 3, 2023)
Any container used for storing or transporting salvage or solid waste which is not the property of the collector or under the control of a duly permitted salvage collector in the city, may be removed from any premises in the city and impounded without notice to the owner of the container.
Such removal and impoundment may be made by any person or entity designated by the city manager. In the event the container has contents, the contents may be disposed of if the city manager determines disposal to be necessary, in his or her sole discretion, to preserve the public health, safety and welfare. Any such container shall be held under his or her direction subject to the right of the owner thereof to take it upon payment of a sum as provided in a fee schedule. The fee schedule shall be inclusive of the amounts incurred to recover the costs of removing and impoundment of the container, the disposing of the contents of any such container caused to be removed by the city, including both the costs incurred by the collector/hauler performing such removal and the city's administrative costs, the fee schedule shall be an amount equal to the city's maximum authorized daily service rate charged for the subject size container, plus any processing charges, disposal charges, storage fees, and overhead charges incurred. The processing charges and disposal charges of the container's content shall be based on the rates of the city-designated local transfer station and landfill. Storage fees for the container shall be based on the rates of the city-designated local storage facility.
Within twenty-four hours of the time that the city has removed and impounded the container and its contents if any, the city manager shall cause to be sent to the owner of the container written notice advising the owner that the container has been removed and is in the possession of the city and, that if said container is not redeemed by the owner within thirty days, said container will be subject to sale. If the container is not redeemed by the owner within thirty days after such removal and impoundment, it may be thereafter sold at public auction under the direction of the city manager to the highest bidder after the city manager has within forty days from the date of removal and impoundment of the container, sent by regular mail with a prepaid postage notice of such sale to the person owning or in control of such container and to four or more other collectors at least ten days before such sale. The proceeds of any such sale shall be applied to the cost of such sale and to the cost of removal and holding of such container plus twenty-five percent of such costs for the overhead expenses of the city in causing such sale. Any balance such proceeds shall be paid upon demand to the person who owns such container at the time of its removal. In the instance of a deficiency where the sales price of the container does not generate sufficient money to pay for the costs of removal, storage, and overhead charges, the city manager shall submit an invoice to the owner of the container, for payment in an amount equal to the deficiency. The container may be redeemed by the owner at any time prior to the sale and upon payment of the amounts due and owing pursuant to this section.
(Ord. 1168 § 3, 2023)
Every self-hauler within the city shall secure a permit to create, accumulate, import, or cause to be imported or transport salvage. Applications for self-hauler permits required under this chapter shall be filed with the city manager upon printed forms to be prescribed and supplied by the city manager. Within thirty days after receipt of all information requested of an applicant, the city manager shall either grant or deny the self-hauler permit and shall immediately notify the applicant by electronic mail or first-class mail of the action taken. The permit shall provide for the payment of fees to the city in an amount established from time to time by the city manager.
(Ord. 1168 § 3, 2023)
Each salvage collector, salvage generator or self-hauler operating under the provisions of this code shall be required at the discretion of the city to submit monthly, quarterly and annual reports containing information relative to its salvaging activities including collection tonnage of salvage or recyclable solid waste collected within the city limits and other information as may be reasonably required by the city to determine the effectiveness of services provided, effectiveness of city and/or salvage collector, salvage generator or self-hauler sponsored programs for compliance, as well as current collection tonnages within the city. Such records shall be submitted in a format approved by the city with the affixed signature of a duly authorized representative of the salvage collector, salvage generator, or self-hauler. Such reports shall be submitted to the city pursuant to a schedule established by the city manager. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each salvage collector, salvage generator, or self-hauler shall submit, on or before the twenty-eighth day of each month, a monthly weight report prepared on a form approved by the city which shall enable the city to determine the volume of salvage for the preceding month.
Each salvage collector, salvage generator, or self-hauler shall maintain all records relating to the services provided for in this chapter for twenty-five months from the date upon which such services are provided. The city shall have the right, upon reasonable advanced notice, to inspect and/or audit records that may be relevant to the operations within the city or relating to the imposition of any fees which be imposed by the city. Such records shall be made available to the city at the regular place of business of the salvage collector, salvage generator, or self-hauler. Should an inspection or audit of a salvage collector, salvage generator, or self-hauler result in the obtaining of proprietary information between the salvage collector, salvage generator, or self-hauler and the city, any exchange of information between the city and the salvage collector, salvage generator, or self-hauler shall be considered to be proprietary between the city and the salvage collector, salvage generator or self-hauler and of the utmost confidential nature to the extent allowable by law.
(Ord. 1168 § 3, 2023)
All salvage shall be collected, accumulated, or transported in containers, bales, or other methods approved by the city manager. Salvage shall not be collected in a packer box system where the material has been packed into a closed container. Each such container shall at all times be kept in good repair and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Each such container shall bear upon at least two of its sides the name and telephone number of the salvage collector, which name and telephone number shall be in legible letters and numerals. Any container which does not comply with the requirements of this section shall be subject to removal as provided in Section 8.12.520 of this chapter.
(Ord. 1168 § 3, 2023)
Each salvage collector, salvage generator, or self-hauler shall cooperate with the city and/or designated consultants in solid waste disposal characterization studies and waste stream audits and shall implement measures adequate to achieve the city's source reduction, recycling, and waste stream diversion goals for the solid waste stream. Each salvage collector, solid waste generator, or self hauler, at its own expense shall submit to the city information and reports necessary for the city to meet its reporting obligations imposed by the Act and/or other legislation and the regulations implementing the Act and/or other legislation.
(Ord. 1168 § 3, 2023)