It is the intention of the city to provide reasonable traffic and parking rules, regulations and laws. All intersections, safety zones, crosswalks, roadway or curb parking, loading and standing regulation markings, stop signs, boulevard stop signs, speed limit signs, slow signs, danger signs, caution signs, warning signs, traffic signals, and all other traffic-control signs and devices, parking limit signs and roadway markings relative to traffic direction and control, and also relative to parking, now painted or marked or posted or in place or designated or authorized by existing county ordinances, or by the county road commission, or by the county sheriff or by the State Highway Patrol, or by other agencies to whom such authority was delegated by the state or county shall so continue as if found, established or designated by the city council, and shall be enforced pursuant to this title as part of the traffic regulations of the city of Pico Rivera until the city council adopts rules or regulations or laws to the contrary. No person shall drive, stand or park a vehicle in violation thereof.
The foregoing shall remain enforceable as long as they conform with the provisions of the Vehicle Code of the state, or until changed by the city council. Hereafter, future designations relative to the foregoing shall be done pursuant to authorization given or granted by the city council to any person, agency or organization.
(Prior code § 3344)
The provisions of this title regulating the operation, parking and standing of vehicles shall not apply to any vehicle of the sheriff, State Highway Patrol or fire department, any public ambulance, or any public utility vehicle, or any private ambulance which has qualified as an authorized emergency vehicle, when any vehicle mentioned in this section is operated in the manner specified in the Vehicle Code in response to an emergency call.
The foregoing exemptions shall not, however, protect the driver of any such vehicle from the consequences of his or her wilful disregard of the safety of others.
The provisions of this title regulating the parking or standing of vehicles shall not apply to any vehicle of a city department or public utility while necessarily in use for construction or repair work, or to any vehicle owned by the United States while in use for the collection, transportation or delivery of United States Mail.
(Prior code § 3326)
Pursuant to Section 21101.2 of the Vehicle Code of the state, if the Los Angeles County sheriff, or any of his or her duly appointed deputies, determines that the traffic load on a particular street or highway, or any portion thereof, within the incorporated city of Pico Rivera, is such that little or no vehicular flow is occurring and, additionally, if the sheriff or any of his or her duly appointed deputies finds that a significant number of vehicles are not promptly moving when the opportunity arises to do so, the sheriff or any of his or her duly appointed deputies may divert vehicles, excepting public safety or emergency vehicles, from that street or highway, or portion thereof, subject to traffic congestion until such time as reasonably flowing traffic is restored.
(Prior code § 3329.2; Ord. 721 § 1, 1986)
The purpose of this title is to supplement the general law, or to impose regulations where the state has not by general laws already legislated on the same subject matter, so as to have occupied the field of enactment by the city. In the event any section of this title should so conflict with the general laws as now or hereafter enacted, such general law shall control.
(Prior code § 3300)
It is unlawful for any person to drive or operate a vehicle in, out of or upon any street, highway or alley which has been posted as a closed street by resolution of the city council.
All streets, highways or alleys to be temporarily closed shall be closed by resolution of the city council setting forth the days and times of closure.
This section shall not apply to the drivers or operators of the following vehicles:
Repair, maintenance, refuse, utility, fuel or delivery vehicles;
Termite or pesticide vehicles;
Vehicles delivering life-support and health commodities to residential areas and schools;
Emergency and law enforcement vehicles.
Any person violating the provisions of this section shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty days nor more than six months or by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(Ord. 766 § 1, 1989)