For the purposes of this title, the definitions set out in this chapter shall be used in applying the provisions of this title where the same can be validly imposed as local traffic regulations.
(Prior code § 3300)
"Business district" means that portion of a highway and the property contiguous thereto:
Upon one side of which highway, for a distance of six hundred feet, fifty percent or more of the contiguous property fronting thereon is occupied by buildings in use for business; or
Upon both sides of which highway, collectively, for a distance of three hundred feet, fifty percent or more of the contiguous property fronting thereon is so occupied.
A business district may be longer than the distances specified in this section if the above ratio of buildings in use for business to the length of the highway exists.
(Prior code § 3318.1)
"Commercial vehicle" means a vehicle used or maintained for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation or profit, or designed, used or maintained primarily for the transportation of property.
(Prior code § 3318.3)
"Intersection" means the area embraced within the prolongation of the curblines of two or more streets which join at an angle, whether or not one such street crosses the other.
(Prior code § 3300.1)
"Loading zone" means that space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles actually engaged in loading or unloading of materials.
(Prior code § 3301)
"Official traffic signals" means and includes any device, whether manually, electrically or mechanically operated, by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and to proceed, and which is placed or erected by authority of a public body or official having jurisdiction.
(Prior code § 3302)
"Official warning and direction signs and signals" means and includes all warning and direction signs and signals not inconsistent with this title placed or erected under this title or by authority of the city council, or by any one person with authority given such person or agency by the city council.
(Prior code § 3303)
"Operator" means and includes the driver, rider or leader of a horse, and a person who pushes, draws, propels, operates or who is in charge of a vehicle.
(Prior code § 3304)
"Oversized vehicle" shall be defined as any vehicle, whether motorized or nonmotorized, that exceeds eighteen feet in length, or eighty inches in width or eighty inches in height. Any extension caused by any mirror or any accessory attached to such vehicle such as trailer, cabin, mount, or other structure attached to the vehicle shall be considered part of the measured length, width, or height.
(Ord. 1106 § 3, 2017)
"Park" means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily, for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading passengers or materials.
(Prior code § 3305)
"Passenger loading zone" means that space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles actually engaged in loading or unloading passengers.
(Prior code § 3307)
"Pedestrian" means any person afoot.
(Prior code § 3308)
"Residence district" means that portion of a highway and the property contiguous thereto, other than a business district:
Upon one side of which highway, within a distance of a quarter of a mile, the contiguous property fronting thereon is occupied by thirteen or more separate dwelling houses or business structures; or
Upon both sides of which highway, collectively, within a distance of a quarter of a mile, the contiguous property fronting thereon is occupied by sixteen or more separate dwelling houses or business structures.
A residence district may be longer than one-quarter of a mile if the above ratio of separate dwelling houses or business structures to the length of the highway exists.
(Prior code § 3318.2)
"Right-of-way" means the privilege of the immediate use of the street.
(Prior code § 3310)
"Roadway" means and includes that portion of a street improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel.
(Prior code § 3309; Ord. 768 § 2, 1989)
"Safety zone" means that marked portion of a roadway reserved for exclusive use of pedestrians.
(Prior code § 3311)
"Sidewalk" means that portion of a street, other than the roadway, set apart by curb, barriers, markings or other delineation for pedestrian travel.
(Prior code § 3312; Ord. 768 § 3, 1989)
"Stop" or "stop when required" means a complete cessation of movement.
(Prior code § 3313)
"Street" means every way more than thirty feet in width between property lines.
(Prior code § 3314)
"Streetcar" means and includes every device traveling exclusively upon rails.
(Prior code § 3315)
"Traffic" means and includes pedestrians, vehicles and streetcars, either singly or together, while using any street for purposes of travel.
(Prior code § 3316)
"Vehicle" means and includes every device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be propelled, moved or drawn upon a street, except a device moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
(Prior code § 3317)
"Vehicle Code" means the Vehicle Code of the state of California.
(Prior code § 3318)