No person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle whether attended or unattended, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a peace officer or official traffic control devices in any place as set forth in Chapter 9, Section 22500 of the Vehicle Code of the state.
(Prior code § 3332; Ord. 768 § 4, 1989)
No person shall operate a motorcycle on any sidewalk except at a driveway. No person shall park a motorcycle between the curb and sidewalk.
(Prior code § 3348.1)
No person shall ride upon the fender or runningboard or the steps of any streetcar or vehicle.
(Prior code § 3359)
The city council finds that to enter or cross a highway from an alley now existing or hereafter created within the city is hazardous, and therefore all alleys now existing or hereafter created within the city shall be within the meaning of California Vehicle Code Section 553.
(Prior code § 3333)
No person shall tow, propel or operate any motor vehicle designed for operation on rubber-tired wheels, upon or along any surfaced public street so as to permit or cause the metal rim of any wheel thereof to be in contact with the surface of the street, except in cases when, as a direct result of accident or tire failure, it becomes necessary to remove the vehicle to a place of business of the owner, or to clear the vehicle from the public way, in which event the maximum speed at which such vehicle may be so driven shall be six miles per hour.
(Prior code § 3340)
It is unlawful for any person to be in the front seat of a motor vehicle along or upon any city street in an intoxicated condition, whether such vehicle is moving or standing.
(Prior code § 3341)
No person, except the owner, shall dust, wipe, wash or clean a vehicle on any portion of a public highway.
(Prior code § 3348.2)
No person shall drive on a highway that has been closed for repairs, if each opening has been signposted.
(Prior code § 3348.11)
It is unlawful to operate any vehicle so loaded that any part of its load is dropped upon the roadway.
(Prior code § 3339)