No person shall drink any alcoholic beverage upon any public street, alleyway, sidewalk or parkway, or in any public buildings, public lavatories, auto park or lobby or entrance way to any public building within the city, except as hereinafter provided.
(Prior code § 4400; Ord. 867 § 1, 1995)
No person shall drink or consume any alcoholic beverage on the grounds within any public school or any stadium or athletic field while being used by a public school, or on the grounds of or within any public park or building or recreation facility owned, managed or controlled by the city, or any other city or county, or under the jurisdiction of the city in either incorporated or unincorporated territory, except as follows:
Any concession facility duly authorized by the city council, and properly licensed;
Any park providing overnight vehicular and equestrian accommodations, when duly authorized by the city council;
Any public building or part thereof leased or rented by the city to community groups, when duly authorized by the city council and properly licensed.
(Prior code § 4404; Ord. 867 § 2, 1995)
Alcoholic beverage as used in Sections 9.08.010 and 9.08.020 of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code shall mean any liquid or solid material intended to be ingested by a person which contains ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol, drinking alcohol or alcohol, including, but not limited to, alcoholic beverages as defined in Section 23004 of the Business and Professions Code, intoxicating liquor, malt beverage, beer, wine, spirits, liqueur, whiskey, rum, vodka, cordials, gin and brandy, and any mixture containing one or more alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverage includes a mixture of one or more alcoholic beverages whether found or ingested separately or as a mixture.
(Ord. 867 § 3, 1995)
No person shall serve setups between two a.m. and six a.m. if they are to be used with distilled spirits.
(Prior code § 4403)
It is unlawful for any intoxicated person, or any person in an intoxicated condition, wilfully to appear, remain, or to be in or on any public highway, street, alley, way, park, playground or public place in the incorporated territory of the city, whether such person is or is not in or upon any automobile, street or interurban car, vehicle or conveyance.
(Prior code § 4401)
An intoxicated person, or a person in an intoxicated condition shall not wilfully appear, remain or be in or on any public place open to public view, or in any store, railroad depot, stadium or other place to which the public is admitted or invited.
(Prior code § 4402)
An intoxicated person or a person in an intoxicated condition shall not wilfully appear, remain or be in or on any private premises or in any private house to the annoyance of any other person.
(Prior code § 4402.1)
No person shall lie and sleep on any of the sidewalks, streets or other public places within the city, or appear therein in such a state of intoxication or drunkenness as to be unable to take proper care of himself, or disturb the peace or quiet of any person, family or neighborhood by drunkenness, or by making loud and unusual noises, or by violent or offensive language, or by boisterous, tumultuous or offensive conduct, or by the threatening, traducing, quarrelling, fighting or offering or challenging to fight, or in any way or manner whatever shall disturb the peace, quiet and decency of any person, street or neighborhood.
(Prior code § 4406)