All persons, except as otherwise specified in Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title, shall pay an issuance fee and all other costs and charges as established by resolution of the city council for the work covered in Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40.
(Ord. 775 § 1, 1990)
The following shall be exempt from paying the issuance fee: The United States, this state, this county, any municipal corporation, any school district, and any special district organized under state law.
(Prior code § 7104.16)
The city engineer may grant a permit without issuance fee if he or she finds that the work to be done has been requested by the city in connection with proposed public works.
(Prior code § 7104.18)
The city engineer may issue a permit without any inspection fee or deposit for work which will be inspected by a qualified governmental agency which will furnish evidence to the effect that the work will be inspected and will comply with minimum standards required by the city.
If an applicant receives a permit pursuant to this provision and the governmental agency fails to make the inspection or fails to file evidence as required, the city engineer may inspect the work and the permittee shall pay the actual cost of such inspection to the city engineer.
(Prior code § 7104.29)
The issuance fees shall be as defined in the fee schedule set forth in resolution adopted by the city council.
The issuance fees required by this provision are nonrefundable.
(Ord. 775 § 1, 1990)
The permittee is liable for and shall pay for all the city engineer's costs related to the permit, including, but not restricted to the following:
The permit issuance fee, if that has not otherwise been paid;
Engineering, which includes design, inspection, survey and tests;
The cost of any inspection, transportation or test made;
The cost of repairing or restoring the streets and all appurtenant facilities to the same or equal condition that they were in before being cut or damaged as a result of the permittee's activities;
The cost of furnishing and/or maintaining any lights, barricades or warning devices;
The cost of alteration, removal, replacement and/or repair to traffic signals and devices, the removal of temporary and/or permanent traffic stripes, and any other expense for traffic control;
The cost of removing or remedying any hazardous condition;
The cost of tree trimming;
Any other cost to the city caused by the permittee's activity.
(Prior code § 7104.19)
In addition to the issuance fee as described in Section 12.12.100, applicants for a construction permit as described in Chapter 12.16 of this division, shall pay fees for engineering review and construction inspection as established by resolution of the city council.
A refund of fees collected under this provision shall not be made unless the permittee does not submit plans and proceed with the proposed work. In such cases, the permittee may apply to the city engineer for a return of the fee paid, less ten percent for processing.
(Ord. 775 § 1, 1990)
In addition to the issuance fee, applicants for an excavation permit, as described in Chapter 12.20 of this division, shall deposit with the city engineer a sum of money which is twice the estimated cost of restoring the pavement and base which may be damaged or destroyed by the proposed excavation or obstruction. The cost shall be determined by the city engineer using accepted methods of estimating costs for the work involved, using current square foot unit costs.
(Ord. 775 § 1, 1990)
In addition to the issuance fee, applicants for a moving permit, as described in Chapter 12.24 of this division, who do not maintain a sufficient general deposit with the city engineer, shall deposit with the city engineer such amounts as established by resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 775 § 1, 1990)
In lieu of making the deposit required by Section 12.12.220, the moving contractor may make and maintain with the city engineer a general deposit in a sum equal to the amount of the deposit for the highest class of permit he or she desires, expects or intends to use.
(Prior code § 7104.23)
In addition to the issuance fee, applicants for an overhead structure permit, as described in Chapter 12.28 of this division, shall deposit with the city engineer an amount estimated by the city engineer to be equal to twice the actual cost of all necessary engineering, inspection, removal of overhead structures, and repair of any sidewalk or street which may be injured by such construction.
(Prior code § 7104.24)
In addition to the issuance fee, applicants for a temporary encroachment permit, as described in Chapter 12.32 of this division, shall make a special deposit with the city engineer as established by resolution of the city council, to cover any costs incurred by the city engineer in providing barricades, or to remove the temporary encroachment, if such are not provided, maintained or removed by the permittee in accordance with the terms of the permit.
(Ord. 775 § 1, 1990)
Whenever in the provisions of Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title any costs are to be charged to any permittee and no other method for the calculation of such costs is specified, such costs are the actual costs, including overhead and depreciation, in accordance with current practice in charging for work performed for the public.
(Prior code § 7104.26)
Issuance fees and charges for repairs, inspection or engineering collected under the provisions of Division I and Chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of this title shall be deposited in the respective funds from which the corresponding disbursements are made.
(Prior code § 7104.15)
In order to promote the welfare, well-being and safety of the public traveling along or across any street, the city engineer may do any work within the streets of whatever nature is required, in his or her opinion, to reestablish conditions as they existed prior to commencement of work done by any person within the streets and for which a permit has not been obtained. The city engineer shall charge the cost of the rehabilitation to the person doing the unauthorized work.
(Prior code § 7104.27)
The city engineer's costs of repairing and restoring the street pavement and base course shall be based on the actual cost basis.
(Ord. 775 § 1, 1990)
Whenever a permittee fails to comply with the conditions established for the exercise of a privilege granted under a permit, the city engineer may revoke the privilege. Upon such revocation, the permittee shall immediately restore the street to the city engineer's satisfaction. If the permittee fails to do so, the city engineer may restore the street at the expense of the permittee, or charge the permittee a fee of three hundred dollars a day for each day of failure to restore the street.
(Ord. 775 § 1, 1990)