For the purpose of this chapter, "bicycle" means any device upon which a person may ride which is propelled by human power through a system of belts, chains or gears and which has either two or three wheels (one of which is at least twenty inches in diameter, in tandem or tricycle arrangement) or a frame size of at least fourteen inches.
For the purposes of this section motorized bicycles as defined by Section 406 of the California Vehicle Code shall be included within the terms "motor vehicle" as defined in Section 415 of the Vehicle Code and as used in Section 21663 of the Vehicle Code.
(Ord. 1067 § 2, 2011)
Director of Public Works to Designate Prohibitions. The director may designate and declare certain portions of any sidewalk to be prohibited for bicycle use.
Director of Public Works to Post Prohibitions. The director is authorized to erect and maintain signs adjacent to sidewalks designating prohibitions on the use of bicycles.
It is unlawful to ride a bicycle, or to coast in any vehicle upon any public sidewalk except as provided in this section.
When riding upon a sidewalk, persons riding, using, or propelling bicycles as permitted under this chapter, shall obey the following rules of the road:
It is unlawful to operate a bicycle on a sidewalk where signage has been posted to prohibit its use on sidewalks.
No person shall ride, use or propel a bicycle recklessly, or in such a manner as to cause or threaten to cause injury to him or her or herself or others, or to cause or threaten to cause damage to public or private property.
Bicycles may be ridden on all sidewalks at a speed not to exceed five miles per hour, except where signs are posted prohibiting riding bicycles on sidewalks in the following areas:
Sidewalks within a business district;
Sidewalks adjacent to any public school building when school is in session;
Sidewalks adjacent to any recreation center when in use, or any church during services; and
Any pedestrian overcrossing or other sidewalk where riding a bicycle is prohibited by posted signs.
Yielding Right-of-Way. Whenever any person is riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk, such person shall yield the right-of-way to any and all pedestrians. A person riding a bicycle upon entering a roadway or driveway from a sidewalk shall yield to all traffic.
Entering a Street. Whenever any person is riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk, such person shall enter a roadway at a roadway intersection.
Any person crossing a street within any portion of a crosswalk across such street, and in possession of a bicycle at the time, shall not ride such bicycle within such crosswalk area, but shall dismount therefrom and guide such bicycle by hand while within such crosswalk area.
(Ord. 1067 § 2, 2011)
This chapter shall not apply to any of the following:
The use of human or motor-propelled devices on any sidewalk, street, public right-of-way, or upon any land, property, or facility owned or controlled by the city of Pico Rivera by any person who is disabled or handicapped, or whose ability to walk is impaired as shown by medical evidence;
Any device designated, intended and used solely for the transportation of infants; or
The transportation of goods or merchandise to and from the place of purchase or storage.
(Ord. 1067 § 2, 2011)
No person shall ride or coast upon, or use to ride or coast upon any bicycle or rollerskates, or ride in or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device upon any overhead pedestrian crossing or pedestrian tunnel within the city.
(Prior code § 3335.1)
No operator of any bicycle shall carry any other person upon the bar, handlebars, carrier racks, fenders, or any other portion of such bicycle, and no person shall so ride upon any such bicycle other than the operator thereof.
(Prior code § 3336)
No person traveling upon any bicycle, coaster, rollerskates, motorcycle or any toy vehicle shall cling to or attach him or her or herself or his or her vehicle to any other moving vehicle or streetcar.
(Prior code § 3338)
No person, firm or corporation shall operate or use, or permit to be operated or used on any street in the city any bicycle propelled wholly or in part by muscular power unless such bicycle shall have been registered and licensed as provided in Article II of this chapter.
Whenever the words "city clerk" appear herein, the same mean director of finance of the city, and all duties bestowed in this chapter upon the city clerk shall be performed by the director of finance.
Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, the duties herein bestowed upon the director of finance may be performed by the sheriff of Los Angeles County pursuant to contractual arrangement between the city and the county of Los Angeles, and the performance of such duties by the sheriff of Los Angeles County shall constitute compliance with the terms and provisions of Article II of this chapter.
(Prior code § 3400)
Every person, firm or corporation coming within the provisions of Section 10.72.050 shall cause such bicycle to be registered by making application in writing therefor to the director of finance or sheriff upon forms provided by that official. Such form shall show the name and address of the applicant, a description of such bicycle, including the name, serial number, if any, and color thereof, together with such information or description as may be required.
Upon receipt of such application, said official shall register the bicycle in a permanent register maintained for that purpose and give the bicycle a registration number.
When the bicycle is so registered, a registration certificate and a license shall be issued to the applicant upon payment of the prescribed fee. Both the registration certificate and license shall bear the registration number assigned.
Such registration shall continue until the city council shall order re-registration. If the license plate or decal is lost, stolen or mutilated, the person, firm or corporation subject to the provisions of Section 10.72.050 shall make an application to re-register such bicycle. The previous registration shall be cancelled and the bicycle shall be re-registered in the permanent register and, if necessary, a new identifying number shall be given to such bicycle.
(Prior code § 3401)
It shall be the duty of any person residing within the incorporated territory of the city, who sells or transfers ownership of any such bicycle, to report such sale or transfer by returning to the sheriff or city clerk the registration card issued to such person, firm or corporation as licensee thereof, together with the name and address of the person to whom such bicycle was sold or transferred, and such report shall be made within five days of the date of such sale or transfer. It shall be the duty of the purchaser or transferee of such bicycle to apply for a transfer of registration therefor within such five days of the date of such sale or transfer. It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to refuse, fail or neglect to conform to any provisions of this section.
(Prior code § 3402)
A license plate, which may be in the form of a decal, shall be numbered and contain the letters "L.A. Co. B.L." or similar letters, and shall be attached to the frame of the bicycle for which issued.
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to remove, mutilate, deface or destroy any such license or decal, or to transfer any such license or decal to any bicycle for which the same was not issued.
No license shall be issued and no bicycle shall be registered or re-registered except upon payment of the fee of fifty cents for each such license issued, or registration or re-registration, to the director of finance or sheriff. Each such license shall continue without the necessity of renewal or further fee until the city council shall, by ordinance or resolution, direct re-registration, as provided in Section 10.72.060 of this article. Each such license when so issued shall entitle the licensee to operate such bicycle for which such license shall have been issued upon any of the public highways within the incorporated territory of the city.
Any person, firm or corporation coming within the provisions of Section 10.72.050 shall at all times keep the license or decal visibly displayed upon the bicycle, with the exception that this article shall not apply to any person, firm or corporation otherwise coming within the provisions of Section 10.72.050 who does not normally keep or store such bicycle within the city, and who has otherwise obtained and kept in full force and effect a bicycle registration and license for such bicycle imposed by the jurisdiction where the bicycle is normally kept or stored.
(Prior code § 3404)
Every auctioneer, auto wrecker, foundry, pawnbroker, secondhand dealer, junk dealer or bicycle dealer shall notify the director of finance or the sheriff in writing, on forms prescribed, not less often than once a week, of each bicycle received in the course of business by him or her since his or her last report. In such reports, he or she shall describe each such bicycle received and give the license number thereof, if any. In addition, he or she shall supply such other information as the sheriff or director of finance shall require.
The dealer shall not sell, transfer, deliver, destroy or alter any such bicycle until fourteen days after its receipt has been reported to the aforementioned official.
(Prior code § 3405)
Any person residing within the city who has heretofore during the calendar year registered such bicycle as provided for herein and procured a county license for this year, good until December 31, 1958, shall not be required to comply with the sections of this chapter, except upon the sale or transfer or ownership of title, until January 1, 1959.
(Prior code § 3406)
Upon the sale or transfer of title of any such bicycle licensed pursuant to the provisions of Article II of this chapter, the purchaser or transferee thereof, upon payment of the sum of fifty cents to the city clerk, shall be entitled to have the existing license issued for such bicycle transferred to the name of the new owner thereof. Each application for any such transfer shall be made to the city clerk in writing, and shall describe such bicycle in sufficient detail to identify the same, and shall include the serial number or other identifying mark existing thereon.
Provided, however, that no such license shall be transferred unless and until the applicant for such transfer shall present to the city clerk a certificate in writing signed by the sheriff of Los Angeles County, certifying that the registration of such bicycle has been changed to such applicant as transferee or the new owner thereof.
(Prior code § 3407)
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation wilfully to remove, destroy, mutilate or alter, or to cause or permit to be removed, destroyed, mutilated or altered the number on any bicycle frame for which any such registration shall have been made pursuant to the provisions of Article II of this chapter.
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to remove, destroy, mutilate or alter, or to cause or permit to be removed, destroyed, mutilated or altered any license plate issued by or on behalf of the city, for any such bicycle or any seal or registration certificate relating to such bicycle during the time in which such license plate, seal or registration certificate is operative.
Provided, however, that nothing in this article shall be deemed or construed to prohibit the sheriff from stamping any number on the frame of any such bicycle on which no serial number can be found, or on which such serial number is illegible or insufficient for identification purposes.
(Prior code § 3403)