All work shall be performed in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction—1991 Edition, or according to the plans referred to in the permit and, in addition, to any special requirements and/or specifications which are made a part of the permit. In case of a conflict between two specifications, the higher specification shall apply.
(Prior code § 7103.05; Ord. 806 § 1, 1992)
Any person who shall commence any work for which a permit is required by Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title without first having obtained a permit therefor shall stop and apply for such permit.
(Prior code § 7103.06)
Every permit issued under Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title for activity or work in, along, on, over, across or under the street shall be granted subject to the right of the city or of any other person entitled thereto, to use that part of such highway for any purpose for which such street may lawfully be used. Proof of the applicant's right to use the highways for the purposes set forth in the application shall be filed with the city engineer.
(Prior code § 7103.04)
Every person who commences any activity or work regulated by Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title must comply with the provisions of Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40, the provisions made a part of any permit, and the provisions of the specifications and all codes referred to by said Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40.
(Prior code § 7103.09)
Whenever Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title require a permittee to perform any work, take any action or be liable for any fees or costs, such requirement also applies to any person who commences any work for which a permit is required by said Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40, whether such person obtains such a permit or not.
(Prior code § 7103.03)
Any person engaged in performing work regulated by Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title which interferes with or endangers the safe movement of traffic, shall have the work safeguarded by adequate warning signs, barricades, lights and devices. He or she shall be responsible for placing and maintaining adequate warning signs, lights, barricades and devices during all periods of his or her activity, in order to promote the safe movement of traffic, including, but not limited to, periods of twilight, nighttime, fog and/or rain. All warning signs, barriers, barricades, flags and other devices shall comply with or exceed the standards required by the city engineer.
(Prior code § 7103.01)
The permittee shall make the permit available for inspection by the city engineer or his or her representative, or by any peace officer or other person having responsibility for safety or maintenance of the street. Each permit for moving must be in or on the vehicle or combination of vehicles to which it refers.
(Prior code § 7103.07)
A person shall not obstruct the city engineer or his or her duly authorized representative in making any inspection authorized by Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title, or in taking any sample or in making any test.
(Prior code § 7103.02)
Every person who commences any activity or work regulated by Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title shall safeguard and complete the activity or work within a reasonable time. Any part of the street facility of any nature removed or disturbed shall be repaired, restored and replaced in a condition satisfactory to the city engineer. All surplus material of any kind shall be removed from the street.
(Prior code § 7103.08)
All persons shall obey and comply with every order, decision, direction or rule made or presented by the city engineer in the matters specified on the permit or by attachments, or by any other matter in any way relating to or affecting their use of the street, and shall do everything necessary or proper to secure compliance therewith by all of its officers, agents and employees; except, in the case of a public utility regulated by the Public Utilities Commission, when such order, decision, direction or rule is contrary to or in conflict with any order, decision, direction or rule made or prescribed by the Public Utilities Commission applicable to such public utility.
(Prior code § 7103.14)
The city engineer may restrict the use of or close any city street whenever he or she considers such closing or restriction of use necessary:
For the protection of the public;
For the protection of such city street from damage during storms;
During construction, improvement or maintenance operations thereon.
(Prior code § 7103.15)
The permittee shall investigate and be aware of all existing facilities lawfully within the streets which are within the limits of his or her activity. The permittee shall not interfere with any existing public or private facility without the consent of its owner. If it becomes necessary to relocate an existing facility, this shall be done by its owner, or to the satisfaction of its owner.
(Prior code § 7103.12(A))
The cost of locating, exposing, moving or relocating publicly and privately owned facilities shall be borne by the permittee unless he or she makes other arrangements with the owner of the facility or unless the owner is required by his or her franchise or agreement to relocate his or her facility without cost.
(Prior code § 7103.12(B))
Except in emergency work to protect the public and property, any permittee proposing to excavate in any street shall make a search of available records of underground facilities and shall notify owners or operators known to have such facilities in the vicinity of the proposed excavation by telephone or other acceptable means of communications at least forty-eight hours prior to the time of proposed excavation, exclusive of weekends or legal holidays.
At such time as a one-call notification system is operational in the incorporated territory of the city, the permittee shall notify those owners or operators who are members of the system by notifying the system by telephone at least forty-eight hours prior to the time of proposed excavation, exclusive of weekends or legal holidays. The permit shall not be valid until the permittee receives a "ticket" number from the system acknowledging the notification, which number the permittee shall enter upon the face of the permit. Such notification is an additional method to be used in determining underground facilities, and does not relieve the permittee from the responsibility to assure that owners or operators of such facilities are notified.
Any permittee shall likewise notify nonmembers of the system who are owners or operators of facilities in the vicinity of the proposed excavation.
Any person receiving notice pursuant to this chapter shall, not less than one working day in advance of proposed construction unless otherwise agreed between such person and the permittee, inform the permittee of or field mark the location of any underground facility in the proposed area of excavation.
(Prior code § 7103.12(D))
Each permittee excavating in the street shall notify the public agency maintaining records for that jurisdiction and the owner, if known, whenever previously unidentified or unknown utilities or underground facilities are encountered, so that the location can be accurately established and made part of the permanent substructure records.
(Prior code § 7103.12(G))
No moving contractor, as defined in Chapter 12.04, shall interfere in any manner whatsoever with any property of any public utility. When any load requiring a special permit is moved along or across any street, and it is determined that the height, width or weight of such load exceeds the height, width or weight as stated in the permit and property damage results therefrom, the city engineer is authorized to withhold any other moving permit from the violator until he or she produces evidence satisfactory to the city engineer that each additional permit load complies with all dimensions and weights as shown upon the application, and the load will not interfere with any public utility. The permittee violating this section may also be prosecuted under the provisions of Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title.
(Prior code § 7103.12(H))
The permittee shall support and protect all facilities by a method satisfactory to the owner. The owner has the right to support or protect any of its facilities at the sole expense of the permittee. In case any of such facilities should be damaged (and for this purpose, pipe coating or other encasement of devices should be considered as part of a structure), they may be repaired by the owner at the expense of the permittee or, if authorized by the owner, may be repaired by the permittee under the supervision of the owner. The expense of repairs to any damaged facilities shall be borne by the permittee.
(Prior code § 7103.12(C))
Any permittee, prior to making any excavation within the construction area where a pipeline known to carry a hazardous substance exists, shall not excavate until the pipeline has been located by potholing or other proven or acceptable method, at intervals sufficient to determine its exact location. The permittee shall arrange with the owner to locate or expose private and public facilities. Abandoned or inoperative pipelines designed to carry hazardous substances shall be considered as carrying a hazardous substance until determined otherwise by the owner.
In no case shall the intervals between potholes or the location by proven acceptable methods exceed the distance set forth as follows:
Excavations for Street Construction. The pipelines shall be located at intervals not greater than twenty-five feet for lines less than eight inches in diameter, fifty feet for lines of eight inches through twenty-four inches in diameter, and one hundred feet for lines greater than twenty-four inches in diameter;
Trench Excavation.
Longitudinal Pipelines. All longitudinal pipelines in the construction area of the streets shall be located at intervals not greater than five hundred feet. If determined to be within six feet of the excavation, it shall be further located at intervals not greater than twenty-five feet for lines less than eight inches in diameter, fifty feet for lines of eight inches through twenty-four inches in diameter, and one hundred feet for lines greater than twenty-four inches in diameter,
Transverse Pipelines. If the location of the pipelines is above or less than six inches below the facility being installed, it shall be carefully hand-tool exposed before excavating. If its location is six inches or more below the facility, it need only be located.
(Prior code § 7103.12(E))
After it is determined that the horizontal or vertical clearance between the pipeline known to carry hazardous substances and the construction limits is less than twelve inches (eighteen inches if scarifying), the permittee shall confer with the owner. Unless the owner elects to relocate, abandon or take the pipeline out of service, the permittee shall not excavate until the pipeline has been completely hand-tool exposed within the limits of construction.
Once the physical location of pipelines known to carry hazardous substances has been determined, as above described, the permittee doing the excavating, in cooperation with and with the concurrence of the owner, shall determine how to protect the pipeline from damage before proceeding with his or her work.
(Prior code § 7103.12(F))
Upon completion of the permittee's activity, the city engineer, at his or her option, may require the permittee to restore that portion of the street facilities damaged by the permittee's activity, or the city engineer may elect to do such restoration himself.
Where the pavement or surface has been removed, the permittee shall replace it to a thickness one inch greater than that of the surrounding pavement or surface, and in no event to a thickness less than two inches.
The base course removed shall be replaced to the same thickness as that of the surrounding base course.
Where the street surface has been treated with a seal or slurry prior to the work under permit, the seal and/or slurry shall be replaced upon the portion repaired.
When the structural section removed varies from or exceeds the average existing section, the city engineer may elect to require the replacement of an equivalent section which would meet the average structural section requirements.
In those instances where the permittee's excavation is within an area of street to be reconstructed by the city and the resurfacing of the excavation is an integral part of the general city improvement, the city engineer may waive such resurfacing.
(Prior code § 7103.10)
When paving, excavated material, barricades, lights or other devices are not properly placed or maintained; when the work started is not completed; when the work does not comply with the specifications or any special requirement; when the person fails or refuses to remove any obstruction; when any street facility has been damaged and the person fails or refuses to repair or restore; the city engineer, with city forces or otherwise, may cause such to be placed, erected, completed, repaired, restored and/or maintained. The person shall pay for any and all costs.
(Prior code § 7103.13)
The permittee shall save harmless the city, its officers, agents and employees of and from any and all liability or responsibility for any property damage or loss, or injury or death to any person arising out of or occurring as the proximate result of the work undertaken.
(Prior code § 7103.12(I))
Every person who performs any work regulated by Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title, either without first obtaining a permit therefor from the city engineer or, having a permit, fails or refuses to comply with any applicable provisions of said Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40, or with any conditions of the permit, or performs work contrary to any of the general or special requirements or specifications of the permit, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and is guilty of a separate offense for every day during any part of which such violation occurs.
(Prior code § 7103.16)
Violation of any provisions of Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title is punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(Prior code § 7103.17)
The city engineer shall notify in writing the owner, occupant, lessee or other persons having possession of the premises where any person has constructed, reconstructed or repaired curbs, gutters, driveways, culverts, streetlights or lighting systems, or other appurtenant structures, with or without a permit, in violation of the standards established by the city engineer, that the continued maintenance or existence of such violation will constitute a hazardous condition for pedestrians and motorists, and in some instances endanger the public health, safety and welfare, and that such person or persons must remove, replace or otherwise correct such violation within thirty days, and if not so removed, replaced or otherwise corrected within such thirty days, that the same will be removed, replaced or otherwise corrected by the city engineer and the expense thereof charged to such person or persons.
(Prior code § 7103.18)
If the violation is not so abated by the person within such thirty days, the city engineer shall file with the city council a written report setting forth the facts of the violation, the giving of such notice, and the work needed to be done to remove, replace or otherwise correct the violation. The city clerk shall then give a written notice of hearing before the city council, setting forth, among other things, the following:
The street address and legal description sufficient for identification of the premises where the violation is located;
The conditions because of which the city engineer believes such violation is a hazard, or endangers the public health, safety and welfare;
The date, hour and place of hearing;
The necessary work or act to be performed;
A general statement that all interested parties who desire to be heard may appear before the city council to show cause why the violation should not be abated.
(Prior code § 7103.19)
The city clerk shall cause one copy of the notice of hearing to be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises where the violation exists and shall, in addition, not less than ten days prior to the hearing, cause one copy of the notice to be served, either in the manner required by law for the service of summons or by first class mail, postage prepaid, upon the owner of the premises as well as upon the possessor or occupant or any person in apparent charge or control of such premises.
(Prior code § 7103.20)
The city council shall:
Hear and consider all competent evidence offered by any person pertaining to the matter set forth in the report of the city engineer;
Make a finding of fact as to whether or not the violation is a public hazard or endangers the public health, safety and welfare;
Make an order based upon such finding that the violation is:
Not a hazard or endangers the public health, safety and welfare requiring abatement, or
Is a hazard or endangers the public health, safety and welfare requiring abatement.
If the finding and order is that the violation is a hazard or endangers the public health, safety and welfare, requiring abatement, the order shall state the street address of the property involved as well as a legal description of the premises sufficient for identification, the particulars which render the violation a hazard or endangers the public health, safety and welfare, the work required to be done, and the time within which the work must be commenced, which shall not be less than ten days nor later than thirty days after the service of the order, and a reasonable time within which the work shall be completed, as established by the city council in such order.
The city clerk shall post the order in a conspicuous place on the premises involved and serve a copy thereof in the manner prescribed herein for service of the notice of hearing upon the person upon whom this chapter requires the notice of hearing to be served.
(Prior code § 7103.21)
The owner or other person having charge and control of the property where the violation found to be a hazard or endangering the public safety, health and welfare exists, who fails to comply with any order of the city council to abate the violation is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Any person who removes any notice or order posted as required by this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior code § 7103.22)
The city council finds and determines that if the owner of the premises fails to comply with such order within the time specified by the city council, or any extension thereof, that the city engineer shall cause the work of abatement to be performed as ordered previously. In such an event, the city engineer or his or her duly authorized agent shall keep an itemized account of the expenses involved in the abatement of the violation.
Upon completion of the work, the city engineer shall cause to be posted on the property where the work was performed a verified statement showing the cost of the abatement as well as a notice of the time and place when and where the verified statement of cost will be submitted to the city council for approval and confirmation, and at which time the city council shall consider any objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such work, and any other interested person. A copy of the statement and notice shall be mailed in the same manner prescribed in this chapter for mailing of notice of hearing, and an affidavit of such posting and mailing shall be filed with the city clerk.
(Prior code § 7103.23)
The posting and giving notice of the statement of cost of the work shall be within ten days from the completion of the work as ordered, and the hearing on the statement shall be not less than ten days nor more than thirty days from the date of giving of the notice.
At the time fixed for the hearing of the statement of expense, the city council shall consider the statement together with any objections or protests which may be raised by any of the property owners liable to be assessed for doing the work, and any other interested person, and thereupon the city council may make such revision, correction or modification of the statement as it may deem just, after which, by motion or resolution, the report as submitted (or in the event any revisions, corrections or modifications have been ordered by the city council, then the statement as revised, corrected or modified), shall be confirmed.
(Prior code § 7103.24)
The cost of the work and the expense of abatement of the violation shall be a lien against the property on which it was maintained, "Cost," as used in this section, means the cost after deducting therefrom any consideration or price received, if any, for materials removed in the abatement of the violation. In the event the cost is not paid within five days after the decision of the city council confirming the statement, such shall constitute a lien upon the real property upon which the violation was abated, which lien shall continue until the amount thereof and interest thereon at the rate of six percent per year, computed from the date of confirmation of the statement until paid, has been paid, or until it is discharged of record.
In the event of nonpayment, the city council shall, at any time within sixty days after the decision of the city council on the statement, cause to be filed in the office of the county recorder of the county in which the property is located, a certificate substantially in the following form:
Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Division I of Title 12 of the Pico Rivera Municipal Code, the undersigned did on the __________ day of __________, 20_____, cause a violation to be abated on the real property hereinafter described and the undersigned did on the __________ day of __________, 20_______, by action duly recorded in its official minutes as of said date, assess the cost of such abatement, less the amount received from the sale of any materials removed in the course of said abatement, upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof and the said undersigned does hereby claim a lien on said real property for the net expenses for the doing of said work in the sum of $__________, and the work shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rate of 6% per annum, from the said day of __________, 20_____, (insert day of confirmation of statement), has been paid in full and discharged of record, as well as a personal obligation against (insert name of property owner).
The real property hereinbefore mentioned, upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain place or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Pico Rivera, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and particularly described as follows:
DATED this __________ day of __________, 20__________.
By ____________________________
City Engineer
(Prior code § 7103.25)
The cost of the abatement shall also constitute a special assessment against the parcel. Confirmation of the statement or report shall be a confirmation of the assessment, and shall be a lien on the property or parcel where the abatement was performed.
After confirmation of the statement, a certified copy of the claim shall be filed with the county auditor on or before August 10th. The description of the parcel or parcels reporting shall be those used for the parcels on the county assessor's map book for the current year. The county auditor shall enter each assessment on the county tax roll opposite the parcel of land. The amount of the assessment shall be collected at the time and in the manner of ordinary municipal taxes. As an alternative method, the county tax collector, in his or her discretion, may collect the assessment without reference to the general taxes, by issuing separate bills and receipts for the assessment. Law relating to the levy, collection and enforcement of county taxes shall apply to such special assessment taxes.
The city engineer may receive the amount due on the abatement cost and issue receipts at any time after the confirmation of the statement, prior to August 1st of that current year.
The city council may order refunded all or part of a tax paid pursuant to the provisions of this section if it finds that all or part of the taxes have been erroneously levied. A tax or part shall not be refunded unless a claim is filed with the city clerk on or before March 1st after taxes become due and payable. The claim shall be verified by the person who pays the tax or is guardian, executor or administrator.
(Prior code § 7103.26)
The remedies herein set forth are cumulative. Violations on publicly dedicated rights-of-way may be abated in accordance with the terms and provisions of Division I of this title. Any failure hereunder to record the lien under the provisions of this division shall not bar collection for the cost of the abatement of the violation by either special assessment proceedings, or by other means.
The provisions of this division constituting the cost of the abatement of the violation a lien against the property may be modified by the city council as it deems necessary in confirming the report of the city engineer in those cases where the city council should find that a proportionate share or all of the share of the cost of the work should be borne by the city in the best public interest.
(Prior code § 7103.27)