No person shall keep a riotous or disorderly house, or permit any riotous or disorderly conduct in his or her house, yard or premises connected with his or her house, or be guilty of any riotous or disorderly conduct in any house, yard or premises, whereby the peace, quiet or decency of the neighborhood of such house, or of any person, may be disturbed.
(Prior code § 4251)
It is unlawful for any female who, while participating in any live act, demonstration or exhibition in any public place, place open to the public view, or while serving food or drink or both to any customer, all of which places serve or allow consumption of alcoholic beverages, to:
Expose any portion of either breast below a straight line so drawn that both nipples and all portions of both breasts which have a different pigmentation than that of the main portion of the breasts are below such a straight line; or
Employ any device or covering which is intended to simulate such portions of the breast; or
Wear any type of clothing so that any portion of such part of the breast may be observed.
It is unlawful for any person to permit, counsel or assist any person to violate any provision of this section.
This section shall not apply to a theater, concert hall or similar establishment which is primarily devoted to theatrical performances.
(Prior code § 4330; Ord. 694 § 14, 1985)
It is unlawful for any person to expose his or her private parts or buttocks, or employ any device or covering which is intended to simulate the private parts or pubic hair, while participating in any live act or demonstration in any place open to public view, or while serving food or drink or both to any customer, all of which is done in any place serving or allowing the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
It is unlawful for any person to permit, procure or assist any person to so expose him or herself, or to employ any such device.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to a theater, concert hall or similar establishment which is primarily devoted to theatrical performances.
(Prior code § 4331; Ord. 694 § 15, 1985)
No person shall exhibit, post or display upon any sign or billboard any statement, words, picture, illustration or signs of any obscene, indecent or immoral nature.
(Prior code § 6412(b); Ord. 694 § 23, 1985)
No person shall dress as a person of the opposite sex without a permit from the sheriff, except for the purpose of amusement, show or drama.
(Prior code § 4237.1; Ord. 694 § 10, 1985)
No person shall wear a mask or disguise on a public street during the commission of a fraudulent, illegal or criminal act, or with the intent to engage in a fraudulent, illegal or criminal act.
(Prior code § 4237.2; Ord. 694 § 11, 1985)
Every person who owns, conducts, operates or manages a retail commercial establishment selling aerosol spray paint containers, or marker pens with tips exceeding four millimeters in width containing anything other than a solution which can be removed with water after it dries, shall store or cause such aerosol spray paint containers or marker pens to be stored in an area visible by, but not accessible to the public without employee assistance, pending legal sale or disposition of such paint and marker pens.
Violation of this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars or by imprisonment for a period not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(Ord. 833 § 2, 1993)