The city council finds that the prohibitions on medical and adult-use commercial cannabis uses are necessary for the preservation and protection of the public peace, health, safety, and welfare for the city and its community. It is also the intent of this chapter to regulate indoor cannabis cultivation, and to prohibit all outdoor cultivation, for personal use, including by qualified patients and primary caregivers. The city council's prohibition of such activities is within the authority conferred upon the city council by the California Constitution and other state law.
The city council finds that this chapter: (1) exercises its local authority to enact and enforce local regulations and ordinances, including those regarding the zoning, permitting, licensing, or other entitlement of the activities prohibited by this chapter; and (2) exercises its police power to enact and enforce regulations for the public benefit, safety, and welfare of the city and its community.
(Ord. 1137 § 2, 2019)
has the same meaning as set forth in Business and Professions Code Section 26001(f) as the same may be amended from time to time.
"Cannabis products"
have the same meaning as set forth in Business and Professions Code, Section 26001(i) as the same may be amended from time to time.
"Caregiver" or "primary caregiver"
has the same meaning as set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 11362.7 as the same may be amended from time to time.
"Commercial cannabis activity"
has the same meaning as that set forth in Business and Professions Code Section 26001(k) as the same may be amended from time to time.
means two or more persons collectively or cooperatively cultivating, using, transporting, possessing, administering, delivering or making available medical marijuana, with or without compensation.
has the same meaning as set forth in Business and Professions Code Section 26001(l) as the same may be amended from time to time.
has the same meaning as set forth in Business and Professions Code Section 26001(p) as the same may be amended from time to time.
has the same meaning as set forth in Business and Professions Code Section 26001(r) as the same may be amended from time to time.
means any location that is totally contained within a fully enclosed and secure private residence or accessory building located on the grounds of the private residence.
has the same meaning as set forth in Business and Professions Code Section 26001(ah) as the same may be amended from time to time.
"Medical cannabis" or "medical cannabis product"
has the same meanings as set forth in Business and Professions Code Section 26001(ai) as the same may be amended from time to time.
means any location that is not totally contained within a fully enclosed and secure accessory building or primary residence.
"Personal cultivation"
means cannabis cultivation for a natural person's own personal use and possession in accordance with this code and state law, including, but not limited to, Health and Safety Code Sections 11362.1 and 11362.2, as may be amended, and such person does not sell or distribute cannabis to any other person. "Personal use" also means and includes cultivation of medical cannabis conducted by a qualified patient exclusively for his or her personal medical use, and cultivation conducted by a primary caregiver for the personal medical purposes of no more than five specified qualified patients for whom he or she is the primary caregiver, in accordance with state law, including Health and Safety Code Sections 11362.7 and 11362.765, as may be amended. Except as herein defined, personal cultivation does not include, and shall not authorize, any cultivation conducted as part of a business or commercial activity, including cultivation for compensation or retail or wholesale sales of cannabis.
"Private residence"
means a house, an apartment unit, accessory dwelling unit, a mobile home, or other similar dwelling occupied for residential purposes.
"Qualifying patient" or "qualified patient"
has the same meaning as set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 11362.7 as the same may be amended from time to time.
means a facility where cannabis or cannabis products are offered, either individually or in any combination, for ritual sale to customers, including an establishment that delivers cannabis and cannabis products as part of a retail sale or conducts sales exclusively by delivery. For purposes of this code, the term "retailer" includes microbusinesses, nonprofits licensed under Business and Professions Code, Section 26070.5, and any other state license designation that authorized distribution, whether for freer or in exchange for any consideration, of cannabis and/or cannabis products to individual customers. For purposes of this code, "cannabis retailer" also includes medical cannabis dispensaries, patient collective and cooperatives operating, or proposing to operate, pursuant to the Compassionate Use Act (Health and Safety Code, Section 11362.5) and/or the Medical Marijuana Program (Health and Safety Code, Section 11362.7 et seq.), as may be amended from time to time.
"Testing laboratory"
has the same meaning as set forth in Business and Professions Code Section 26001(at) as the same may be amended from time to time.
(Ord. 1137 § 2, 2019)
Commercial cannabis activities of all types are expressly prohibited in all zones, all specific plans, and all overlay zones in the city of Pico Rivera. No use permit, variance, building permit, or any other entitlement or permit, whether administrative or discretionary, shall be approved or issued for the establishment or operation of a commercial cannabis use in any zoning district, and no person shall establish, operate, conduct or allow a commercial cannabis activity anywhere within the city limits.
Cannabis Deliveries. To the fullest extent allowed by state law, the ban on commercial cannabis uses also prohibits the operation of a cannabis delivery service to customers in the city of Pico Rivera, including those deliveries originating from a physical location outside of the city. This section shall not be construed to prohibit use of the public roads pursuant to Business and Professions Code, Section 26090 or those activities allowed by Section 26054, subdivisions (c) or (d).
Outdoor Cultivation Prohibited. Outdoor cultivation of cannabis is prohibited in all zoning districts in the city of Pico Rivera, including cultivation for personal medical use by a qualified patient or primary caregiver, personal adult-use, or commercial purposes.
(Ord. 1137 § 2, 2019)
Personal Cultivation Permit Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the indoor cultivation of cannabis for personal use, including cannabis cultivation for personal medical use by a qualified patient or primary caregiver, without first obtaining and maintaining a valid personal cultivation permit under this section.
Application. Every person required to have a personal cultivation permit under this chapter shall make an application therefor, on a form prescribed by the city, to the director of community and economic development and the payment of the fee established by resolution of the city council. No more than one permit per private residence shall be issued and maintained at any one time, regardless of the number of persons dwelling or residing in the private residence or upon the grounds thereof.
Indoor Personal Cultivation Regulations. Permittees issued a personal cultivation permit under this chapter shall, at all times, conduct the activities authorized by said permit in strict accordance with the requirements of this section listed below, any conditions of approval imposed by the city, and the California Adult Use of Marijuana Act, whichever is more restrictive.
Cannabis cultivation shall only occur indoors at a private residence, or inside a legal accessory structure located upon the grounds of a private residence.
Cannabis cultivation shall be limited to six plants total per residence, whether immature or mature, regardless of how many residents reside at the private residence.
Persons engaging in indoor cultivation must comply with all State and Local laws regarding fire safety, water use, electrical wiring, buildings, and indoor cultivation, including without limitation, Health and Safety Code Sections 11362.1 and 11362.2.
The use of gas products (CO2, butane, propane, natural gas, etc.) or generators for cultivation of cannabis is prohibited. Use of gas products shall be limited to those allowed by the California Building, Electrical, and Fire Codes as adopted and amended by the city of Pico Rivera.
The residence shall maintain a fully functional and usable kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom areas for their intended use by the resident(s), and the premises shall not be used primarily or exclusively for cannabis cultivation.
Any structure used for the cultivation of cannabis shall be equipped with permanently installed and permitted electric service, and shall not be served by temporary extension cords or generators.
All areas used for cannabis cultivation shall be located within a fully enclosed and secure structure. "Fully enclosed and secure structure" means a space within a building, greenhouse, or other legal structure which has a complete roof enclosure supported by connecting, enclosed walls extending from the ground to the roof, which is secure against unauthorized entry, provides complete visual screening, and which is accessible only through one or more lockable doors and inaccessible to minors.
A fully enclosed and secure structure used for the cultivation of cannabis that is separate from the main residential structure, must maintain a minimum setback of ten feet from any property line.
Any structure used for the cultivation of cannabis must have proper ventilation and air filtration to protect the health and safety of occupants and the neighborhood, prevent mold damage, and to prevent cannabis plant odors or particles from becoming a public nuisance.
Permit Fees. A filing and processing fee, in an amount established by resolution the city council, shall be submitted with each application for an original permit, or applications for permit renewals. The fee provided for in this section is imposed to cover the reasonable cost of processing and reviewing permit applications, and to cover the cost of site inspections provided for in this chapter. The fee provided for in this section may be amended from time to time by resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 1137 § 2, 2019)
The director of community and economic development shall deny any application for a permit or for the renewal thereof if the director of community and economic development makes any of the following determinations:
The applicant has not first obtained or has not maintained in full force and effect the permit required under this chapter prior to engaging in the activities authorized by the permit.
The private residence or accessory structure used to indoor cultivation fails to comply with all applicable health, safety, zoning, fire, building and safety laws and regulations.
The applicant has knowingly made any false, misleading, or fraudulent statement of material fact in the application for the permit or renewal of the permit.
The applicant is in violation of a provision of this code or owes taxes, fees, or penalties pursuant to this chapter or any other provision of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code.
The applicant (new or renewal) has had a permit denied or revoked by the city within the preceding twelve months.
(Ord. 1137 § 2, 2019)
Upon determination of the existence of any factors or conditions specified in Section 9.04.050, the director of community and economic development shall advise the applicant by serving upon the applicant a notice of denial in writing within ten business days of such determination. The notice of denial shall state the director's findings and/or determinations that justify denial of the permit application, and shall include a summary of the evidence upon which such findings and/or determinations are based.
(Ord. 1137 § 2, 2019)
The denial of any application for a permit may be appealed to the city manager or his or her designee, and such appeal shall be governed by the standards and procedures set forth in Section 9.04.090 with regards to revocation.
(Ord. 1137 § 2, 2019)
Permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be valid for two years from the date of issuance. Permits may be renewed upon the filing of an application for renewal with the director of community and economic development. The application for renewal shall be in the same form as an application for an original permit. It shall be issued or denied as in the case of the original permit.
Transfer of Permit Prohibited. No permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be transferrable or assignable to any other person. The activities authorized by any permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall only be conducted inside the private residence or accessory structure for which the permit was issued.
(Ord. 1137 § 2, 2019)
Grounds for Revocation. The director of community and economic development shall revoke any permit issued pursuant to this chapter, if the director makes any of the following findings or determinations:
There exists any ground for denial of the permit issued pursuant to this chapter.
The permittee has knowingly made any false, misleading, or fraudulent statement of material fact in the application for a permit or in any report required to be filed by law.
The permittee has violated or is violating any condition of approval imposed on such permit, or upon any other entitlement granted by the city or other government agency.
The permittee has violated or is violating any ordinance, law, or regulation of the city, county of Los Angeles, or state of California in the course of exercising any rights under the permit.
Any condition or offense deemed a public nuisance under the Pico Rivera Municipal Code exists on the property listed in the permit.
The continued activities under the permit would endanger, disrupt or otherwise be detrimental to the public peace, health, safety, morals or general welfare of the city or its inhabitants, or constitute a public nuisance.
Order of Revocation. The director of community and economic development shall serve a written order of revocation upon the permittee stating the grounds for revocation and advise the licensee/permittee of the effective date of the revocation.
Effectiveness of Order. Any permit revoked pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall become effective, and the permittee shall cease all activities authorized under such permit, no later than ten calendar days from the service of the order of revocation. Where an appeal is timely filed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the notice of revocation shall be stayed pending the resolution of the appeal pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1137 § 2, 2019)
Request for Appeal. A permittee may appeal any notice of denial or order of revocation issued by the director of community and economic development by filing a request for an appeal with the city clerk, and tendering a filing and processing fee as set by resolution of the city council, within ten calendar days of service of the notice/order of such denial or revocation. The request for an appeal must be made in writing and shall contain the following information:
The name of the appellant and the address of the applicable location where the appellant was authorized (or was seeking to be authorized) to engage in the activities authorized by a permit issued under this chapter;
The date of denial or revocation by the director;
A statement as to all grounds for appeal in sufficient detail to articulate and understand the nature of the controversy; and
The signature of the appellant under penalty of perjury as to the contents of the request for appeal.
Upon receipt of such written appeal and fee, the city manager or designee shall set the matter for consideration within forty-five days from the timely filing of a request for appeal and payment of applicable fees, unless an alternative appeal date is mutually agreed upon in writing by the city manager or designee and the appellant. The city manager or designee shall issue written notice of the time and place of an appeal hearing to the appellant at least seven calendar days' prior thereto. If a request for an appeal is not timely submitted (with all applicable fees) to the city clerk, the notice of denial or order of revocation shall be deemed final and binding, and the permittee shall be deemed to have failed to exhaust all administrative remedies.
Written notice of the city manager's or designee's decision of whether to approve, revoke, reinstate or conditionally reinstate the permit shall be issued to the appellant within ten business days of the decision. The determination of the city manager shall be final and conclusive.
(Ord. 1137 § 2, 2019)
Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be subject to the penalties set forth in Chapter 1.20 of this code. Any such person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day a violation of the provisions of this chapter is committed, continued, or permitted to be continued by such person.
In addition to any other enforcement permitted by this chapter, the city prosecutor or city attorney may enforce any violation of this chapter by means of an administrative or civil enforcement process through a restraining order, a preliminary or permanent injunction, or by any other means available by law. The city prosecutor or city attorney may be awarded costs, including the costs of investigation and discovery and reasonable attorney's fees, in connection with such civil enforcement process.
In the event of any conflict between the penalties enumerated under this code and any penalties set forth in state law, the maximum penalties allowable under state law shall govern. To the extent certain conduct is immune from arrest and criminal liability pursuant to state law, including the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 (Health and Safety Code Section 11362.5) or the Medical Marijuana Program (Health and Safety Code Section 11362.7 et seq.), criminal penalties shall not apply.
(Ord. 1137 § 2, 2019)
Any use or condition caused, or permitted to exist, in violation of any provision of this chapter shall be, and hereby is declared to be, a public nuisance and may be summarily abated by the city pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 731, Pico Rivera Municipal Code, or any other remedy available to the city at law or equity.
(Ord. 1137 § 2, 2019)