No person shall leave a vehicle standing, other than one temporarily disabled as set forth in Section 10.40.120, on any portion of a public highway unless a clear and unobstructed width of not less than twenty feet is left for other vehicles, unless such vehicle is disabled and it is impracticable to move the vehicle.
(Prior code § 3348.10)
No person shall park in an alley, except to unload materials (twenty minutes) or passengers (three minutes); except that, where the alley is within a block which dead-ends and is dedicated and improved to standard width, the city council may authorize times other than those specified in this section and the same shall be so designated.
(Prior code § 3348)
The driver of a vehicle, the operator of a motor-driven vehicle, and pedestrians approaching or coming into contact with a blind person carrying a white or white-and-red cane shall come to a full stop, and take necessary precautions to avoid accident or injury to such person.
(Prior code § 3348.12)
The provisions of this title prohibiting the stopping, standing or parking of a vehicle shall apply at all times or at those times herein specified, except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic-control device.
(Prior code § 3346)
No person shall park a vehicle without removing the ignition key.
(Prior code § 3348.9)
No person shall stand or park a vehicle in a roadway or street other than parallel with the edge of a roadway, headed in the direction of traffic, and with the right-hand wheels of the vehicle within eighteen inches of the curbline or edge of the roadway.
(Prior code § 3345)
No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand, park or leave standing such vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the direction of a police officer or other authorized officer, or traffic sign or signal:
On any street or highway where the use of such street or highway or a portion thereof is necessary for the cleaning, repair or construction of the street or highway, or the installation of underground utilities; or
Where the use of the street or highway or any portion thereof is authorized for a purpose other than the normal flow of traffic, such as the holding of public or private assemblages, gatherings or functions; or
Where the use of the street or highway or any portion thereof is necessary for the movement of equipment, articles or structures of unusual size, and the parking of such vehicle would prohibit or interfere with such use or movement; provided, that signs giving notice of such no-parking are erected or placed at least twelve hours prior to the effective time of such no parking.
The director of public works shall have power and authority to order temporary no-parking signs to be erected or posted for the aforementioned purposes, provided that such signs shall remain in place only during the existence of the foregoing emergency, and that the director of public works shall cause such signs to be removed promptly thereafter.
(Prior code § 3350.1)
A person shall not stop, park or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, upon any highway where the roadway is bordered by adjacent curbs, or upon any private street which is open to the public, whether bordered by curbs or not, unless not less than eight feet of the width of a paved or improved or main-traveled portion of such highway or private street opposite such stopped, parked or standing vehicle is left clear and unobstructed for the free passage of other vehicles.
(Prior code § 3348.5)
No person shall park within one hundred feet of an intersection.
No person shall park along curb within fifty feet of either end of a safety zone.
No person shall park within fifty feet of the entrance to a sheriff's station or fire station.
No person shall park in front of the City Hall.
No person shall park within one hundred feet of the entrance to school property.
No person shall park within one hundred feet of any street, alley or driveway that enters onto Rosemead Boulevard.
(Ord. 897 § 1, 1997)
The foregoing Section 10.40.090 shall not apply to any state highway until approval has been obtained as provided in the Vehicle Code, nor to utility vehicles under those conditions exempted by state law.
(Prior code § 3348.7)
No person shall park in a passenger loading zone for more than three minutes.
(Prior code § 3348.4)
No person shall park or leave standing on any street, alley or public place any vehicle, for the purpose of storing, servicing, dismantling, rebuilding or otherwise working upon any such vehicle, other than a vehicle which temporarily is disabled in such a manner and to such an extent that it is impossible to avoid stopping such vehicle on such street, alley or public place, and any such temporarily disabled vehicle shall not be parked or left standing in any such place for more than four hours.
(Prior code § 3353)
No person shall park or leave standing any motor vehicle with a sign, placard, or writing on the vehicle for the purpose of displaying the vehicle for sale or rent in or upon the following thoroughfares within the boundaries of the city of Pico Rivera:
Beverly Boulevard;
Mines Avenue;
Paramount Boulevard;
Passons Boulevard;
Rosemead Boulevard;
San Gabriel River Parkway;
Slauson Avenue;
Telegraph Road;
Washington Boulevard;
Whittier Boulevard;
On any and all streets intersecting with the above thoroughfares for a distance of two hundred feet therefrom.
Pursuant to Section 22651.9 of the California Vehicle Code, a vehicle in violation of subsection A shall be issued a notice of parking violation by the city's local authority; the owner/seller of the vehicle shall have a period of twenty-four hours commencing with the issuance of the notice of parking violation to remove the prohibited sign, placard, or writing from their vehicle(s) when parked upon the thoroughfares and intersecting streets specified in subsection A.
Failure to remove the prohibited sign, placard, or writing on the vehicle, or the presence of the same vehicle(s) with the prohibited sign, placard, or writing parked at a different location on the thoroughfares and intersecting streets specified in subsection A of this section, within the twenty-four hour period, shall subject the vehicle to a fine and/or impoundment pursuant to the procedure set forth in Section 22651.9 of the California Vehicle Code at the owner's/seller's expense.
(Prior code § 3348.3; Ord. 1042 § 1, 2008)
No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle upon that portion of a public street or place where the city council, or some person or agency pursuant to the directions of the city council, shall erect or cause to be erected appropriate signs upon that portion of the public street or place, and such signs shall clearly specify between what hours and for what period of time it shall be unlawful to stand or park vehicles.
(Prior code § 3350)
No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle in front of any entrance to any garage, or in front of any driveway, or upon that portion of any public street or place in the city where the city council, or some person or agency pursuant to the direction of the city council, shall erect or cause to be erected a sign or cause to be painted in red a portion of the curbline.
(Prior code § 3349)
It is hereby ordered that all existing signs now placed within the corporate limits of the city shall be deemed to have been placed there by the city pursuant to the authority given in Sections 10.40.140 and 10.40.150 of this chapter.
(Prior code § 3351)
Green curb markings shall mean no standing or parking for a period of time longer than twenty-four minutes at any time between nine a.m. and six p.m. on any day except Sunday and holidays or Saturday, if so marked, unless indicated otherwise in any resolution of the city council establishing such limited parking zone. No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park such vehicle between the hours of nine a.m. and six p.m. of any day except Sunday, holidays or Saturday, if so posted, for a period of time longer than that authorized by such posting.
(Prior code § 3350.2)
One hour or more limited parking shall be indicated by signposting to that effect, unless directed otherwise by any resolution of the city council establishing such a limited parking zone. No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park such vehicle between the hours of nine a.m. and six p.m. of any day except Sunday, holidays or Saturday, if so posted, for a period of time longer than that authorized by such posting.
(Prior code § 3350.3)
No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, in, over or upon any public property where the use thereof or access thereto by the public has been withdrawn or restricted by resolution of the city council, and appropriate signs have been erected giving notice of such regulation or restriction.
(Prior code § 3355)
No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle in a private driveway or on private property without the actual or implied consent of the owner or person in lawful possession of such driveway or property.
(Prior code § 3354)
Any regularly employed and salaried law enforcement officer of the city may remove or cause to be removed:
Any vehicle parked or left standing upon a street or highway for seventy-two or more consecutive hours;
Any vehicle which is parked or left standing upon a street or highway where the same has been prohibited by ordinance or resolution, and signs have been posted giving notice of such removal;
Where a vehicle is parked or left standing upon a street or highway in violation of an ordinance forbidding standing or parking, and the use of the highway, or a portion thereof, is necessary for the cleaning, repair or construction of the highway or for the installation of underground utilities, and signs giving notice that such vehicles may be removed are erected or placed at least twenty-four hours prior to the removal;
Where the use of the highway, or any portion thereof, is authorized by the city council for a purpose other than the normal flow of traffic, or for the movement of equipment, articles or structures of unusual size, and the parking of such vehicle would prohibit or interfere with such use or movement, provided signs giving notice that such vehicle may be removed are erected or placed at least twenty-four hours prior to removal.
(Prior code § 3348.8)
The city council finds and determines that, upon approval of the city manager, city streets may be marked with designated parking spaces, and vehicles parked on such streets shall be parked only in the designated spaces provided.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 22508 of the Vehicle Code, the city council declares that the provisions of this title and the Vehicle Code shall apply to all vehicles parked on streets with designated parking spaces. The city council further finds and determines that, as long as such parking spaces are not so designated, parking shall be subject to all the provisions of this code and the Vehicle Code.
(Prior code § 3350.4)
Employees of the city employed in the classification of parking enforcement officer are authorized and shall, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the California Vehicle Code, have the duty to issue notices of violation of any statute of the state or any ordinance of the city, or appropriate regulations issued thereunder relating to the standing or parking of a vehicle.
Parking enforcement officers are designated and authorized to remove or cause the removal of a vehicle from a highway or other public property in accordance with the provision of Section 22669 of the Vehicle Code, when such employees have been duly designated, authorized and assigned to perform such duties by the chief of police.
Parking enforcement officers are authorized to regulate and direct traffic in accordance with the provisions of Section 21100 of the Vehicle Code when such employees have been duly assigned or appointed to perform such duties.
Nothing in this section is intended to operate either in addition to or in contravention of Title 3, Chapter 4.5 of the California Penal Code, which expressly designates those persons who are classified as peace officers. Further, nothing in this section is intended to or shall operate to change, or shall have the effect of changing, the status of the officers and employees authorized to act pursuant to this section from public or miscellaneous officers and employees to individual peace officers or safety members for purposes of retirement, workers' compensation, or similar injury or death benefits, or any other employees' benefit or benefits to which such officer or employee would not have been entitled as a public or miscellaneous officer or employee prior to the adoption of the ordinance codified in this section.
(Prior code § 3350.5; Ord. 696 § 2, 1985)
In addition, to the circumstances set forth in California Vehicle Code Section 40202(d) for the use of citation by mail, if the vehicle is inaccessible due to the presence of a locked gate; or cannot safely be issued a citation due to the presence of a potentially harmful animal or a belligerent or otherwise threatening owner which threatens the life or limb of the parking enforcement officer, then said officer shall file notice with the city, and the city shall mail, within fifteen calendar days of issuance of the notice of parking violation, a copy of the notice of parking violation, or transmit an electronic facsimile of the notice, to the registered owner.
(Ord. 947 § 1, 2000)