As used in this chapter, the following terms are defined in this section:
"In-line skate"
means any vehicle, device, or contrivance with any number of wheels in a straight line attached to a shoe, or other foot gear, which is designed to be, or can be, propelled by human power, and which is not defined as a bicycle by the California Vehicle Code. The term "in-line skate" also includes motorized in-line skates.
means any riding of a skateboard or similar contrivance in a supine or prone position.
means any vehicle, device, or contrivance with any number of wheels attached to a shoe, or other foot gear, which is designed to be, or can be, propelled by human power, and which is not defined as a bicycle by the California Vehicle Code. The term "rollerskate" also includes motorized roller skates.
means any vehicle, device, or contrivance with any number of wheels, with a riding surface of any design, upon which a person may place one or more feet, and which is designed to be, or can be propelled by human power, and which is not defined as a bicycle by the California Vehicle Code. The term skateboard also includes motorized skateboards.
means any vehicle, device, or contrivance with any number of wheels, with a riding surface of any design, upon which a person may place one or more feet, and which is designed to be, or can be propelled by human power, has an upright steering handle attached to front or rear, and which is not defined as a bicycle by the California Vehicle Code. The term scooter also includes motorized scooters.
"Tricks" and or "Stunts"
means any singular or repetitive jump, flip, grind, or any other maneuver for performance, demonstration, practice, or display of skill on a skateboard, in-line skate or roller skate, or scooter or similar contrivance.
(Ord. 954 § 2, 2000; Ord. 975 § 1, 2002)
The riding of skateboards, scooters, in-line skates, rollerskates, or other similar contrivances, as defined in Section 10.74.010 shall be prohibited upon any private or public property when such property has been posted pursuant to this section. Property owners and/or their managers are authorized to post or erect signs, at their own expense, prohibiting the riding of skateboards, scooters, in-line skates, rollerskates, or similar contrivances in or on those premises for which such a request has been made to, and approved by, the city manager or his/her designee.
(Ord. 954 § 2, 2000)
The property owner or its manager shall erect authorized signs giving notice of the prohibition set forth in Section 10.74.020. Authorized signs shall be a minimum of seventeen inches by twenty-two inches, with one-inch letters, posted adjacent to the entrances to the subject property. These signs may be erected in such a position to prevent vandalism or theft. The property owner, or manager, shall have on file with the police department a signed consent form authorizing the police department to enforce said ordinance.
(Ord. 954 § 2, 2000)
Section 10.74.020 shall not be deemed to make punishable an act or acts which are prohibited by a statute of the state of California.
(Ord. 954 § 2, 2000)
Any violation of this chapter shall constitute an infraction and shall be punishable as hereinafter provided:
A fine not to exceed fifty dollars;
On the fifth calendar day following the date indicated on the citation as the date to appear if no appearance has been made by either:
Payment of bail,
Payment of a fine imposed by this section,
The filing of a notice of contest with the collecting agency; the citation shall be deemed delinquent and a fine of five dollars shall be imposed in addition to that imposed under subsection A of this section;
On the fortieth calendar day following the date indicated on the citation as the date to appear if no appearance has been made by either:
Payment of bail,
Payment of a fine imposed by this section,
The filing of a notice of contest with the collecting agency; the citation shall be deemed delinquent and an additional fine of fifteen dollars shall be imposed in addition to that imposed under subsections A and B of this section.
(Ord. 954 § 2, 2000)
The city council may, from time to time, designate certain areas for skateboard, skates and/or scooter. Such areas shall be designated by resolution of the city council and posted with appropriate signs.
The following regulations shall apply within the designated skateboarding and in-line skating areas:
No person shall skateboard and/or in-line skate at times other than those established as the hours of operation;
No person shall use the skateboarding and/or in-line skating area for uses other than for skateboarding and/or skating;
No person shall use the designated skateboarding and/or in-line skating area unless they wear proper safety equipment per manufacturer's instructions including a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads;
No person shall cause bicycles, roller skates, scooters, and/or motor driven vehicles to be in the skateboarding and/or in-line skating area;
No person shall use tobacco, alcohol and/or drugs in the designated skateboarding and/or inline skating area;
No person shall carry, consume, hold food and/or beverages in designated skateboarding and/or in-line skating area;
No person shall cause graffiti, tagging, or placement of stickers in, on, or around designated skateboarding and/or in-line skating area;
No person shall skateboard, roller skate, in-line skate, and/or scooter or use other contrivances in the performance of tricks or stunts on city-owned or school district-owned curbs, sidewalks, driveways or parking lots surrounding the skateboarding and/or in-line skating area;
No person shall change, alter, modify, or introduce any apparatuses, wax, lubricants, or other contrivances upon any surface in, on, or around designated skateboarding and/or in-line skating area;
No person shall ride any skateboard or similar contrivance in a supine or prone or "luge" position;
Persons not adhering to posted skateboarding and/or in-line skating rules in designated skateboarding and/or in-line skating area are subject to immediate removal and loss privileges.
A violation of any section or subsection in this chapter is deemed to be an infraction and is punishable as such according to the provisions of this code and state law.
(Ord. 954 § 2, 2000; Ord. 975 § 2, 2002)